The desire to have a child is logical for every woman. Well, if it happens on its own, without medical intervention. Unfortunately, today more and more women are faced with the fact that pregnancy does not occur even after many years of marriage. In this case, they usually turn to doctors. But traditional medicine can also help. How effective is sage for conception and how to use it correctly?

The disease of modern society
Today the problem of infertility is becoming more and more acute. There are quite a few reasons, this is a change in the ecological situation, the deterioration of the quality of food, and many other factors also influence. Many couples who have not been able to conceive for a long time are looking for different ways to make their dream come true.
Modern medicine can offer many drugs and methods in order to restore the reproductive functions of women and men. But traditional medicine also helps a lot. ATin particular, sage is widely used for conception. It must be taken wisely, like any other drug.

General Description
If you have met this plant in nature at least once, you will never forget its bright aroma. Sage has been used for conception with great success since time immemorial. Traditional healers also used it with great success to treat women's ailments that prevented them from becoming a mother.
Earlier, especially during periods of wars and epidemics of deadly diseases, women took infusions based on sage, and also used its dried leaves as food additives, as a means of increasing the productivity of conception. It is also important to note that this widespread plant is useful not only for conception, but also for the normal formation of the fetus in the womb. Hippocrates and all his followers studied how effective sage is for conception. Long-term practice has shown that this remedy is relevant even today, despite the achievements of modern medicine.
It is very important to have an examination before starting a course of treatment. Sage for ovulation and conception can only be taken until the fertilized egg has descended into the uterus. As soon as pregnancy has come, sage and all its derivatives become prohibited. The thing is that this plant is able to change the hormonal background and increase the production of progesterone. This negatively affects the viability of the fetus.
Very importanttake into account the individual characteristics and state of he alth of women. Exceeding the recommended dosage threatens the development of severe allergic reactions. But most often we take medicinal plants on the principle of "the more the better." In the most severe cases, this can lead to toxic poisoning.

The consequences of an overdose
Since drinking sage for conception is supposed to take long courses, the herbal preparation affects the reproductive organs of a woman. Gradually, the effect accumulates. If you do not stop in time and continue to take high dosages, then a violation of the menstrual cycle will follow. Remember, the course is needed precisely in order to debug the work of the reproductive organs. Therefore, at the slightest change, you need to undergo diagnostics in order to understand whether the changes are going in the right direction. If therapy is not controlled by the attending physician, then such changes can be not good, but harmful. That is, to further postpone such a desired event.
Healing properties
Now let's take a closer look at how sage affects women. To conceive, you need to start taking it as early as possible. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on this. Preparations based on this plant are an alternative to female hormones. Each doctor will confirm that drug treatment is a certain risk. On the one hand, it leads to an improvement in the condition, but side effects also need to be taken into account and analyzed. In some cases they are insignificant, but inothers outweigh the expected benefit of a course of treatment.
The juice of this plant is a hormone-like substance. In composition, it is close to the female sex hormones, that is, progesterone and estrogen. It is thanks to this that the plant was given the status of an effective phytohormonal agent.

Today we are talking about how to drink sage for conception. First of all, you need to understand how this plant is useful for your body. The chemical composition of this medicinal herb is very rich and varied. These are vitamins and minerals, a set of flavonoids, phytoncides and phytohormones, as well as resins. It is this diversity that allows for the desired change.
The sage-based preparation contains a huge amount of biologically active substances. They have antibacterial, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. All this allows you to improve the condition of the body as a whole. Since you need to drink sage for conception for a long time, tune in to a full course.
This plant affects the entire body as a whole. That is why it is recommended to start drinking preparations based on this plant at the stage of pregnancy planning. He can help not only directly, but also indirectly. Sage restores the natural processes that take place in the body. But this is not all the benefits of a simple herb.
Direct effect of sage
Medicinal plant in ancient Egypt was used as a hemostatic agent. It was used as a tonic to improveall body functions. Doctors note that with a properly selected course of treatment, sage helps to get pregnant within the first three weeks after the start of treatment. The reflex of the cervix improves, which allows the fertilized egg to gain a foothold. This results in faster pregnancy.
How to take sage for conception
Most often, in difficult cases, doctors prescribe more serious hormone therapy. But medicinal herbs are also excellent as a concomitant treatment. Infertility treatment with sage can be performed with decoctions, as well as douching and microclysters.
Do not forget that only the attending physician can say exactly how to take sage for conception. To do this, it is necessary to diagnose a man or a woman. The exact method and schedule of administration can be adjusted during treatment, observing the dynamics of the patient's condition. In any case, an individual approach to the patient is very important.

