Patients with fractures of varying severity often come to polyclinics. Someone breaks their legs, someone needs to put a cast on a broken arm. According to medical statistics, most injuries occur in which the bones of the chest are damaged. After serious injuries, the treatment of rib fractures requires surgery.

What is the danger of broken ribs
This injury can be obtained with a severe bruise, an unsuccessful fall or an accident. At the time of the fracture, you may feel severe pain. Gradually, it passes or becomes less noticeable. If the injury is not serious, then there will be no consequences. The bones will grow together within three weeks, a maximum of a month, and no special treatment for a rib fracture will be required. However, a serious injury can result in a consequence that will lead to death. It is especially important to know that pieces of bone tissue separated due to a fracture can pierce the lung. The puncture will cause internal bleeding (hemothorax) or the chest cavity will fill with air (pneumothorax). In any situation, you should consult a doctor urgently.

Howself-identify rib fracture
You can do an examination and make a diagnosis without the help of a doctor. To do this, you need to know the symptoms of fractures. First of all, pay attention to breathing, pulse and painful sensations when moving. If, when inhaling, a person feels pain and discomfort, the heartbeat increases sharply, and the pain does not disappear - a fracture is possible. Now you need to determine the location of the alleged injury. Usually, it swells, and when you press the rib, the pain increases dramatically. If you experience these symptoms, see your doctor for an examination. After him, treatment of rib fractures is prescribed.
How to help an injured person
With closed fractures, if the victim can breathe on his own, you need to apply a bandage. For her, all improvised means are suitable. For example, you can use a bandage, a towel, a T-shirt, or something else. The victim should draw air into the lungs, and at this moment you will make him a tight bandage.
With open fractures, you can not move a person. The only way you can help is to call an ambulance. Arriving doctors will take the victim to the clinic, where he will be prescribed appropriate treatment for rib fractures. If you find an open fracture, do not try to help yourself. If you don't have a medical background, you'll only make things worse.

What is the treatment after a fracture
Before making an appointment, the doctor conducts an examination, sends the patient for x-rays and additionalanalyses. Provided that the fracture did not affect the internal organs in any way, the patient is given a tight bandage and prescribed painkillers. Hospitalization is not required. If the injury led to the occurrence of such consequences as pneumothorax or hemothorax, then the victim will undergo a number of appropriate procedures.
When injured, remember that rib fractures should only be treated in a clinic.