Pain in the lower abdomen is more typical for women. This symptom is usually associated with gynecological diseases. In men, the causes of discomfort can be very diverse. These are diseases of the genitourinary (from mild inflammation to oncology) and digestive systems of various severity. Often the cause of pain is problems with the prostate. For any discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor, because almost all diseases, if detected in the early stages, have a favorable prognosis. In the case of violations of the digestive system, for example, only a correction in the diet can be dispensed with.
What can pull on the right lower abdomen in men, on the left or in the middle? Diagnosis of pathology with such a non-specific symptom is difficult. The doctor needs to see the full clinical picture (additional complaints) and confirm his guesses with the resultslaboratory studies to correctly prescribe treatment. Depending on the identified disease, bed rest, a therapeutic diet, antibiotics or other groups of drugs, and surgical intervention may be indicated. Next, consider the most common causes of pain in the lower abdomen, additional symptoms and treatment tactics for various pathologies.

Inflammation of the testicles and appendages
The cause of pulling pain in the lower abdomen in men may be orchiepididymitis. Doctors call orchitis an inflammation of the testicle or testicles. If the pathology is accompanied by inflammation of the appendages, then epididymitis is diagnosed. Most often, the inflammatory process develops in the testicles and appendages. The disease can be triggered by previous infectious diseases (typhoid fever, influenza, chicken pox, pneumonia, mumps, scarlet fever, and others), but in most cases inflammation of the genitourinary system (prostatitis, urethritis, and so on) is the cause. In the latter case, the infection is transferred to the testicle with the blood stream. The cause of orchiepididymitis may be testicular trauma. Inflammation sometimes also occurs after prostate surgery.
There are acute and chronic stages of the disease. Acute is characterized by severe pain in the testicle and lower abdomen, on the affected side the scrotum increases in size, the folds are smoothed out, and the skin becomes taut. Touching the inflamed area is very painful, the man's temperature rises, general signs of intoxication appear, namely: headache, weakness and nausea. AtWithout treatment, the symptoms persist for about two weeks, and then the disease becomes chronic. When palpating the testicle, a painful induration is felt.
Diagnosis will be accurately determined by an andrologist or urologist upon examination. With the help of laboratory tests, the doctor will determine the nature of the infection, it is often recommended to conduct an ultrasound scan. The patient is shown bed rest, while the scrotum should be in an elevated position. A diet is prescribed with the exception of spicy, fatty and fried foods from the menu, drinking plenty of water is recommended. Be sure to carry out therapy against the disease that caused the inflammatory process. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are usually indicated. With purulent complications, it is necessary to open and drain the testicle. In the worst case, the testicle is removed.

Tumors of the peritoneum and genital organs
Drawing pain on the left lower abdomen in men, on the right or in the genital area can be the cause of malignant or benign tumors of the peritoneum or genital organs. Benign tumors are usually asymptomatic, but may be accompanied by signs of compression of nearby organs. Because of this, there is heaviness in the lower abdomen in men. The reason may be more serious - a malignant neoplasm. Cancer is usually accompanied by intense pain.
Benign abdominal tumors are relatively rare. The reasons for the development of pathology are unknown. Most often, tumors in the peritoneum are secondary, that is, they developdue to the aggressive growth of neoplasms and the growth of cancer cells of the abdominal organs and internal genital organs. Primary malignant tumor processes in the peritoneum are more often diagnosed in men older than fifty years. Malignant formations are manifested by a decrease in body weight, pain and symptoms of squeezing nearby organs, tension occurs in the lower abdomen. In men, the main risk factor is exposure to asbestos over a long period of time. Diagnosis is difficult, since heaviness in the lower abdomen in men is not a specific symptom, but is characteristic of many diseases.
It is not uncommon to establish an accurate diagnosis only after excision of the neoplasm and further histological examination. But radical removal of the tumor is possible only with limited processes. With multiple neoplasms, the prognosis is extremely disappointing. Patients die from complications caused by dysfunction of the peritoneal organs.
The cause of pulling pain in the lower abdomen in men can be a malignant neoplasm, localized in the genital area. Prostate cancer is diagnosed in men over the age of sixty-five. Only one percent of cases fall to the share of patients with this disease under 65. Prostate adenoma is also an age-related disease. Only ten percent of men over 80 avoid this disease. In men from twenty to forty years old, injuries are the main provoking factor. More often cancer is diagnosed in hockey players, cyclists and football players. The only signPathology for a long time can be heaviness in the lower abdomen in men, so it is recommended to visit a doctor annually after 60-65 years.

