The fact that the Japanese are recognized centenarians is known to many. And this despite the fact that the inhabitants of Japan had to endure nuclear explosions in Heroshima and Nagasaki. But even this does not prevent them from having excellent he alth and living to a ripe old age. For many centuries, and maybe even millennia, the Japanese method of water treatment has been practiced in the Land of the Rising Sun.
This technique allows you to cure various diseases, ranging from headaches to malignant tumors. Its effectiveness is associated with the healing properties of water.

About the benefits of water
Water is an integral part of life, without which a person cannot exist normally. As you know, our body mainly consists of water. The role of this substance is familiar to everyone from school, but its medicinal properties are far from known to everyone. As it turns out, water is one of the most effective medicines thatused to heal the body.
Scientists around the world have repeatedly proven that the cause of most known diseases occurs due to a lack of water in the body. Its deficiency leads to disruption of metabolic processes, resulting in the development of diseases. From this follows the conclusion that since the disease occurs against the background of water deficiency, then it can be cured not with medicines, but with water. Regular consumption of water not only eliminates the symptoms of the disease, but also contributes to the complete recovery of the patient.
What diseases does water cure
Scientific studies have shown that a number of diseases can be cured with water. The Japanese water treatment method is used in the following cases:
- Women's diseases.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Infection of the stomach.
- Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
- Hemorrhoids.
- Disorders of the ear, throat and nose.
- Eye diseases.
- Tuberculosis.
- Overweight.
- Diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
- Oncological diseases.
Besides, if you try the Japanese method of water treatment for yourself, you will forget about constipation forever.

Why you need to drink water in the morning
After waking up in the morning due to lack of water, human blood is thicker. This is the reason why you should drink water on an empty stomach. If this is not done, then after breakfast the blood thickens, because water is needed to digest food. Since drinks such as tea and coffee are diureticeffect, even more water will be excreted from the body than was drunk. As a result, there will be a chronic lack of water, thick blood and malfunctions in the large intestine. And so on.
In order to ensure normal digestion, the Japanese water treatment method is used. How many mg should you drink? The amount of water drunk before breakfast should be 640 ml. After a meal, you need to wait 2-4 hours before drinking water again and eating. If the stomach is empty, water leaves it very quickly, after which the liquid enters the large intestine and is absorbed. All this contributes to the fact that juice is secreted in the stomach, and the blood does not thicken.
Water treatment (Japanese method): detailed explanation
Since ancient times, it has been customary in Japan to adhere to the tradition of drinking a cup of water after waking up in the morning. This procedure allows you to start the work of the whole organism. The Japanese method of water treatment is the easiest way to not only prevent and cure disease, but also to improve the entire body. In addition, it does not require financial costs, therefore it is available to everyone.
So, the Japanese water treatment method is as follows:
• In the morning, before brushing your teeth, drink 3-4 glasses of water. Drink in small sips.
• After brushing your teeth and not eating breakfast for 45 minutes.
• The next meal can be taken no earlier than two hours later.
• For those who find it difficult to drink this amount of water, you can start with a lower dosage, gradually bringing it up to the required volume.

Fluid recommendations
Water treatment (Japanese method), a detailed explanation of which is described above, provides that not mineral water is optimal for drinking, but ordinary drinking water. Drinking too cold water during a meal, as well as after it, is prohibited. In this case, it is better to use hot tea. This is due to the fact that cold water prevents the absorption of food, as the eaten fats congeal, which is why they dissolve poorly and are less absorbed by the intestines. If you drink hot tea during meals, fats will not accumulate under the skin, and the risk of developing cancer will decrease many times over.
It is worth noting that the Japanese recommend drinking water and other liquids no earlier than half an hour after eating. It is also believed that warm drinks are the best way to quench your thirst.
During medical treatment, the amount of water drunk per day should be at least 2 liters. In this case, water helps to speed up the removal of harmful substances associated with taking medications.
It is recommended to drink 2-2.5 liters of water every day.

Duration of water treatment
The timing of hydrotherapy depends on the type of disease.
If there are problems with the stomach, the water method of treatment is used for 10 days. The same period is needed in order to eliminate constipation.
For diabetes and high blood pressure, the course of treatment is 30 days.
Forelimination of toxicosis in pregnant women is required to drink water for 90 days.
Japanese method of water treatment even cures cancer. However, it is important to consider here that along with hydrotherapy, it is necessary to undergo a course of therapy prescribed by an oncologist. Wellness water treatments last 180 days.

Treatment with water has been tried by many people. It is worth noting that the reviews that leave about the Japanese technique are filled with positive. After the treatment course, as a rule, a positive result was noted in the form of an improvement in general well-being, elimination of constipation, and loss of excess weight. Many indicate that hydrotherapy helped to get rid of joint pain, solve problems with the intestines, and also get rid of a number of other diseases.
The only disadvantage of this technique is frequent urination, which is not very convenient for working people. Nevertheless, there is a way out of the situation. You have to get up early to try the Japanese water treatment method, which has impressive reviews.

Hydrotherapy is good because it has no side effects. It can be followed by people of all ages. True, at first there may be increased urination, which disappears as the body gets used to the procedure. After completing the treatment course, you should not refuse further water intake in the morning. Let water procedureswill become your he althy habit that will help you forget about diseases.