There are a huge number of ways to use propolis, because this product has been known for its healing properties for a long time. Propolis is a substance obtained by bees when processing resins collected from contact with plants. The main feature of this substance, which explains its relevance in medicine, is a pronounced bactericidal effect. Natural propolis contains only natural resins and enzymes from bee glands.
How is it going?
Propolis is obtained by the following sequence of actions:
- Bees get tarry secretions.
- They are delivered to the hive, where they are transferred to other family members for processing.
- The secretions of the glands of bees get into the resin, the process of mixing, interaction takes place.
Initially, the product was not created for humans at all: the use of propolis is relevant within the bee colony. It is used to close gaps and embalm pests found and killed inside the hive. Substancescontained in propolis, evaporate, making the atmosphere healing, suitable for the life of the inhabitants of the hive. Doctors admit: the air inside the hive has healing qualities, therefore it is useful for humans. Methods for its application have already been developed.
The use of propolis is due to its antimicrobial properties. The substance effectively fights pathological viruses, bacteria, and protozoa. It is a completely natural antibiotic with a broad spectrum of effectiveness.

How will it help?
The use of propolis is based on the following qualities of the product:
- Microscopic pathological lifeforms are not immune to it.
- No harmful effect on beneficial human intestinal microflora.
- The use of a natural antibiotic does not provoke dysbacteriosis.
You can use pharmaceutical antimicrobial formulations and propolis at the same time. A natural substance makes medicines more effective, prolongs their action. Studies have shown that propolis goes well with the penicillin series, erythromycin. It can be combined with strepto-, mono-, neo-, oleandomycin, tetracycline and polymyxin.
History and practice
The first instructions for the use of propolis (if you can call them that) were developed by the ancient Incas. In those days, the remedy was used to relieve fever and reduce high fever. There are references to it in the works of Avicenna, who spoke about the unique healing qualitiesblack wax. In official medicine, propolis has been recognized since the 19th century. In the last century, around 60-80 years, propolis attracted the attention of advanced minds in the field of medicine. It was then that they began to explore the features of the product and find methods for its improvement, application in the pharmaceutical industry.
The use of an aqueous extract of propolis, an alcoholic tincture, ointments based on the product is now a widespread practice around the world. It first became popular in the Eastern European powers, from where it quickly spread throughout the world. Propolis in our time is the object of scientific research. Doctors want to learn as much as possible about the qualities, properties of the substance, the possibilities of its use in medical practice.
About the use of propolis on alcohol (tincture), water extract was first officially written in 1964. It was then that the famous scientist Kivalkina published a work on the ability of the product to activate human immunity. Under the influence of the substance, phagocytes become more active, the concentration of properdin in the circulatory system increases, and the biological synthesis of agglutinins is accelerated. Based on this work, we can confidently say that propolis is an exceptionally promising product for the manufacture of immune compounds that are suitable for both humans and animals, and can be used not only to treat diseases, but also to prevent them.

Official and verified
The use of propolis extracts is completely legal - inCurrently, the product belongs to the number of medicines, included in the register of substances that are allowed to be used in medicine, adopted on the territory of our state. A lot of research has been done to find out what its properties are. It is precisely known that propolis:
- inhibits decay processes;
- suppresses the activity of pathological life forms;
- supplies biologically active substances to the body;
- relieves pain;
- stimulates the immune system.
And more details?
The instructions for use attached to the pharmacy product with propolis necessarily indicate that this substance stops inflammatory processes and inhibits the vital activity of microbes and bacteria. Since phagocytosis is activated under the influence of propolis, the patient's body is more quickly cleared of the waste products of harmful life forms, dead cells.
It is known that the use of propolis (an effective tincture can be made on alcohol) allows you to defeat a variety of life forms, including a tubercle bacillus. Propolis is effective when infected with Trichomonas, helps patients with candidiasis, shows itself well when infected with herpetic viruses. Propolis is effective in hepatitis. The product inhibits the growth of pathological microorganisms, prevents the development of infection.
From the instructions for the use of aqueous propolis (as well as alcohol tincture or ointment, any other medicine based on the product), you can find out that the composition contains various acids that prevent the reproduction of coloniesbacteria. Ferulic acid, for example, is effective in infection with gram-positive, gram-negative forms. It has an astringent effect, stimulates the rapid healing of ulcers, and helps with wounds. Relatively recent studies have shown that propolis preparations strengthen the walls of blood vessels and are moderate diuretics.
Use: wisely and profitably
As noted by many in their reviews, the use of propolis tincture is possible with gastric diseases. People who have used the product for such purposes agree that propolis is effective, safe, and shows a pronounced effect. Persons who have suffered heart and vascular diseases also use propolis tinctures. It is believed that after a heart attack, such a product helps the scars on the heart muscle to dissolve faster. In addition, propolis has a positive effect on the he alth of the vascular walls, reduces tissue fragility, and normalizes the level of fluid clotting. Preparations with propolis are prescribed for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.
In reviews of the use of propolis on alcohol, many note the effectiveness of the product in respiratory diseases. Even those people to whom the effect of propolis seemed weak admit that there was a benefit from it, and they advise using formulations with this product to enhance the effectiveness of the main drug program.
For skin diseases, you can use propolis for local external treatment. A particularly good effect is noticeable in the treatment of psoriasis. You can combine the external application of an ointment with propolis and taking tablets with it. The tool helpswith eczema, stimulates the healing of wounds, burns. The use of aqueous propolis is justified for frostbite. If the processes are accompanied by suppuration, the substance disinfects the area and inhibits the production of pus.
In case of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, you can rinse your mouth with propolis tincture in alcohol. Instructions for use of the pharmacy product contains recommendations for instillation into the ears if otitis is concerned. With suppuration of the mucous membrane of the eye, you can wash the organs of vision with an aqueous tincture. If a cataract begins, with the help of propolis, you can slow down the destructive processes, restore transparency to the lens.
Many modern preparations contain propolis. This substance increases the ability of the skin to pass useful components, which means that the effect of medicinal compounds becomes stronger. However, doctors urge: despite the promising instructions for the use of propolis tinctures and ointments based on it, you should not expect that they will heal any disease. The tool will not replace antibiotics or other drugs, but only enhance their effect. In addition, an average of 3% of the world's population are hypersensitive to bee products, which means that propolis is contraindicated for them.