Urinary diseases
Various genitourinary diseases are accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen in men in the middle, left or right. It can be pyelonephritis, kidney stones, cystitis, hypothermia of the kidneys. Any pathology can cause such a symptom. The complete clinical picture and test results will allow the doctor to determine the exact diagnosis.
Kidney stones: symptoms and treatment
Urolithiasis is a disease prone to recurrence. Pathology is characterized by the presence of stones in the bladder, kidneys and ureters. The main cause of the disease is a violation of metabolic processes, which leads to the formation of s alts that form stones. Other factors can also lead to the development of pathology: malnutrition, local climate, poor-quality drinking water, taking certain medications, lack of vitamins D and A, other inflammatory processes of the genitourinary and excretory systems, unfavorable heredity.
The main symptoms of the disease are:
- Attack pains. Discomfort is more often felt in the lower back or side, but can also appear in the lower abdomen. A man pulls his left side or right side periodically, the duration of the attack is from 20 to 60 minutes. This is usually preceded by physical activity, the use of diuretic drugs or large amounts of fluid. The location of the pain changes as the mass moves along the ureter. Often the discomfort is accompanied by frequent urination.
- Admixture of blood in the urine. Turbid discharge with a strong unpleasant odor may also indicate the passage of a stone.
- Nausea and vomiting, general deterioration of well-being. These same symptoms are characteristic of the inflammatory process, that is, pyelonephritis.
- High temperature may occur when sand or stone is released.
- Basic examination for suspected urolithiasis includes examination and questioning of the patient, general urine and blood tests, ultrasound, survey urography. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe multispiral CT, dynamic or static nephroscintigraphy, urine culture. CT is done to determine the density of the stone and the condition of the surrounding tissues, nephroscintigraphy will examine the degree of impaired kidney function, and urine culture is necessary to determine the presence of infection in the urinary tract and the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics.

After receiving the results of the examination, the doctor will determine the tactics of treatment. Today, drug therapy is carried out, aimed at independent discharge or dissolution of the stone, open interventions, lithotripsy (contact or remote), endoscopic interventions. Until recently, surgical operations were the leading method in treatment, but today this is fading into the background. The operation is prescribed only for strict indications. The most commonly performed remote lithotripsy, which does not injuretissue, but can break down the stone into small pieces, which are then gradually passed out with urination.
Kidney hypothermia
Hypocooling of the kidneys in most cases is a prerequisite for the development of serious diseases. With mild hypothermia, active measures to warm the body and bed rest are sufficient for the symptoms to disappear four days after the start of treatment. The average degree of hypothermia is characterized by high risks of the development of the inflammatory process. Timely adequate therapy is necessary so that the prognosis is favorable. A severe degree is accompanied by inflammation of the glomeruli and an increase in autoimmune processes. In severe frostbite, soft tissue necrosis occurs. In this case, the chances of complete healing are almost non-existent.
Non-specific symptoms are usually the following: in women and men, pulling pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right, as well as in the kidneys and in the lumbar region, intoxication of the body (fever, profuse sweating, vomiting, nausea, chills), urination disorder (change in the shade of urine, frequent urges, discomfort), swelling. Comprehensive diagnostics includes a general urinalysis, Nechiporenko analysis, bacterial culture, kidney ultrasound, CT, excretory urography.
When hypothermia of the kidneys, it is important to provide first aid to the patient. It is necessary to stop contact with environmental factors that caused hypothermia, warming (you can give the victim warm drinks and food, then perform a back massage), thermal insulation (you need to wrap the person in a heat-insulating blanket and providebed rest), call a doctor (in severe forms of hypothermia, call an ambulance or, as soon as possible, transport the patient to the nearest hospital with a department of urology, nephrology, intensive care).

