Since ancient times, pomegranate has been considered the king of all fruits and fruits. This belief originates in the far East. But in our country, pomegranate is no less important and beloved culture. And this is not surprising, among other fruits it stands out due to its fiery red color. Its fruits are quite tasty and have useful properties. However, as it turned out, not only the juicy pulp, but also the peel of this fruit has a large number of medicinal and miraculous properties.
When is pomegranate peel effective?
As a rule, pomegranate peels, whose beneficial properties are known to many firsthand, have long been actively used in medicine. They inhibit the development of harmful microbes in the body and are an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Pomegranate peels can also be added to tea, as such a drink perfectly calms the nervous system.

In addition, they canuse for colitis, malaria and numerous colds. But the main effect when using these magical pomegranate peels is associated with the treatment of such an unpleasant ailment as diarrhea. The peel of this fruit contains polyphenyl, so it contributes to the rapid suppression of E. coli and dysentery.
In addition, it is generally accepted among the people that if there are worms in the body, pomegranate peels can provide effective assistance, the treatment of which consists in preparing various decoctions. Their useful properties are known all over the world. However, when using and treating them, one should not forget about caution, since, along with all the medicinal and anti-inflammatory properties, the pomegranate peel also has a number of toxic substances.
Preparation and drying of pomegranate peel medicine for diarrhea
It is advisable to prepare pomegranate peels, whose properties have healing qualities, in advance, since at present it is very problematic to purchase, say, such an exotic drug on the market. To do this, you need to carefully remove the crusts from a fruit thoroughly washed and dried with a towel, while the pulp is cut off as much as possible. The most useful substances in the fight against intestinal disorders are found in the upper layers of pomegranates.

After removing the pulp, the remaining crusts should be finely chopped and dried for about one week. All this must be put on a napkin and covered with a gauze bandage on top. At the same time, they need to be mixed three times a day, since whenthe slightest moisture such raw materials immediately begin to deteriorate. Already dried crusts should be stored in paper bags in cool, dry places.
In the event that you need to get rid of diarrhea immediately, the pomegranate peels, the beneficial properties of which were described above, are very finely crushed and brewed with one glass of boiling water. It is most effective to brew one teaspoon of crushed raw materials, put in a water bath for about ten minutes, and then leave for up to an hour.
Period of validity of pomegranate peel remedy for diarrhea
As a rule, if the correct proportions are observed, then such a brewed infusion can be drunk once and forget about diarrhea. However, in some cases, it is also possible to take this medicine again after three hours. In addition, with advanced cases (salmonellosis or another disease), you should take a similar infusion for three days several times a day for half a glass.

As you can see, in such situations, pomegranate peels are quite effective, the benefits of which are visible almost immediately. After all, they act quite quickly, and have also been tested by many people. Moreover, each person can afford such a medicine, since it is quite profitable in terms of its cost. There is absolutely no need to eat grenades in kilograms. Two or three pieces, or rather the peel from them, is enough.
Contraindications for the use of infusion
Usually, the medicine has no contraindications. But to abuse such a remedy as pomegranate peels, the benefits of which arevery big, not worth it. In addition, certain proportions must be observed, depending on the age and degree of the disease. For example, if diarrhea occurs in children, then the use of pomegranate peels is also allowed, but the dose is important. Toddlers can usually take one teaspoon of the liquid infusion five times a day, preschoolers and elementary school children can take one tablespoon as well, and teenagers (over twelve years old) can already be given adult proportions.
It is better to harvest such medicinal raw materials in the autumn season annually, and it is not recommended to store for several years at all, as there is a risk of receiving any unpredictable reaction, which is very often observed in people who are prone to bleeding. In addition, allergy sufferers should be very careful about such a product as pomegranate peel. Reviews about this medicine, despite all the above restrictions, are the most positive.

It should also be noted that pomegranate fruits are not at all recommended for those people who have chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, and even cracks in the anus.
The healing properties of pomegranate and the antimicrobial effect of its peel
If we talk about the number of healing properties of the "king of fruits", then there are quite a lot of them. Many people know that pomegranate juice contains iron, so it is very healing. Eating it in food contributes to a significant increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. At the same time, fresh pomegranates are also recommended for use in chroniccoughs, colds and even fevers.

Pomegranate and its peel are very useful in the process of recovery from infection, and more recently it has been found that pomegranate peel can be used in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
Pomegranate peels, the treatment of which miraculously affects the human body, as well as the juice of this fruit in folk medicine are actively used for various kidney diseases. The sour fruits are very effective as a remedy for kidney and gallbladder stones. At the same time, pomegranate juice remarkably quenches thirst during a fever, and also has an antipyretic effect.
Pomegranate peel is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As mentioned before, it is an excellent astringent for diarrhea and dysentery, and also for the expulsion of worms. In addition, dry pomegranate peels can relieve heaviness in the stomach, treat a sore throat well, and also help with sweating of the legs.
Recipe for diarrhea decoction
Everyone knows that in the treatment of diarrhea and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to drink a decoction of pomegranate peels. To prepare it, you will need to go through the following steps.

- Step 1. Prepare an enamel pan in which to place the pomegranate peels. Useful properties of the peel are preserved with proper observance of all stages of preparation of the infusion. Therefore, it is important not to overcook the pot.
- Step 2. Pour the contents with cold water and put on the stove. Heat for about half an hour.
- Step 3. Strain the resulting liquid.
Take these solutions should be warm in half a glass. The number of receptions - three times a day, but do not abuse it. It must be remembered that in case of exceeding the permissible dose with diarrhea, there is a risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, therefore it is so important to observe all precautions. There are cases when an overdose appeared weakness, vomiting and dizziness.
Treatment of diseases with pomegranate peel
Aqueous infusion of pomegranate peel effectively suppresses various pathogenic bacteria present in the gastrointestinal tract. This technique was developed by Deep G. I. In principle, there is little new in this idea, because the still well-known Hippocrates cured various wounds and dysentery in patients. The creator of this technique cured his entire family, who fell under the cholera epidemic, in five hours. And doctors who got acquainted with this method of treatment coped in two days.
Thus, it became known that with the help of pomegranate peel, the treatment of many diseases can be carried out in a fairly short time. Thus, dysbiosis, colitis, dysentery, salmonellosis, stomach ulcers, intestinal ulcers, cholera, typhoid fever and acute appendicitis are cured. Moreover, the process of making an aqueous infusion, the recipe of which was described above, is approximately the same for all these diseases, but the application and dosage are different.
Dosage of pomegranate peel infusion for various diseases
In the treatment of dysbacteriosis, colitis, stomach ulcers and ulcersIntestinal infusion of dry pomegranate peel is applied in this way: four times in equal portions at regular intervals. And the first time you need to drink the solution on an empty stomach, immediately after sleep, and the fourth - just before bedtime. Take this medicine every other day, and rest on other days of the week.
During the treatment it is contraindicated to drink alcohol. With all of the above diseases, patients should clearly know how to brew pomegranate peels. In order to consolidate the result, for example, in the process of treating an ulcer, you can repeat the course, but not earlier than after one week.
Pomegranate peel is a proven remedy

As you can see, many diseases can be cured with such a simple product as pomegranate peel. The beneficial properties of this unpretentious fruit are known throughout the world. An infusion of the dry peel of this fruit inhibits disease-causing bacteria throughout the gastrointestinal tract, while leaving the essential beneficial bacteria.
Thus, after enjoying the juice and taste of juicy red sweet pomegranate, there is no need to throw away the pomegranate peel. Their properties will be useful to you. And many people probably know that this is a true, reliable and proven remedy in the fight against numerous ailments.