Why does this work?
In the instructions for use of propolis tinctures, manufacturers generously share information about what compounds are in propolis - this allows us to better explain why preparations based on the product really work. In total, propolis is more than five dozen differentuseful compounds, conditionally divided into 4 groups:
- resin;
- balms;
- butter;
- wax.
The first group is organic acids. Cinnamon alcohol has been found in propolis. Some acids are the guarantor of the bactericidal qualities of the product. The average content of resins in natural propolis is 40-55%.
Balms account for about 6% of the volume. These are complex compounds, including essential oils, aldehydes, tannins, terpenoids.
Up to 10% of the total mass of propolis are various he althy oils. It is on them that the smell of the product depends, to some extent - its taste. Oils are complex compounds, semi-solid, yellowish in color. The composition of this component of propolis varies greatly: it all depends on the region, the plants with which the bees have been in contact.
Finally, wax is about a third of the total mass. It provides plasticity, durability, storage capacity of the product. Without it, it would be impossible to prepare propolis ointments.
There are a huge number of varieties of propolis, so this description is very general. There are options in which flavonoids are only a vanishingly small percentage. However, studies have shown that despite the variability of formulas and proportions, the result of the product's impact on a person remains.
Physical qualities
The natural shade of propolis varies significantly: from brownish green to gray. The product may be brown, greenish, yellow. Over time, it darkens, and a color transformation to black is possible. ATat room temperature, the substance is viscous, hardens at about 15 degrees Celsius. Elasticity gains if knead it with your fingers.
When frozen, it becomes brittle, crumbles. Thanks to this, it became possible to prepare propolis tincture for alcohol (the use of this medicine is currently relevant for a wide range of diseases). The frozen product is ground on a grater, and the resulting crumb is dissolved in the main liquid. Oil solutions are prepared in the same way.
It is customary to distinguish hard, soft types of propolis. Soft is a higher quality product. It is mined between the frames of the hive. It forms near the cells and contains a small percentage of impurities, including wax. There is more wax and other components in the hard grade, so the quality is lower. Such propolis can be taken from the bottom of the bee house or from the notch.