Pyelonephritis (kidney inflammation)
Cramps in the lower abdomen in men can be caused by an inflammatory process localized in the kidneys. Acute inflammation can threaten the life of the patient. The patient complains of severe pain, fever up to 39 degrees, general weakness, headache. In some cases, nausea and vomiting occur, pallor, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, and bloating are observed. With pyelonephritis, there is a high probability of the spread of the inflammatory process to other organs and systems, because in the process of blood circulation, 25% of the entire blood of the body passes through this organ. Therefore, it is important to treat pyelonephritis under medical supervision.
Inflammation of the bladder
Cystitis is more common among women due to anatomy, but men can also suffer from bladder inflammation. Such a pathology, however, occurs only in 0.5% of them. With cystitis, itching and burning during urination, a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen (in men this is a characteristic symptom, while women can confuse discomfort with gynecological diseases), blood in the urine.
At the first symptoms of inflammation, the patient should go to a medical facility. Showing bed rest, therapeutic diet with a minimum of spicy foods, alcoholic beverages,canned food. To reduce pain, heating pads, warm baths, physiotherapy procedures are used. With severe symptoms, drugs are prescribed that relieve spasm ("Papaverine", "Drotaverine"), painkillers ("Diclofenac", "Metamizol", "Ketorolac"). The main component of therapy are antibiotics. Usually used "Cifran", "Ciprofloxacin", "Levofloxacin" and so on. If viruses or fungi are detected, appropriate medications are prescribed. With adequate therapy, cystitis can be eliminated in a week and a half.
Renal colic: signs
Pulling on the left lower abdomen in men can be with renal colic. This condition can occur with urolithiasis, tumors, injuries, kidney prolapse and other pathological conditions. Often, pain in renal colic is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In this case, urgent hospitalization and consultation with a urologist are indicated for diagnosis and clarification of the causes of the pathological condition. An attack can be alleviated with a heating pad or a bath (the optimum temperature in this case is 37-39 degrees), antispasmodics and painkillers are required. If qualified medical care is not provided in time, acute pyelonephritis may develop, which will quickly lead to death.

Genital hypothermia
Right or left pulls in the lower abdomen in men with hypothermia of the genitals. The urge to urinate also becomes more frequent, general symptoms of hypothermia are observed: chills, drowsiness, blue skinintegument, "goosebumps", slow heartbeat. Hypothermia often provokes an exacerbation of various diseases. If the left or right side of the lower abdomen in men pulls, then this may indicate epididymitis, priapism (the pain in this case is concentrated in the genital area and only radiates to the lower abdomen), cystitis, chronic or acute prostatitis. You need to see a doctor to correctly diagnose the disease and start treatment as soon as possible.
Problems with the digestive system
Pulling in the lower abdomen? Causes in men and women may be related to problems in the functioning of the digestive system. Discomfort can cause irritation of the mucosal receptors of internal organs, spasms of smooth muscles, stretching of the walls of organs, for example, with increased gas formation. Heaviness on the left lower abdomen in men may be associated with irritable bowel syndrome. In women, such sensations most often indicate gynecological diseases. Heaviness in the lower abdomen on the right in men can accompany appendicitis, various intestinal diseases, abscesses and hernia. In the middle it hurts with colitis or intestinal obstruction. It is very difficult to independently determine the exact causes of pain in case of problems with the digestive system. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will conduct a differential diagnosis. Treatment depends on the diagnosis.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Doctors say that every fourth person suffers from IBS, but only every third of them seeks medical help. The disease is also known asintestinal neurosis or irritable bowel syndrome. The main causes are stress and increased sensitivity to pain. In addition, irritable bowel syndrome often appears on the background of a sedentary lifestyle, irregular or improper diet, genetic predisposition, dysbacteriosis.
If a woman or a man pulls the left side and lower abdomen, this may be due to irritable bowel syndrome. Usually this condition is accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, frequent gas discharge, intestinal colic. Diagnosis of the disease is quite difficult. As a rule, such a diagnosis is made if there are no deviations in the analyzes, but the patient complains of unpleasant symptoms, for example, if the intestines and lower abdomen are pulled. In men, by the way, IBS occurs less frequently than in women. Perhaps this is due to increased emotionality and frequent changes in hormonal levels in women. The highest incidence of the disease occurs at the age of 25-40 years, and in older people (over 60) IBS is less common.
There is no general treatment regimen for IBS because the condition is caused by several causes. In addition, while medicine has not established the mechanism for the development of the disease. Practice shows that it is possible to completely cure the pathology only in a third of cases, in the rest it is only possible to reduce the manifestation of symptoms. IBS cannot be called a disease that threatens the life and he alth of patients, but the disease can slightly worsen the quality of life. Usually only symptomatic therapy and diet are prescribed.