First recipe
The most common form of sage preparation is an aqueous extract. Cooking it is elementary, it is enough to have dry raw materials and boiling water. This is the easiest and most popular recipe. But when planning pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully select dosages, so self-medication is unacceptable. In some cases, herbal preparations work more effectively, in which herbs complement each other.
This recipe is used as follows. You must first wait until the current ones end.period. The standard regimen is 50 ml four times a day. Duration - two weeks, then you need to take a break. If conception did not occur, then the course is repeated. To evaluate the effectiveness, it is recommended to do an ultrasound scan or wait for the onset of the next menstruation.
Usually three months of such therapy is enough. During this time, the healing properties of sage have time to fully manifest themselves. For conception for women, the course of treatment is prescribed at regular intervals so that in the event of pregnancy, it does not harm the fetus. If the result is not achieved, then it is necessary to supplement the treatment with pharmaceutical preparations. But first, the body must be allowed to rest for several months. More precisely, only the attending physician decides.
Preparing decoction
When studying this topic, users are primarily interested in reviews. Sage has been used for conception for a long time, there is a lot of reliable evidence that after a course of treatment with a simple and affordable remedy, a woman was able to become pregnant and give birth to a he althy child.
All the benefits are in the leaves. It is they who are brewed for treatment. Therefore, in the process of measures to stimulate ovulation, a woman needs to use this particular part of the medicinal plant. The preparation method is very simple, for this you only need dry leaves, which can be bought at a pharmacy, and water.
- For 250 g of boiling water you need 2 teaspoons of raw materials.
- Boil this mixture in a water bath. It only takes 15 minutes of intensive heating.
- Wrap up and let stand forhours.
- It is necessary to strain the raw material.
- Now dilute with warm water to restore original volume.
How to take women sage for conception, only the attending physician will tell. Schemes may be different. The herbal composition in the form of an infusion can be prescribed three times a day for 60 ml or twice a day for a teaspoon. It depends on the diagnosis.

Best Reproductive Blend
Here the sage is reinforced with linden. This gives an excellent result, repeatedly accelerating the onset of pregnancy. The cooking method is also quite simple, but this does not detract from its merits.
- Prepare a mixture of linden leaves and sage. The proportions should be 1:1. Pour a glass of boiling water.
- Cover and leave for an hour.
- Drain and strain the decoction.
You can take it following the previous scheme. No less effective is the treatment of infertility and sage oil. It can be used as an additive in a medicinal bath, as well as for rubbing the genitals.
Speaking of how to take sage for ovulation and conception, it must be recalled that not only a decoction is widely used, but also an infusion for douching. In inflammatory processes, this is a very effective method of treatment. The more advanced the process, the longer it will take to undergo therapy. At one time, you only need one tablespoon of decoction or infusion. A very good result is given by a combination of douching with ingestion of infusion inside. Don't forget to exceedthe permissible concentration is impossible, otherwise you may damage the vaginal mucosa.

Sage for men
In the process of conception, not only the woman is involved, but equally the man. Therefore, speaking about how to take sage for ovulation and conception, you need to remember about the treatment of the strong half of humanity. Analogues of sex hormones, which are in the composition of sage, contribute to the production of testosterone. What does it give? This stimulates the formation of spermatozoa and normalizes metabolic processes in the testicles. If a married couple is treated for infertility together, then this will more likely lead to a positive result than if the doctor works only with a woman.
Instead of a conclusion
Sage is regularly used to treat reproductive problems in both men and women. Most often it acts as an aid. But if the disease is at an early stage, then one sage may be enough. It has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, and also restores hormonal levels.