Sinusitis is considered one of the most unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Most often it occurs in young children, creating a lot of inconvenience. During illness, you can observe:
- shortness of breath;
- pain in the nasal cavity;
- headache;
- increased body temperature.
Severity of disease and choice of treatment
When a child's sinusitis is clearly expressed, home treatment mainly depends on the severity of the disease. Nowadays, there is a wide selection of pharmaceuticals, but folk remedies should not be overlooked. After all, there are many ancient recipes that our ancestors used and successfully saved babies from illness.

To clean the nasal cavity, the nose is washed. If there is a more severe form of the course of the disease, then a special puncture is made to remove the pus. Also, under the watchful supervision of a doctor, periodic physiotherapy procedures are performed.
If a child has sinusitis, treatment at homeconditions should be carried out with the help of drops and sprays, which differ in vasoconstrictive action. They are taken in order to pass the swelling of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses.
Oil-based drops are also recommended. They contain natural ingredients. Such extracts from medicinal plants perfectly cope with dryness in the baby's nose.
When this disease occurs under the influence of some allergen, antihistamines are prescribed. Their use is combined with nasal lavage. For this, sea water is used, as it improves the effect of pharmaceuticals.
When there is no sea water, it will be perfectly replaced by clean water, in which a small amount of kitchen s alt is diluted.
If a child has sinusitis, treatment at home during the week did not give a positive result, then the doctor is forced to prescribe a course of antibiotics. What kind of drugs - this will already depend on the results of the tests and the condition of the small patient.
Treatment methods
During the treatment of this disease with folk remedies, you need to choose only natural ingredients. If you do not know how to use them correctly, then it is better to consult a doctor for advice. The specialist will definitely tell you how to cure sinusitis at home quickly and without harming the child.
The most popular methods used in these situations:
- washing;
- inhalation;
- folk-style nose dropsrecipes;
- warming up;
- ointments.

Washing is one of the first procedures that a child does with sinusitis at home. Of course, the easiest way is to use sea water, but for a positive result and a quick recovery, they also take decoctions from medicinal plants, such as:
- chamomile;
- eucalyptus;
- calendula;
- mint.
To properly prepare the remedy, you need a tablespoon of herbs (you can make a mixture of several types) pour 250 milliliters of boiling water. Then put on fire and bring to a boil. As soon as the composition boils, remove from the stove and strain through cheesecloth. Add boiled water to the purified liquid in such an amount that as a result the volume becomes one liter.
With the help of a syringe, the resulting decoction is injected into one nostril and excreted through the other.
How to cure sinusitis at home quickly with inhalation? This question is not entirely correct, since this procedure is not a treatment, but a manipulation that relieves some of the symptoms.

Inhalations are also made on the basis of medicinal plants:
- chamomile;
- sage;
- St. John's wort;
- eucalyptus.
These herbs are known for their bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects on the body.
Preparing a decoction is simple: pour a tablespoon of a plant or severala glass of water. As soon as the composition is brewed, you need to ask the child to breathe over it for about ten minutes. From above, be sure to cover it with a towel and control that inhalation passes through the nose. You can also add eucalyptus essential oil or propolis tincture for a better effect.

Folk remedies
Since ancient times, using natural products in the form of medicinal plants, they independently made drops for the treatment of sinusitis in children. Most Popular Recipes:
- Freshly squeezed beet or carrot juice. Bury the child no more than three times a day.
- Green tea. The broth is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of tea is poured with a glass of boiling water, brought to a boil. After filtering. It is good to bury the nose with this remedy before going to bed, using three or four drops. In addition, this decoction can also be used in washing.
- Self-prepared drops from cyclamen can cause a burning sensation, but after a while you can evaluate their effectiveness. To prepare the remedy, you will need juice from the rhizome of the plant and vegetable oil. Mix one by one. Method of application - three drops several times a day.
- For children over five years old, an ointment based on honey is recommended. Natural honey and petroleum jelly are taken in the same amount, mixed thoroughly. Small flagella should be made from cotton wool and, dipped in the resulting composition, placed one at a time in the nostrils. Leave in this position for half an hour. Apply twice a day - in the morning and beforesleep.
- Speeds up the healing process remedy, which is done as follows: mix natural honey and aloe juice in equal proportions. Bury the nose three times a day, three drops.
Warming up
Effective treatment of sinusitis in children takes place when using heating. In the people, this is done with the help of hot boiled eggs. They are applied to both sides of the nose and allowed to cool completely.
It is worth noting that this method is effective only at the first stages of the disease. If it has become more severe, then heating is strictly contraindicated, especially if pus has formed in the sinuses and severe swelling is observed.
Affordable, harmless and easy to use is propolis ointment, which has become famous for its antibacterial effects. It is applied in a small amount to a cotton swab and inserted into the nostrils. Five minutes later they take it out.
Here are the ways to treat sinusitis in children at home. But the most important thing is that at this time the child has a lot of rest, foods rich in vitamins are present in his diet. You also need to make sure that he consumes a lot of fluids (water, tea, compote).