Prostate Problem Symptom
Drawing pain in the lower abdomen in men is often associated with various pathologies of the prostate. The pain begins to bother after stressful situations or when hypothermia. Additionally, there are cramps and burning sensation during urination, erectile function is disturbed. Pain cannot be controlled with painkillers. It is necessary to immediately seek the help of a specialist who will prescribe adequate treatment. A common disease among men over forty is inflammation of the prostate gland. Possible malignant formation of prostate tissue, that is, cancer. Pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by testicular torsion and vesiculitis.
Prostatitis in men is successfully treated, but the disease must be diagnosed as early as possible. Acute prostatitis is the result of infection of the prostate tissue. The reason may be an elementary non-compliance with the rules of hygiene. The acute form of the disease is quite rare; chronic prostatitis is usually diagnosed. This form is dangerous because the warning signs can fade without treatment. But each time the exacerbations are more and more painful. There is a possibility of developing foci of suppuration, deposition of stones and other complex complications (up to oncology).
Common symptoms of prostatitis are: accelerated ejaculation, decreased erection, difficulty urinating, which is accompanied by burning and pain, psychological depression and anxiety. For the patient, a positive psychological attitude towards recovery is important. Experiences and stress weaken the body's immune system and reduce the effectiveness of treatment. ita vicious circle from which it is difficult for the patient to escape. It is for this reason that antidepressants are sometimes indicated for prostatitis.
When urgent help is needed
Heaviness in the lower abdomen in men may require emergency medical intervention. The pain that occurs with appendicitis can have different localization, since the appendix is located individually for each. There may be sharp pains (patients say that it “pulls”) in the lower abdomen on the right. In men, appendicitis is treated in the same way as in women. Emergency surgery indicated. Also, do not use painkillers or apply heat to the abdomen, as this may blur the clinical picture.
Immediate intervention requires pain that is associated with infringement of the inguinal hernia. In the area of infringement, intense pain usually appears, which can radiate to the lower abdomen, nausea and vomiting, and constipation are characteristic. This condition requires urgent medical attention. Pulls the side on the left lower abdomen in men with diverticulitis. This pathology is also accompanied by fever, nausea and chills. Diverticulitis is an inflammation of the protrusion of the intestinal wall against the background of stagnation of the intestinal contents. It is observed mainly in people over forty years old, more often observed in women.
It is important to remember that almost any disease (even severe deviations) is easier to cure in the early stages. For this reason, it is important to devote time to early diagnosis. At the first symptoms that were not previously observed, you need to contact a therapist, and then go through a detailedexamination by a doctor specializing in diseases of the urogenital area, digestive system, and so on. A general practitioner can suggest the causes of pain in the lower abdomen based on the clinical picture and general tests. The same doctor will issue a referral to specialized doctors.