Radish is one of the most ancient types of vegetables, which was eaten in ancient Egypt, as evidenced by the images on the pyramid of Cheops. Our ancestors knew about the benefits of the product. In Russia, it was used to treat all kinds of ailments, they prepared a variety of dishes. Since ancient times, it has been valued for its excellent taste and rich content of nutrients and vitamins. This root crop can supply the body with a variety of useful elements. Modern doctors talk about the beneficial properties of radish: it is recommended to consume it at the end of winter and in spring as a source of vitamins and trace elements, as well as a prophylactic against colds.

Radish radish strife
There are several types of root vegetable, each of which has special unique properties:
- Black radish.
- Sowing garden, which we call radish.
- Chinese. Maybe the mostdifferent colors: green, red, purple, white.
- Daikon radish.
All these types have differences: color, size, taste. Although the benefits of radish are similar, even they have some differences.
Product composition
There are many useful elements in the composition of the root crop. It contains:
- fats;
- proteins;
- carbs;
- sugar;
- vitamins A, B, C, PP;
- beta-carotene.
This product also contains a lot of potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and other useful substances.
What is the use of
The beneficial properties of radish are manifested not only when used as a medicine, but also as a food product.
When consuming radish, you should know that it increases intestinal motility due to its high fiber content.
There are a lot of vitamins and minerals in the root crop, which are perfectly preserved until spring. Because of this, its consumption is recommended in the winter-spring period, when useful reserves in the body are running out.
Gourmets can recommend root juice. It helps to improve digestion, cleanses blood vessels, removes toxins, strengthens hair.
Also, radish does a good job of cleaning the bile ducts, partially dissolves stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, and helps to remove them. If you eat the product at least once a day, you can forget about swelling. This is due to the ability of the root crop to remove water from the body.
The radish helps to cope with gout.
When taking radish, it should be understood that it can becomethe cause of unbearable pain when stones come out of the kidneys, gallbladder. This is due to the fact that the root crop does not contain such an amount of substances that can completely dissolve large stones.

Black radish
Among all kinds, the black radish is especially valued. It has vegetable proteins that nourish the brain, and the seeds contain he althy oils enriched with vitamins D and E, which are often not enough. Root crops contain sulfur, which has an expectorant effect. This useful property of radish helps to treat bronchitis, allergic reactions.
Scientists have proven that freshly squeezed radish juice has choleretic and diuretic properties. It has a positive effect on the intestines, promotes the absorption of carbohydrates in diabetes.
Radish with honey helps with cough, with pathologies of heart rhythm, arrhythmia, cardiosclerosis.
Black radish treats paralysis of the tongue after a stroke. To do this, the patient is given a piece of radish to chew, and it is not necessary to swallow it.
Radish is used to make salads that help remove excess cholesterol, which is useful for atherosclerosis. Sore spots are rubbed with fresh juice for neuralgia, myositis, radiculitis, joint pathologies. In folk medicine, the use of radish allows you to prolong life, because it contains a lot of vitamins, trace elements, enzymes and amino acids. You can not take fresh juice with pathologies of the stomach, intestines, liver, heart and kidneys.

Black radish recipes
Experiments have shown that the healing properties of radish help in the treatment of many skin pathologies. From the root crop, a remedy is prepared that helps to cope with boils, from a subcutaneous tick, with seborrhea. To make medicine, take fifty grams of radish seeds and pour a glass of vodka. The remedy is infused for three weeks. After straining, the tincture is used to rub into the affected areas of the skin.
You can make masks by adding tincture to wheat flour dough. Flat cakes are applied to boils for a speedy recovery.
Since ancient times, people have known about the beneficial properties of black radish for the body. It helps to fight bronchitis, hoarseness, hemoptysis. To prepare the medicine, a small root crop is taken, a core is cut out of it so that the wall is two centimeters thick. Honey is poured inside, covered with a lid made of radish. The remedy is infused for three days. A tablespoon of radish with cough honey is used five times a day, one hour after meals.
For the treatment of liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis, a composition is made by mixing radish juice and honey in equal parts. Take the remedy two tablespoons up to five times a day for two weeks. Next, a remedy of one hundred grams is taken for eight weeks. During this time, the dose is gradually increased, bringing it to four hundred grams per day. The daily dose is divided into several doses.
In case of anemia and other blood diseases, the juice of black radish, carrots, beets, horseradish leaves is mixed in equal parts. A remedy is taken at fifty grams three times a day twenty minutes before meals. The duration of treatment is three months.
With cholelithiasis, take radish juice. Useful properties are reduced to the partial dissolution of stones and their removal from the body. To do this, take the root crop, squeeze the juice out of it and take it in three tablespoons. It also helps prevent the formation of gallstones. Honey can be added to eliminate bitterness in the juice.

