Sexual weakness: causes and treatments

Sexual weakness: causes and treatments
Sexual weakness: causes and treatments

The presence of constant stress, sedentary lifestyle and unhe althy diet, together with bad habits, lead to the fact that almost every modern man needs the treatment of sexual weakness. At the same time, difficulties with erection are increasingly found in representatives of a younger age. The feeling of shame that visits males in such cases leads to the fact that the treatment of sexual weakness in men is postponed until the last moment. Meanwhile, the sooner therapy begins, the more favorable the prognosis.


More than 50% of males over 40 suffer from sexual weakness. Increasingly, young men are visiting doctors on this issue. Experts explain this trend by changes in the lifestyle of urban residents, as well as the growing role of virtual communication with women. Lack of physical contact with a partner leads to negative phenomena in the hormonal background.

sexual weakness
sexual weakness

It should be borne in mind that failure in intimacy visits at least once in the life of every male. But when it comes to sexual weakness in men, the absence of an erection must be present at least four times in a row. In this case, in no case can one hope for a case of miraculous healing. In addition, if the patient delays going to the doctor, the man's sexual weakness will progress very actively.

The key to success

Impotence means the inability to have sexual intercourse due to the lack of a stable erection. One-time "misfires" can be provoked by a number of reasons. This also applies to the causes of sexual weakness - there are also many of them.

First of all, the psychological one is singled out. For a man, inner confidence is important. In many ways, this aspect will depend on the behavior of the partner. Too much stress can lead to weaker erections.

Also isolated hormonal cause. With age, the level of sex hormones in the male body decreases. Sometimes this happens due to diseases of the endocrine system. It has been proven that obesity leads to hormonal imbalance, which in turn causes sexual weakness in men.

Besides this, the reason may lie in the neurology. Violation in the central nervous or peripheral system, which is often caused by taking a number of drugs, also leads to sexual weakness. We are talking about antidepressants, adrenoblockers and other drugs.

Another reason for sexual weakness is vascular. Since an erection occurs due to the fact that the tissue is filled with blood, hypertension or atherosclerosis can be the reason for its absence. Usually just forFor this reason, patients in adulthood suffer from sexual weakness.

Sometimes there is another factor - anatomical. Due to some congenital features, accidents, surgery, the penis may not fill with blood when aroused. And sometimes there is an action of several factors in combination - due to a painful shock during an injury, a male representative begins to experience fear of sexual contacts at a subconscious level. As a result, an erection does not occur. Usually, male discomfort is closely associated with the perception of sexual weakness by a woman. A man is afraid of his partner's reaction to his "misfires", and this causes further dysfunction.

erectile dysfunction
erectile dysfunction

Interesting fact

It is noteworthy that the world-famous composer Webber, who wrote the musicals "The Phantom of the Opera" and "Cats", publicly announced that he was suffering from impotence after he had a prostate tumor removed. Such consequences quite often haunt patients, since the most important task with this diagnosis is to save the patient's life, as well as to ensure the prevention of urinary incontinence.

Modern Therapy

Early detection of the tumor contributes to the preservation of sexual function in men.

At the moment, sexologists are able to help virtually everyone. There are enough drugs for sexual weakness, and the literacy of diagnostics allows you to choose the one that best suits a particular man.

man suffers
man suffers

However, doctors do notadvised to self-medicate. Despite the fact that many miraculous drugs promise a stunning effect, you should not rely entirely on their creators. Only a doctor is able to understand the features of a particular case. Sometimes a person, choosing folk remedies for sexual weakness, only delays the treatment process, and this, in turn, leads to complications. In the end, the disease is more and more difficult to treat, and it does not pass without a trace for the male body.

It is extremely rare for a doctor to select only one method of therapy that eliminates the pathological factor directly. However, more often than not, a comprehensive approach is needed for the final cure. This means a combination of several methods of treating impotence at once. So, often a man needs to work not only on physiological reasons, but also on self-doubt formed during the illness.


Due to the fact that the sexual sphere is a very vulnerable area for men, in the course of getting rid of sexual weakness, they need psychotherapeutic sessions. Patients are referred to a psychotherapist, whose dysfunction does not always manifest itself, but only during sexual contact. At the same time, during masturbation and in a dream, they have an erection. In this case, an experienced doctor will help a person to understand his own experiences and use techniques that will restore self-confidence and eliminate clamps.


