For quite a long time, such jewelry as a zirconium bracelet has been especially popular with many people. In addition to its fashionable and stylish appearance, this product has good healing properties. Zirconia bracelets for men and women are equally relevant. After all, by purchasing the above jewelry, we care first of all about our he alth.
Summary of zirconia bracelet

The metal from which this jewelry is made, zirconium, is a rather rare element and is distinguished by the color of silver-white, with a faint golden hue.
This material was first obtained in Sweden in the 19th century by chemist Jens Jakob Bercilis.
Zirconium specifications:
- corrosion resistance;
- does not break down in organic acids and alkalis (cold solutions);
- does not oxidize in water, includingsea, and in the air.
It should be noted that the above metal is actively used in medicine, therefore it is absolutely not harmful to he alth. It is used to make medical instruments, dental implants, and even joints. The zirconium bracelet has been used for medicinal purposes mainly since 1930, when the doctor V. D. Volochkov conducted his famous experiment and proved the healing potential of this material.

Healing properties of zirconium
This material has an antiseptic effect. Products from it are often used in medicine (earrings, plates for maxillofacial surgery). Zirconium is highly compatible with human biological tissues.
Zirconium bracelets have proven themselves especially well. The fact is that they are worn on the wrist, where there are many biologically active points. They are associated with the internal organs of a person, are responsible for their normal functioning. People who have started wearing a zirconium bracelet leave mostly positive reviews about it. They note that they soon felt an improvement in their he alth.
Indications for the use of zirconium bracelet
These products are recommended for people with the following he alth problems:
zirconia pressure bracelet high blood pressure;
- presence of allergies and other skin diseases;
- certain forms of osteochondrosis;
- polyarthritis;
- problems withmusculoskeletal system;
- frequent headaches;
- fatigue;
- depressive state;
- insomnia;
- sexual disorders;
- frequent drops in blood pressure;
- rheumatism;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, heart failure);
- obesity and metabolic disorders;
- kidney problems;
- menstrual irregularity;
- dilated veins (varicose veins).
Zirconium pressure bracelet is used in most cases as it stabilizes it very well. In addition, scientists have proven that these products prevent the development of many skin diseases, including allergic reactions. They do not irritate the skin and are highly compatible with soft tissues.
Zirconium bracelet: photo, product appearance
Anoid coating is applied to jewelry made from this metal to make them look attractive and beautiful. Depending on the thickness of the oxide strips, a wide range of color shades of zirconium bracelets are distinguished. Therefore, this product always looks elegant: stylish and original.

The unique convex shape of the jewelry contributes to the active impact on the biological points of the wrist, thereby increasing the healing properties of the metal.
The zircon bracelet today is available in two forms:
- cast (plain);
- link.
The latter is much more efficient than the usual simple form becauseit has a lot of weight. This means that a larger amount of zirconium was used in the manufacture of the bracelet, as a result of which the healing properties of the link jewelry will be much stronger.
Bracelets that consist of links are more exclusive and original. A feature of these products is that they look great on the hand of both men and women.
Zirconia bracelets are distinguished by the following features:
- elegant appearance;
- wide color gamut;
- light and durable metal;
- high wear resistance;
- inertness to the environment.
Zirconium bracelet: instructions for use
Depending on the symptoms of diseases, it is advisable to wear this jewelry as follows:
On the right hand:
a) if a person wants to be cured of arterial hypertension, tinnitus, dizziness, mental disorders, intercostal neuralgia, swelling of the neck, toothache, pain in the forearm, ulnar nerve (the biologically active point yang-gu is responsible for these diseases);
b) by activating another point yang-lyao, you can eliminate the symptoms of vision problems, pain in the joints, lower back, forearm;
c) the yang-chi point is great for diabetes, headaches, arthritis, dizziness;d) the wai-guan point will help overcome feverish conditions, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, colds, neurosis, tinnitus, insomnia, migraine, meteorological dependence, arterial hypotension.
On the left hand: here are 6active points (tai-yuan, da-lin, jing-cui, tong-li, shen-men), responsible for the fight against arterial hypotension, insomnia, depression, gastrointestinal diseases, shortness of breath, fainting, fever, nosebleeds, diseases cardiovascular system, panic attacks, irritability
Already literally during the first days you can feel the improvement in your he alth, if you wear a zirconium bracelet continuously, without removing it. The reviews of many people who used this product for medicinal purposes testify to the stabilization of pressure, the elimination of signs of depression and the normalization of sleep on the second day of wearing this jewelry.

Recommendations for wearing a zirconia bracelet
This product is recommended to be worn for a long time for a quick healing effect. There is no need to remove the zirconia bracelet before going to bed.
You can freely take a shower in this decoration, because it is not afraid of water procedures.
To date, science has not proven the harm of these products. Zirconium is considered a material safe for human he alth. But in case of individual intolerance to the metal, it is necessary to abandon the use of a zirconium bracelet for medicinal purposes.
Zirconia bracelet care

To maintain an attractive appearance of the product, it is important to properly care for it. Jewelry should preferably be washed in soapy water.solution, then wipe it thoroughly with a dry soft cloth. Such procedures will add shine to the zirconium bracelet.
Alternative medicine for effective and analgesic elimination of the symptoms of multiple diseases offers such a tool as a zirconium bracelet. Thanks to this product, the patient manages to improve his he alth almost in the first day of use. But still, when using the above product for medicinal purposes, it is important to consult a doctor in order to avoid unpleasant situations associated with aggravation of diseases.