Cough treatment for children
Our grandmothers also said that there is no cough remedy better than radish, and they were right. Recommend radish for children with a cough caused by bronchitis, SARS. There are many different ways to prepare cough medicine.
- Carrot and radish juice is taken in equal parts, two parts of milk are added to the product. The composition is taken in a spoon up to four times a day.
- The root crop is cut into pieces, placed in a pan, covered with sugar on top. This remedy is infused overnight, and in the morning the released juice is poured into it. Take a spoonful every hour.
- Radish juice is mixed in equal parts with honey and milk. The finished product is taken on a spoon five times.
The dosage depends on the age of the child. Small children are recommended to give medicines by teaspoons, teenagers by desserts, and adults drink by tablespoons.
Benefits of green radish
Green radish is rarely found in the markets, in vegetable shops. This product contains many useful minerals, vitamins, and other substances.
The healing properties of green radishcontains a high content of vitamin A, making the product recommended for those who suffer from poor eyesight, pathologies of the nervous system.
Green radish helps digestion, improves immunity, improves metabolism. The root crop has a laxative property, improves the condition of bones and teeth. Green radish, like black radish, is a choleretic agent, which is why it is recommended for pathologies of the gallbladder and liver. It also helps to normalize blood sugar levels, removes heavy metals, toxins, toxins.

Benefits of white root vegetable
White radish, or winter, is no less useful than the above species. This variety is characterized by a high content of ascorbic acid, useful for strengthening immunity, as well as in the fight against certain types of diseases.
White radish has a lot of useful acids, essential oils that have a diuretic effect. Because of this, white varieties are recommended for kidney pathologies, gallbladder diseases.
Contains a lot of minerals in the fruit: white has the highest content of calcium, phosphorus and potassium.
Apply white radish for pathologies of vision, for malfunctions in the digestive tract. The product helps to replenish vitamins and minerals.
Radish salads, juices help fight high blood pressure. A large amount of B vitamins helps fight the pathologies of the nervous system, and also normalizes protein metabolism.
Radish juice is rubbed into the scalp with severe hair loss. This product nourisheshair follicles, strengthening them.

Healing recipes with root vegetables
For the treatment of cough, white radish is used in the same way as black radish. To this end, the product is mixed with honey.
Radish is good for diabetes. In order to prepare it, you should take three kilograms of the product, grate it and mix it with a bottle of vodka. The remedy is infused for a month and a half. Then it is filtered, taken in a tablespoon three times. Treatment with white radish lasts up to two weeks.
Helps the root vegetable cope with colds. To do this, it is rubbed on a grater and kept in a jar closed for half an hour, and then used for open inhalation: the lid is removed and inhaled with fumes, taking deep breaths. This procedure is performed up to eight times a day.
Radish leaves help to cope with a bruise, and burns are treated with grated gruel. If you apply radish compresses with honey to hematomas, they will quickly dissolve.
If you take fruit juice every hour with water, you can cope with dental diseases of the oral cavity.
Radish juice, diluted with water, is good for the treatment of sore throats. Gargle with this remedy at least five times a day.
Contraindications for radish
Despite its beneficial properties, radishes have contraindications. It should not be eaten by those who suffer from gastritis, peptic ulcer, intestinal inflammation. Also, the root crop is not recommended for kidney disease, as it can provoke severe exacerbations.
Don't eat radishes for those who have recentlyunderwent surgery on the gastrointestinal tract. In general, scientists do not recommend eating the root crop in large quantities, but adding it to salads, using it together with other vegetables and fruits can and should be done.

Vitamin-rich radishes are best consumed fresh. To maintain immunity, as well as as a preventive measure, it is recommended to add the root crop to salads, eat grated radish. If you eat at least a spoonful of grated product every day, then in a month you can see changes: your hair will become shiny, digestion will improve, headaches will go away, immunity will increase. As a medicine, radish is most often used with honey.