Most often in philistine circles, medications for impotence are overgrown with images of miracle pills,capable of restoring an erection in patients in an instant. For example, medicines based on sildenafil and tadalafil gained such fame.

Medicines of a different kind eliminate directly the root cause of the development of the disease. We are talking about hormonal drugs, vitamins, dietary supplements that help better conduct impulses through tissues and nerve fibers.

pill treatment
pill treatment

Medicines for sexual weakness are not in all cases available in the form of tablets. They are also produced in the form of ointments, injections, rectal suppositories, solutions. How successful this kind of treatment will be is determined by the individual characteristics of each individual patient. But keep in mind that side effects can be different, depending on the individual sensitivity of the person.

Vacuum therapy

The next popular treatment for sexual dysfunction is the use of negative pressure. We are talking about mechanical devices that are used immediately before sexual contact. Thanks to the use of a vacuum pump, a man ensures that the blood fills his penis, and after an erection is held by a special ring worn on the base of the penis. This allows you to achieve a stable 30-minute erection, and often males resort to such symptomatic treatment. But keep in mind that the vacuum method does not lead to a cure.


Massage of the pelvic organs is the most important method used in the course of complex therapy for this disease. Thanks toblood flow in this part of the body improves, metabolic processes are also activated, blood vessels dilate, and the effectiveness of medications increases. It is important to take into account the fact that massage also has a psychological effect. So, it leads to the fact that the genitals become more sensitive, the man gets rid of stress.

at the reception
at the reception

exercise therapy

Therapeutic physical culture for sexual weakness is an additional method that allows you to strengthen the muscles in this area, improve blood circulation. Usually men who lead a sedentary lifestyle suffer from impotence, and exercise therapy has an invaluable effect in the treatment of such people.

In addition, exercise therapy eliminates the consequences of the fact that the pelvic organs were squeezed - this is a frequent consequence of wearing tight clothing. Practicing every day improves the quality of sex, it is also an excellent prevention of vascular disorders in men who are faced with various types of impotence.


In cases where other methods are powerless, doctors resort to surgical intervention. Either an operation on the vessels or prosthetics of the penis is performed. Thanks to modern techniques, surgery of this kind returns potency to a man in 95% of cases, and he gets rid of the need to use potency pills or resort to other effects on the penis to improve erection. But the main disadvantage of this approach is the high cost of surgical intervention, which is not recommended.transfer to the elderly.

impotence symbol
impotence symbol

Shock Wave Therapy

Shock wave treatment is considered an innovative way to cope with impotence. The action is due to acoustic waves that trigger the emergence of new blood vessels in the body. This leads to the normalization of erection even in cases where very severe disorders in the microcirculation of the pelvic organs are diagnosed.

It is noted that the effectiveness of therapy is noticeable after 2 weeks from the start of treatment. The shock wave method has no contraindications. Also, the method helps to completely get rid of the need to use drugs that increase potency. However, shock wave therapy is recommended for most males affected by sexual weakness.

Where to contact

Despite the fact that the disease of this order does not pose a threat to the life of the male body, it is important to take care of timely treatment. A full course of therapy suitable for a particular patient will be prescribed only by a doctor. It is important that the physician is experienced in establishing a trusting relationship with the patient.

In the course of treatment under the supervision of a doctor, one must not forget that a certain kind of diet improves potency. For example, a man can achieve an increase in sexual performance by eating foods rich in vitamin E. We are talking about nuts, seeds, lobsters, liver, eggs, cereals, apples. Most of this vitamin is found in vegetable oil. Important notfry it, and consume it in its natural form.

Seafood, foods rich in vitamin C, plants rich in beta-carotene are considered he althy: carrots, parsley, apricots, cabbage. This food contains substances that prevent aging, which will be very useful. In fact, the menu of Mediterranean cuisine is the ideal diet for men suffering from impotence.

the man is sad
the man is sad

Every male representative should remember that the number of men suffering from impotence is steadily growing, and every tenth patient consults a doctor. And this despite the fact that timely treatment guarantees rapid healing.

Sexual weakness in women

This problem can also affect women. In this case, the lady needs to follow proper nutrition, lead an active lifestyle and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
