Denervation of the head: patient reviews

Denervation of the head: patient reviews
Denervation of the head: patient reviews

In the article, we will consider reviews after denervation of the head.

Increased sensitivity of the glans penis is a serious problem for males. Such a violation can have a significant impact on the quality of sexual life, so rapid ejaculation does not allow a woman to be satisfied. Hypersensitivity is treated with medication, but in some cases, surgery or denervation of the head may be required. Reviews of such an operation will be considered at the end of the article.

denervation of the glans penis reviews
denervation of the glans penis reviews


Denervation involves a radical method of treating the increased sensitivity of the nerve endings located on the glans penis in a man. After the operation, there is a cessation of uncontrolled and premature ejaculation, which causes a state of depression and a feeling of inferiority in a man,interferes with orgasm and leads to dysfunction of the sexual aspect of life, that is, impotence.

Denervation of the head can be carried out in several ways, however, minimally invasive methods are most often used, when individual nerve fibers are subject to suppression. As a result, the sensitivity of the organ is completely lost and restored to normal during the rehabilitation period.

Rehabilitation period can be quite long and reach six months or even more. Surgery does not affect potency, since the nerve endings responsible for erection are not affected during the operation.

Reviews about the denervation of the head confirm this.


The main indication for surgical intervention is increased sensitivity of the glans penis in a man. Such a violation is accompanied by uncontrolled and premature ejaculation. Confirmation of the diagnosis occurs on the basis of the clinical picture and is characterized as a regular ejaculatory disorder.

To establish a violation, the patient is tested for reaction to lidocaine, consisting of the following:

  1. 30 minutes before sexual intercourse, a man lubricates the penis with lidocaine ointment or solution.
  2. Wash off 10 minutes after application.
  3. Barrier contraceptives are used during intercourse to prevent lidocaine from entering the woman's vagina.

If the duration of sexual intercourse increases several times under the influence of lidocaine, the test turns out to bepositive within three attempts, the patient is scheduled for surgery. If sexual intercourse is not prolonged even with the use of an anesthetic, the test is considered negative and the search for the cause of the violation continues. In the latter case, according to patients, denervation of the head will not work.

closed method feedback
closed method feedback


There are also a number of other states when the operation is not performed:

  1. Diseases of an infectious nature, occurring in an acute form, accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  2. Exacerbation of diseases of internal organs in a chronic form.
  3. Pathologies of the kidneys, heart and lungs in severe form.
  4. Recovery period after a heart attack or stroke.
  5. Blood diseases.
  6. Allergic reaction to anesthesia drugs.
microsurgical denervation of the head reviews
microsurgical denervation of the head reviews

Denervation Methods

Surgical intervention to reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings in the head of the penis can be carried out in various ways. The choice of method depends on the number of nerve fibers to be cut, as well as on the type of surgical approach. The following methods of surgical intervention are distinguished:

  1. Incomplete or selective, when a specialist dissects more than half of the available nerve endings.
  2. Complete or non-selective, when all large trunks that are located in close proximity to the head of the penis are dissected.

In addition, the operation maycarried out in an open and closed way. During an open operation, a specialist cuts the skin of the penis, finds the trunks of the nerves and stops them. The operation is performed in a closed way through the skin by electrical action on the nerve endings.

The advantage of the closed method is that it is carried out under local anesthesia. According to reviews, the closed method of denervation of the glans penis is why it is popular. However, the main disadvantage is considered to be a high probability of recurrence of the disease.

denervation of the head patient reviews
denervation of the head patient reviews

Increasingly, specialists prefer an open microsurgical operation, when damaged tissues are sutured with a material that dissolves on its own after a while. This method of intervention has almost one hundred percent effectiveness. The rehabilitation period is only two weeks, in addition, there are no cosmetic defects.

Feedback on microsurgical glans denervation is mostly positive.


Preliminary preparations for surgery include a diagnosis of the male genitourinary system. The examination is carried out by donating blood for a general analysis, ECG, checking the blood type and Rh factor. In addition, a consultation is held with the anesthesiologist, who interviews the patient for contraindications to the introduction of anesthesia.

One week before the operation, medications that can thin the blood are canceled. This is dueprevention of postoperative bleeding. You can continue taking anticoagulants after complete healing of the skin after surgery. Eating 6-8 hours before surgery is not recommended. The preparation also includes shaving the genital area.

private method
private method

Carrying out

Open method operation is carried out within half an hour. General anesthesia is usually given by injection. The surgeon makes an incision in the skin along the coronal groove, then shifts it to the base of the organ.

After exposing up to five large trunks of nerves, the surgeon makes incisions in their front part. Then the nerve endings are sutured with self-absorbable material, and the skin with small sutures. Sometimes the nerves are not sutured, but the foreskin is circumcised. If suturing of nerves is required, the operation is called denervation-renervation.

The patient can leave the hospital on his own a few hours after the end of the operation, but a visit to a specialist for dressings is a prerequisite.

Patient reviews of glans denervation should be read in advance.

If the operation is performed in a closed way, then an anesthetic is injected into the patient's penis. Next, the surgeon, by palpation, determines the most sensitive areas under the skin. Nerve endings are cauterized with a radio knife, laser or electric current. Scarring may occur at impact sites.


After the operation to denervate the head, the specialist gives the patient the following recommendations:

  1. No sexual activity for up to three weeks.
  2. Do not push yourself physically, do not lift weights.
  3. Do not run or participate in heavy sports.
  4. If swelling occurs, use an elastic bandage.
patient reviews
patient reviews


According to reviews of denervation of the head, immediately after the operation, swelling, hemorrhages, hematomas and other natural manifestations can be observed. Severe consequences of surgery are quite rare and include the following conditions:

  1. Inflammation on the skin of the penis, which appears as a result of infection of the organ in violation of the time of dressings.
  2. Complete loss of sensation in the penis.
  3. Erectile disorders occurring as a result of pathological processes in the nervous, vascular or hormonal systems of the body.

If you experience any of the conditions listed, see your doctor.

denervation of the glans penis patient reviews
denervation of the glans penis patient reviews

Head denervation reviews

Quite a lot of men with impaired sensitivity of the glans penis decide on surgery, which consists in denervation. The operation itself is recognized by men as painless and safe. According to reviews, there are no complications in the postoperative period, swelling subsides quite quickly, and healing occurs without unpleasant consequences.

However, men after denervation claim that sensitivity returnssix months to a year after surgery, that is, a relapse is often observed. Therefore, male representatives often express doubts about the appropriateness of the operation and prefer drug therapy. Nevertheless, everyone notes that even with a relapse, the situation with ejaculation is not as deplorable as before denervation. However, for many, this becomes a way out, especially in cases where drugs are not effective.

We reviewed what denervation of the glans penis is and reviews about this operation.