Sinusitis can occur for several reasons, so there are such types of it:
- rhinogenic - appears as a result of a runny nose;
- traumatic - occurs when the septum is deformed;
- odontogenic - provoke developmentdental disease;
- hematogenous - occurs due to the influence of infection.
Most often there is sinusitis in a child of 3 years. Symptoms can be seen like this:
- discharge from the nose with purulent admixture;
- reduced appetite;
- sluggishness;
- increased moodiness;
- fever;
- puffiness in the eyelids and cheeks.
How to act at the first symptoms of such a disease? Tips
When purulent discharge appears, you need to urgently show the baby to the doctor so that there are no complications.
In children, it is more difficult to determine the presence of this disease by classical signs. The reason is that at this age the maxillary sinuses are not yet fully formed. They are more like narrow gaps.
Treatment of sinusitis in a child of 4 years, as well as 3, should be started immediately when the first symptoms appear. In the event of complications with late therapy, the mucosa may cease to function. As a result, the little man will be left without protective filters that protect the respiratory system from cold air and pollution.
In case of untimely treatment to the doctor, improper use of drugs, bilateral sinusitis may occur in a child, the treatment of which consists in the use of antibiotics of an antibacterial nature. They are prescribed in order to suppress the activity of negative microflora, which has already formed in the sinuses at the moment.
Children's immune system is not yet strong enough tofight the virus on your own. When it is introduced into the body, immunity is noticeably reduced, which allows bacteria to multiply with greater activity.
Purulent sinusitis. Treatment
If within three days after a complication in the form of bilateral sinusitis, antibiotics were not introduced into the course of treatment, the disease becomes purulent.
With such a complication, any thermal manipulations are categorically contraindicated.
Treatment of purulent sinusitis in children is carried out in a complex manner, it should be aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes. This course combines different methods, namely:
- drug;
- physiotherapy;
- tonic.
In addition, the main method of treatment is determined after clarifying some factors:
- what is the cause of the disease;
- severity of the course of the disease;
- how the little patient feels;
- anatomical features of the design of the nose.
The course of treatment should take into account the fact that if it is too short - four days, the disease will return after a while. When the therapy is prolonged, the microorganisms that provoke the disease get used to the antibiotic and no longer react to its effects.
Washing is mandatory along with laser therapy. For him, often use an infusion of calendula, which is slightly s alty. It is recommended to add more components to it to improve efficiency, such as:
- eucalyptus essential oil;
- green tea;
- sea s alt;
- decoctions from various medicinal plants.

Although this procedure is not pleasant, it is considered one of the most effective. Such washings should be carried out for two weeks, four times a day.
Chronic sinusitis. Treatment
If you do not carry out therapy, the purulent form of the disease can develop into chronic sinusitis in children, the treatment will already consist in surgical intervention. In this case, two types of operations are carried out:
- endonasal, which is passed through the nasal cavity;
- extranasal - carried out through the oral cavity.
When there is purulent sinusitis in a child, treatment at home should be done with extreme caution. In no case should you warm up the nose area, as well as undertake thermal manipulations for the lower extremities. With a bacterial form of the disease, such procedures only contribute to the progression of inflammatory processes.
Folk methods of treatment on their own are also better not to use, this should be done after the child has been examined by a specialist.
When a four-day course of treatment did not give a positive result, it is not worth delaying admission to a hospital. The longer the process drags on, the worse the consequences can be.

To avoid thisdiseases, you need to do everything possible to strengthen the immunity of the child. In addition to a he althy balanced diet, physical activity, and hardening, it is useful to follow some simple rules:
- There must always be an appropriate microclimate in the children's room.
- At the slightest manifestation of the disease of the nasopharynx, you should immediately take action and not wait for it to pass by itself. Do not ignore trips to the dentist, because carious processes can become a provocateur of the manifestation of sinusitis.
- The frequent use of vasoconstrictor drugs should be abandoned. S alt solution will be an excellent replacement for them.
- For the purpose of prevention, you can periodically massage active points in the facial area.
To protect the child from such diseases, every parent needs to remember that proper nutrition, measured physical activity and fresh air are the key to the he alth of their child!