Among the many species belonging to the legume family, such a medicinal herb as astragalus deserves special attention. Her photo, if desired, can be found on multiple resources, it is also presented in this article.

Also, the raw material itself can be purchased not only in a phytopharmacy, but also from people living in areas where this herb grows. In the age of universal computerization, it is quite easy to buy astragalus. Grass in a pharmacy or specialized stores selling medicinal raw materials is sold without prescriptions.
Healing properties that are present in Astragalus
A herbaceous plant of the astragalus legume family, the photo and description of which can be found in the article, has special healing properties. They are primarily determined by the uniqueness of its chemical composition, and secondly, by the harmony of the ratio of useful substances contained in it. Healing cocktail of them, as recognized by most experts, affects the human body in the best possible way and many timesexceeds the benefits of any single medicinal substance contained in this plant. Astragalus has the following chemical composition:
- a large number of trace elements, among which there are such necessary for a person as sodium, manganese, phosphorus and calcium;
- a fairly wide range of vitamin groups;
- essential oils;
- organic acids;
- steroids.
Astragalus is also capable of selective accumulation of selenium.
Astragalus contraindications
Any drug, regardless of what medicine, folk or traditional, it is used, has its own number of contraindications. For some drugs, it is quite large, and for some it is almost minimal. It refers to this plant. The properties of the herb Astragalus are for the most part only beneficial.
It is not recommended to use it only in two cases: with advanced hypertension and at any stage of pregnancy. And all other patients can use preparations with this plant without any risk to their body.
Plant subspecies - astragalus woollyflower
The herb astragalus woolly-flowered has found the greatest use in folk medicine. Preparations based on it are used for a variety of diseases, among which there are quite difficult to treat. It is possible to note such diseases, in the treatment of which astragalus woolly-flowered plays an important role:
- chronic coronary insufficiency, popularly called"angina pectoris";
- hypertension;
- respiratory cataracts and pneumonia;
- any disease of the cardiovascular system.
That's how useful the herb Astragalus is.

The use of the woolly-flowered variety is recommended by Chinese and Tibetan medicine in the treatment of malignant neoplasms of various organs, as well as diseases of the spleen and diabetes.
Recipes for decoctions and infusions of this herb
When preparing medicines from this plant at home, you should use recipes that have been tested by many patients and have excellent reviews. Here are just two of them:
- An infusion used to strengthen the cardiovascular system is prepared from two tablespoons of crushed dry grass of this plant. It should be poured with boiling water in a volume of 200 milliliters, and then put in a water bath. This mixture should be steamed for at least 15 minutes, after which it should be cooled and filtered, squeezing out all the steamed grassy parts. The resulting broth is topped up to the original volume with boiled water and taken 2 tablespoons at least 3 times a day. They are treated for 6 weeks.
- For a hemostatic decoction, take 20 grams of dry herb of this medicinal plant and pour a glass of boiling water. After a 15-minute infusion, you can use it internally for medicinal purposes. It is taken in two tablespoons three times a day.

Astragalus is a favorite of folk healers
Why do both recognized healers and those people who are at least a little versed in traditional medicine trust this plant? There is a simple explanation here. The herb astragalus, the use of which contributes to the complete cure of many diseases, has actually proven its unique healing properties. This is evidenced by the following factors:
- Astragalus is characterized by the widest range of effects on various body systems.
- It has not only calming properties, but also significantly improves the activity of the cardiovascular system by bringing clogged vessels back to normal.
- With neuroses that have become a real scourge of our time, this herb turned out to be a worthy alternative to traditional drugs that cause addiction in the patient.
Given the properties of astragalus, any person will be able to choose both a recipe and a dosage that are suitable for his body. This is guaranteed to help get rid of unpleasant and disturbing ailments that traditional medicine is often unable to cope with.
Astragalus rhizomes in folk medicine
In addition to the herbaceous tops, astragalus root is also used for medicinal purposes (although not so often). It is harvested in autumn or spring, when it accumulates the greatest amount of nutrients and medicinal enzymes.
Compositions prepared from the rhizomes of this plant also have great healing power. According to what he hasThe root of this herb significantly surpasses ginseng, which, as is commonly believed, has no equal in immunomodulatory and restorative properties.