Although not a panacea, but it will help
If you study the instructions for the use of aqueous propolis, alcohol, as well as ointments and other drugs on this substance, you will probably be surprised - so many cases are indicated here in which the drugs are effective. Currently, propolis has proven itself in the treatment of gum disease and gastritis, and is effective when it is necessary to restore the integrity of fibrin tissue. The product allows you to cure hepatitis B, alleviate its consequences. If a person suffers from toxicosis, the use of propolis helps to cleanse the body of toxic components.
Product enhances immunity, stimulates memoryand normalizes the functionality of the digestive system. Propolis is effective against foci of inflammation, relieves mental stress if a person is affected by stress factors, and also improves the quality of the chemical composition of the blood. It is believed that drugs with propolis can improve well-being. The use of propolis inside, as experts assure, helps to prevent the formation of neoplasms.
Even when heated, the product retains its beneficial qualities, which means that you can use it by mixing it with hot tea, milk.
How to be treated?
It can be concluded from the reviews: the use of propolis is effective regardless of the form of the drug based on it. Many note the positive effect of using ointments and creams with the product, while others say that tinctures and solutions helped them to recover. Someone thinks that the best option is to use the product in its pure form for food. However, as doctors say, this method is not the most reasonable. If a person is prone to an allergic reaction, there is a high probability of its occurrence after pure propolis enters the body. But it’s quite possible to chew a piece - you just don’t need to swallow it.
Chewing propolis is advised for foci of inflammation localized in the mouth. A piece is kept in the mouth for a quarter of an hour, carefully chewing, then spit out. It should be used in this way daily until the patient begins to feel better. By the way, this method can ease a toothache.
The use of propolis tincture inside is indicated for colds, inflammatory purulent processes in the throat,pathologies of the respiratory system, influenza. You can combine the use of tinctures and raw propolis for chewing. In addition, tinctures, solutions of the product are effective for gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcerated, inflamed gastrointestinal tract lesions. Propolis is used up to three times a day, the total dosage is 5 g. Tinctures, solutions are used between meals.
Recipes and uses
To make the effect of using propolis more significant, you can mix the product with honey - four times as much sweetness is taken for one part of propolis. The mixture is used as food in a teaspoon in the evening, shortly before bedtime. The medicine has a positive effect on the immune system, so you can maintain he alth in this way during the change of seasons. This will prevent you from getting flu and colds. Another option for stimulating immunity is diluting propolis in warm milk. Take half a teaspoon of the substance per glass of liquid. The entire volume is drunk at a time, shortly before bedtime.
Propolis tastes differently burning, unpleasant. So that the taste buds do not suffer, you can prepare a milk tincture. A liter of milk is taken per 100 g of the product, the liquid is heated, propolis is mixed in and boiled for 10 minutes, constantly stirring the mass. The liquid is then decanted and allowed to cool. A thin waxy layer will form on the surface. It is removed, milk is poured into a jar - the medicine is ready for use. It is advisable to drink it for at least five weeks in a row. In addition to eating, you can rinse your mouth with it. Milk infusion is stored in a cold place.

Many options
You can use propolis as a product for inhalation. The procedure will help to quickly get rid of a runny nose, sore throat. With the help of inhalation, you can cure bronchitis, flu. It is believed that such a recipe can improve the condition of a patient with tuberculosis.
For inhalation of 60 g of propolis, you need to take a third less wax and 300 ml of water. Everything is mixed in a saucepan, put in a water bath and the rising steam is inhaled for a quarter of an hour. This treatment should be practiced regularly for at least 10 consecutive days.
Propolis tinctures are another way to cure flu, colds, and many other diseases. They can be used externally, eaten. It is believed that drugs cleanse the body of toxins, poisons, toxins, inhibit inflammation, and show a restorative effect. External use allows you to get rid of itching, pain. Propolis tincture is both an antimicrobial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent. Under its influence, skin lesions heal faster, regeneration at the cellular level is activated.
Surprisingly, propolis helps even with adenoids. Use it to wash the sinuses. Propolis is mixed with calcium chloride: ten times more liquid per part of the product. The duration of the treatment program is 14 days, the frequency is twice every day.
Respiratory and other diseases
If a person is sick with a sore throat, pneumonia, inflammation of the bronchi, trachea, you can try to relieve the condition by inhaling with propolis tincture, diluted with s altwater (saline). Take 5 ml of liquid per drop of tincture.
If your throat is inflamed, you can use propolis, after diluting it in warm water. Gargle with the resulting liquid. The optimal proportions are ten times more water per part of propolis.
With a runny nose, tonsillitis, inflammation in the ear, throat, tincture is used to lubricate diseased areas. For example, they treat tonsils diluted in water. To do this, take one part of the tincture, twice as much water. For rinsing the mouth, one part of propolis infusion requires ten times more physical solution. With a runny nose, the same remedy is used by washing the nose.
If you have a cough, dilute 20 drops of propolis tincture in a glass of milk and drink it in the evening, shortly before bedtime. The product must be warm. With a hacking unproductive cough, you can make compresses with propolis. A towel soaked in liquid is placed on the chest, covered with a film, wrapped in a shawl. The liquid is prepared as follows: for a glass of alcohol tincture - 12 times more pure water.

What else to try?
If cervical erosion is detected, propolis can be used for local treatment of diseased areas of the mucosa. The medicine is prepared by stirring the alcohol tincture of propolis in water. Components are taken in equal proportions. A swab is moistened in the liquid and the diseased areas are treated with it. This eliminates inflammation and promotes rapid tissue regeneration.
For skin diseases, chickenpox,herpetic viral diseases, propolis is used as a concentrated solution. Cotton wool is moistened in it, applied to the diseased area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. In this way, sores, inflamed lesions, rashes can be treated.

For gastric ulcers, treatment may include the use of an aqueous tincture. At first, a highly diluted drug is taken, gradually increasing the concentration. With a stomach ulcer, you should not take the drug in an amount of more than 40 drops per glass of milk.