Healing properties of burdock. Which side to apply burdock to a sore spot?

Healing properties of burdock. Which side to apply burdock to a sore spot?
Healing properties of burdock. Which side to apply burdock to a sore spot?

In folk medicine, there are many plants that have closely kept pace with humanity since ancient times. Among such natural healers, burdock rightfully occupies a place of honor, otherwise it is also called burdock. This useful plant, as well as which side to apply burdock to a sore spot, will be discussed in this article.


Having an unpretentious appearance, growing near roadsides and on the outskirts of the city, as well as along streams, it has truly irreplaceable medicinal properties for human he alth. All this can be said about burdock. All parts of this plant have healing powers. That is why in alternative medicine, as well as in cosmetology, they use the root, leaves, fruits, and seeds of burdock. The leaves have a large broad-ovate appearance, green above, and grayish-felt below. The stem is straight, with small branches. Flowers fluffy, pinklilac. Burdock is able to spread its seeds by clinging to a person's clothing.

which side to apply burdock to the sore spot
which side to apply burdock to the sore spot

Useful properties of burdock

This plant is able to have antipyretic, diuretic, laxative, anti-inflammatory, blood purifying, antitumor, antioxidant, immunostimulating, wound healing, tonic, and antitoxic effects. Burdock perfectly helps in the fight against viruses and bacteria, it is able to disinfect even fungi. The main thing is to know which side to apply burdock.

Depending on the disease, you can prepare several types of lotions, tinctures from burdock, or simply apply it to a sore spot or make tea from it. It is known that the roots of this medicinal plant contain essential oils, a complex of vitamins (for example, B, C, E, A, P), as well as organic acids and mineral s alts. The beneficial substances found in burdock restore a person's metabolism, and infusions from it help with kidney diseases and inflammatory reactions of the body.

how to apply which side of burdock to a sore spot
how to apply which side of burdock to a sore spot

There are many medical preparations made on the basis of burdock. Therefore, summer residents, destroying this weed, do it without thinking about how much benefit it can bring to them.

Contraindications for use

You can often hear that burdock is contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, there is no evidence for this theory. It is knownthat the burdock root, which is part of multicomponent medicines, does not have a harmful effect on the body of such women. But some ingredients of such medicines can really cause a reaction in the body.

how to apply burdock to a sore spot
how to apply burdock to a sore spot

Perhaps a person has an individual intolerance to this plant. In this case, it will be contraindicated for him. But there are no specific negative consequences that the use of burdock can cause. Therefore, you can safely use it both in food and in the form of lotions. About which side to apply burdock to the sore spot will be discussed later.

How to prepare medicine from burdock

In diseases of the internal organs, an infusion of burdock is prepared. For example, if the kidneys hurt, then it is necessary to prepare an infusion according to the following recipe: fresh or dried burdock in the amount of two tablespoons is poured into a glass of boiling water. Next, the resulting mixture is infused for two hours in a dark place. Use the finished medicine should be up to five days.

For oncological diseases, traditional medicine advises taking burdock root in the form of a powder, infusion or decoction. To prepare the medicine, you need to take equal amounts of honey, burdock root and medical alcohol. All ingredients should be mixed together and let it brew for two weeks. Take one tablespoon up to three times a day.

which side to apply burdock
which side to apply burdock

For diseases of the joints, you can also apply forhelp to this miraculous plant. To do this, you need to know how to properly apply burdock to a sore spot. First of all, you should pick fresh leaves and wrap them around the diseased joint at night. In order not to stain the bed, and just to keep the plant up all night, it is necessary to wrap the place where the sheets are located with a gauze bandage. In the morning, a person will feel significant relief due to the anti-inflammatory properties of burdock.

How to apply burdock to a sore spot

As mentioned above, the leaves of the medicinal plant must be fresh. In order for it to give its useful properties longer, it must be moistened with cool water. Some do not even wonder which side to apply burdock to a sore spot. And in fact, it matters a lot. Due to its fleecy surface, burdock is able to release the necessary medicinal substances. That is why it should be applied precisely with a fluffy side to the place where pain or discomfort is felt. Having bandaged the sore spot with a cloth or bandage, after the condition is relieved in the morning, it will be possible to use an ointment prepared from the root of this plant. The main thing to remember is how to correctly (which side) apply burdock to a sore spot and how long to keep it. And then he will become one of the most faithful helpers from the first-aid kit.

how to properly apply burdock to a sore spot
how to properly apply burdock to a sore spot

Interesting facts

You can also use burdock leaves for insect bites. To do this, it should be washed well.and, without drying, attach to the bite site. Next, you need to change the sheet every two hours. During the day, the swelling should go away and itching should decrease.

If the disease is in advanced form, then you should not rely only on burdock. Therefore, even doing everything right and knowing which side to apply burdock to a sore spot, you can delay the recovery stage. It can help in the early stages of the disease or be a secondary medicine when taking antibiotics.

Burdock also helps with headaches. If you pick one leaf and put it on your forehead, and which side to apply burdock, it was said above, you will soon feel relieved.

Although burdock is most used for medicinal purposes, many people also use it for food. You can not only make jam from it, but also bake its roots or just fry them. Burdock leaves can be added to salads and soups.