Drugs made from it are indicated for a very large number of diseases, often incurable. They are used both externally and by ingestion. Among the diseases that the astragalus root can quite effectively cure are:
- chronic heart failure of both degrees, which is mostly accompanied by tachycardia;
- scrofula;
- renal hypertension;
- prolapsed uterus;
- edema with different etiologies;
- rheumatic pains;
- acute and chronic glomerulonephritis;
- angina;
- hypertension.
It is usually used as a tonic, in the form of decoctions and infusions.
Traditional medicine recipes using astragalus rhizomes
There are many recipes for various tinctures, decoctions and infusions that are prepared from these healing roots. Here are some of them:
Alcohol tincture. To prepare it, you need to take 40 rhizomes of the plant and mix them with 400 milliliters of vodka. Its use in medicinal recipes is much more effective than the use of medical alcohol for the same purposes, since it does not burn out healing enzymes.
The mixture prepared in this way is removed for 10 days in a dark place with roomtemperature so that the drug can infuse, and all medicinal substances come out of the rhizome. For the treatment of diseases, this tincture should be taken in drops, 20-30 at a time, immediately before meals three times a day.

An anti-aging medicine from the rhizomes of a plant with honey, a gift from Tibetan medicine, is prepared as follows.
From the dried roots of astragalus, a powder should be prepared, which is mixed in equal volumes with honey. Store this product in a tightly closed container at room temperature. It should be consumed in very small doses, literally at the tip of a teaspoon, and at the same time drink plenty of water, at least half a glass at a time.
Where can I get this unique medicinal raw material?
There are situations when it is not possible to collect this plant on your own, and it is urgently required for treatment. In this case, it is necessary to purchase such medicinal raw materials as astragalus (herb) in a phytopharmacy. The price of this healing agent is quite budgetary: it costs about 100 rubles (50 g).
You can also use the services of online stores that sell medicines. But the raw materials that are harvested independently can bring the greatest benefit. Although, due to certain circumstances, this is often very difficult to do.
Rules to follow when harvesting Astragalus grass
The medicinal herb astragalus, or rather its collection in natural conditions, is under the control of organizations,involved in the protection of nature, and is allowed only to those people who have a special license for this. But they also need to follow certain rules in order not to lead the population of this plant to complete extinction. The main requirements for harvesting this herb are as follows:
- grass is forbidden to be pulled out of the ground with a root system;
- it is cut with scissors at a distance of two or three centimeters from the soil surface;
- part of the branches of the cut plant must be left intact in order for the seeds to ripen.
The best time to collect this medicinal raw material is the summer months (July and August). It was during this period that the largest amount of useful substances was accumulated in the green mass of astragalus.

How to properly dry the collected plant in order to preserve its beneficial properties? The process of drying the grass is carried out in a place protected from direct sunlight, but at the same time, in a well-ventilated place. It is best to spend it outdoors, under a canopy. Or, in extreme cases, in attics, balconies.
That's how easy Astragalus grass is harvested. Its use in the treatment of various diseases will be the most effective. In addition, this drying method will not lead to damage to the grass by rot or mold.
How to prepare astragalus root?
Where else is the herb Astragalus used? The use of rhizomes for medicinal purposes should be carried out only aftercorresponding to all the rules of the workpiece. Compliance with them is necessary in order for the raw materials to retain all their healing properties.

To do this, dug out rhizomes are thoroughly washed under running water and all lateral fibrous roots are cut off. After such preparation, they should be laid out to dry in a well-ventilated area, where there is no access to direct sunlight. Every day, the rhizomes laid out to dry should be turned over so that they do not rot.