Laser circumcision of the foreskin: where they do it, the pros and cons

Laser circumcision of the foreskin: where they do it, the pros and cons
Laser circumcision of the foreskin: where they do it, the pros and cons

The foreskin, the prepuce, is the natural covering of the head of the penis. It performs, first of all, a protective function, protecting the urination opening from dirt and irritating factors. Flesh cannot be attributed to the skin or mucous membrane, so it is generally considered that it occupies an intermediate position and is something in between. Similar to the skin on the eyelids and the fabric on the lips.

old-fashioned operation
old-fashioned operation


There is a bridle at the bottom of the head. This is a small thread of skin that connects the foreskin and the head of the penis. The main task is to restrain the foreskin, not allowing it to move strongly during the onset of an erection. The frenulum is saturated with sensitive nerve endings. This is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. If the length of the frenulum is insufficient, problems are possible, this significantly interferes with the full opening of the head of the penis, and can cause discomfort.

penis structure
penis structure

With insufficient personal hygiene, excess fluid from the sebaceous glands willcollect under the inside of the foreskin of white lumps and cause irritation. In childhood, the head of the penis, for the most part, is closed by the foreskin and is not able to fully expose, this phenomenon is called physiological phimosis. With growing up and the appearance of unexpected erections in the life of a teenager, a significant expansion of the external opening occurs. The opening of the head is facilitated by sex and masturbation.

Foreskin function

It stretches very well, making up about half of the skin of the penis. Its presence gives the body the possibility of additional sliding, avoiding the use of additional lubrication during friction. The foreskin greatly facilitates the penetration of the penis into the vagina, does not create friction. During sex, it moves up and down, stimulating the erogenous zones of the penis. Sliding is a natural mechanism that also provides additional sexual pleasure and increases arousal.

Main functions of the foreskin:

  1. Spliced to the glans, which is an essential part of the penis shaping process.
  2. Protect the organ.
  3. Create natural hydration.
  4. Lubricating the head of the penis.
  5. Creating a protective barrier with smegma.
  6. You need a certain amount of skin to cover your head during an erection.
  7. Make masturbation and foreplay much easier.
  8. Improve the insertion of a penis into a woman's vagina.
  9. Help reduce irritation during friction and friction.
  10. Due to the large accumulation of nerve endings, it is one of the most sensitive places on the body.


Sometimes the foreskin is much narrower than necessary, making it difficult to open the penis, hygiene and sexual intercourse (phimosis). In such cases, surgical intervention is indicated. Also, the operation can be scheduled for:

  1. Phimosis and paraphimosis.
  2. Recurring infections of the penis and foreskin.
  3. Condylomas on the foreskin.

However, difficulties in opening the penis are not indications for the appointment of surgery, there are many alternative methods that contribute to the preservation of the foreskin.

Excision of the foreskin

In the general mass of cases, excision belongs to the category of plastic surgery. This means that it is not mandatory and the patient is given it for religious or aesthetic reasons. It is customary for Jews and Muslims to dry up the foreskin. Should I do a circumcision? Every parent and adult man must find the answer to this question. The right thing to do is to weigh the pros and cons by considering the pros and cons of circumcision.

plastic options
plastic options

Circumcision can be done if:

  • Belonging to a particular religious movement. This procedure is widely popular among Jews and Muslims, which is directly related to their culture, views and historical past.
  • Doctor appointment. Today there are a number of medical pathologies in which excision of the foreskin (phimosis,congenital anomalies). Also, the procedure may be carried out to reduce the risk of cancer or other pathologies.
  • Premature ejaculation. If you are worried about short sex, then circumcision by excision of the foreskin is an easy and reliable way to deal with this problem.
  • Aesthetic aspects. Some men think that the foreskin is not very attractive, so they specifically resort to circumcision.


The operation can be performed both in the traditional way and with the use of new technologies - this is laser cutting. Most often, circumcision laser is performed on children and adult men. Where is laser cutting done? This is a simple operation, but the procedure should be performed only by experienced surgeons and only in hospital conditions, for example, in Moscow - this is the Medicine and Beauty clinic on Paveletskaya, located at 6th Monetchikovsky lane, 19.


In St. Petersburg, laser circumcision is performed at the SM-Clinic at 19 Udarnikov Ave. (Ladozhskaya metro station). This is a very important rule, so do not forget that this is, after all, a surgical intervention.

surgical intervention
surgical intervention


Preparing for laser cutting is easy.

The operation requires a he alth test. Before the procedure, you should take tests and undergo examinations:

  • Donate blood for clinical and biochemic altests.
  • Give urine.
  • Make a coagulogram.
  • Testing for hepatitis B and C, syphilis, HIV.
  • If you are over 50, then an additional consultation with a specialist and additional simple tests are scheduled.

Shortly before the operation, the patient should undergo a pubic hair removal and take a shower.

Carrying out the procedure

laser technology
laser technology

During the circumcision operation, the doctor will pull back the foreskin (stretch it) and cut it off (excised). The incision will be closed with absorbable sutures and a special bandage. Laser cutting is good because all the blood vessels are instantly clogged, which significantly reduces bleeding and possible risks.

Circumcision takes place under local or general anesthesia, depending on the method. Hospitalization after the operation is not required. What's more, a few hours after laser cutting, the patient will be able to go home on their own.

Complete healing usually occurs in a week or a little longer. During this period, the patient should be dressed daily, two to three times a day to carry out hygiene procedures. You should also refrain from excessive physical activity, during the healing period it is better to relax and read books. It is also not recommended to visit baths and saunas.

Some time after the circumcision, the patient may experience soreness and increased sensitivity at the site of the operation. At these moments, it is recommended to wear thicker underwear, it is possible to takepainkillers. Starting sexual activity is considered acceptable after a couple of months.

before and after surgery
before and after surgery

Advantages and disadvantages

Laser circumcision of the foreskin carries certain advantages and disadvantages. Here are the pros:

  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Easy maintenance of intimate hygiene.
  • Prophylactic treatment for increased risk of cancer.
  • Aesthetic appeal.
  • Relatively inexpensive procedure.

Major disadvantages of circumcision:

  • May appear dry due to decreased natural hydration.
  • Increased risk of injury.
  • Change sensitivity.
  • Possible discomfort after the procedure.

That is why a preliminary consultation with a urologist is necessary before the procedure in order to understand all the pros and cons of circumcision.

circumcision symbol
circumcision symbol

Cost of procedure

How much does laser and standard circumcision cost? Routine circumcision for medical reasons can be performed free of charge at a public clinic, for this, a consultation with a urologist and a referral for the operation itself is required.

How much does a circumcision cost without a doctor's prescription? The cost of the procedure depends on the region, category of hospital and other indicators. Usually, the cost of such a procedure ranges from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles. (up to 25 thousand rubles laser surgery). Manyclinics provide an installment plan for the procedure, which greatly simplifies the life of patients.

To summarize. Circumcisio is a fairly simple operation, but it requires, however, delicacy and attention to the patient from the surgeon. The operation, circumcision can be prescribed by a doctor or carried out according to the reported desire of the patient, according to his religious or aesthetic preferences. A fairly quick operation is characterized by a significantly short healing period. With proper care, the risk of complications is reduced to zero.
