Epilepsy is what doctors call a sign of a neurological dysfunction present in an area of the brain. Symptoms of epilepsy in a dog often indicate some imbalance in the bioelectrical system of the body, which leads to impaired functioning of the nervous system. Nerve cells in one part of the brain suddenly lose their electrical stability, resulting in an electrical discharge. It quickly spreads to the surrounding cells. It is natural, therefore, that their work is disrupted.

Signs of epilepsy in a dog are most often manifested in convulsive twitching of the limbs. Their strength can range from relatively weak paw movements to true seizures during which the animal's entire body convulses.
Veterinarians note that epilepsy attacks in dogs are often observed against the background of diseases such as heart disease, brain tumor, diabetes, as well as problems with the liver and kidneys. True epilepsy, that is, not provoked by anything, depends primarily on hereditary predisposition. The reasons for it are still notinstalled.

Epilepsy in dogs. Causes and types
As noted above, there are two types of the disease. Doctors say that there is primary and secondary epilepsy in dogs. So, the causes of the disease can be associated with external factors, and may be due to genetic disorders. It must be emphasized that epilepsy is to some extent related to the breed of the animal. Dachshunds, German Shepherds, Labradors, Huskies, Poodles, St. Bernards, Spaniels, Collies, and Wire-Coated Terriers are most commonly affected by seizures.
Most often, the first seizure of epilepsy in a dog occurs before the age of six years. Of course, such a diagnosis cannot be considered proof of a genetic defect. It can be confirmed only by conducting a thorough examination of the animal. It is currently not possible to avoid this disease, however, most breeders try to minimize the risks by breeding only those dogs in the genus that did not have a single carrier of the disease.
Secondary epilepsy

As for secondary epilepsy, in this case the cause of seizures can be established. Most often, such factors as infectious diseases (for example, distemper or encephalitis), chemical poisoning, brain injuries, malnutrition, the presence of parasites in the body (especially helminths), as well as prolonged overvoltage.
In a dog, epileptic seizures are divided into three components. The state that precedes an attack is called an aura. The animal at the same time behaves very nervously, whines, tries to hide. Salivation intensifies. The next stage is ictal, during which the dog loses consciousness, its whole body is tense, its head is thrown back, breathing is difficult, all limbs are convulsively twitching. The postictal period may be accompanied by disorientation and temporary blindness. If the seizure continues for more than half an hour, you should see a doctor.