Alternative medicine 2024, October

Rinse the nose with chamomile for a runny nose

Rinse the nose with chamomile for a runny nose

In the process of treating a cold, you can use both medicines and folk remedies. Many people recommend washing the nose with chamomile decoction - this, in their opinion, contributes to the recovery of the patient with acute respiratory infections. Doctors say that home therapy only provokes the development of complications

Essential oil of palmarosa: description, properties, methods of application

Essential oil of palmarosa: description, properties, methods of application

Palmarosa is a plant belonging to the grass family. This culture is distinguished by strongly odorous leaves. The healing properties of palmarosa essential oil were known to our ancestors. Today, this extract has found a very worthy use in traditional medicine recipes. In addition, palmarosa essential oil is often used in the perfume and cosmetic industries

Effective folk recipes for cough for children and adults

Effective folk recipes for cough for children and adults

Find today someone who has never experienced what a cough is, probably impossible. Moreover, many people have to spend a huge amount of time and effort to get rid of this disease, not to mention money. But, before you run to the pharmacy for medicines, you should try to apply folk cough recipes for children and adults

Treatment with a pyramid: features of use, treatment rules, instructions for making a pyramid, patient reviews and doctors' comments

Treatment with a pyramid: features of use, treatment rules, instructions for making a pyramid, patient reviews and doctors' comments

Treatment with a pyramid is an unusual, unique and unusual, but at one time very effective means of healing the whole organism. It affects a person without the help of extrasensory perception and magic, and only the laws of physics are applied. At the time of use, certain body systems are adjusted, which are still unknown to modern medicine

How to make potato inhalation at home: indications and rules

How to make potato inhalation at home: indications and rules

The development of medicine makes it possible to find a suitable remedy for many diseases. But still, some folk recipes do not lose their popularity. So, with a cold, many people still use inhalations with potatoes. This procedure is considered effective and simple, and its availability and low cost make it very popular. Doctors also consider steam inhalations useful, but they can not always be used. In order for such treatment to bring the desired results, certain rules must be observed

Healers of Russia: how to choose the best, methods of treatment and patient reviews

Healers of Russia: how to choose the best, methods of treatment and patient reviews

Those patients who are disillusioned with traditional medicine seek to resolve their issues with the help of traditional healers. How safe and effective is it? Can healers save a person from drug and alcohol addiction? Together we will seek answers to these questions

Bubnovsky's gymnastics for joints: adaptive and basic complex. The most effective exercises

Bubnovsky's gymnastics for joints: adaptive and basic complex. The most effective exercises

To treat joint and musculoskeletal problems, many resort to drug therapy or surgery. An alternative method is Bubnovsky's unique gymnastics for joints. Doctor of Medical Sciences helps to return to a normal lifestyle even in the most advanced cases thanks to specially designed exercises to restore the musculoskeletal system - kinesitherapy

Medicinal oils - overview, application features and effect

Medicinal oils - overview, application features and effect

The unique forces of nature never cease to amaze. For many centuries, people have been studying its potential, but many secrets have still been preserved. It is among the gifts of nature that healers and healers are trying to find a universal treatment for all ailments. Medicinal oils have gained special respect. It is a concentrate of nutrients that help maintain he alth and treat various diseases

Geranium field: medicinal properties

Geranium field: medicinal properties

The material tells about such a healing plant as field geranium. Let's find out what properties this herb has, how to collect it correctly

Chia seeds: benefits and reviews

Chia seeds: benefits and reviews

Even staunch skeptics resort to herbal medicine, considering folk medicine the day before yesterday and grandmother's superstitions. Natural plant components are present in traditional medicines. In principle, tea with lemon for colds or rosehip infusion taken by kidney patients are all widely used methods that can be safely attributed to healers. So why not pay closer attention to other useful plants? For example, chia seeds

Thyme for alcoholism: folk methods of treatment, recipe for preparation, rules for use, dosage, duration of treatment, contraindications

Thyme for alcoholism: folk methods of treatment, recipe for preparation, rules for use, dosage, duration of treatment, contraindications

In the fight against the disease, they often use old proven and quite effective folk methods that help get rid of alcoholism. Thyme is one of the most effective herbs in the treatment of this serious illness. This material will present various recipes for folk remedies based on this plant, recommended dosages, indications and harm

Mustard in socks for a child with colds and runny nose: reviews

Mustard in socks for a child with colds and runny nose: reviews

Today, more and more people are turning to traditional medicine recipes. There are a number of reasons for this. Who will miss the opportunity to recover without spending a lot of money on drugs, and even without harming their he alth? Today the topic of our conversation is mustard in socks for a child with a cold and runny nose. Join if interested

Lovage herb: properties and uses

Lovage herb: properties and uses

What properties does lovage grass have? We will answer this and other questions regarding the presented plant in detail in this article

Somatics - what is it? Somatics of Thomas Hanna: table of diseases and exercises

Somatics - what is it? Somatics of Thomas Hanna: table of diseases and exercises

The word "somatics" became known thanks to Thomas Hann. So he called new approaches to the study of movements. Once published, they became very popular. Thomas Hanna founded the Institute for Somatic Research. His teachings help people overcome diseases of the joints, bones and spine

Hawthorn: types and varieties

Hawthorn: types and varieties

Today we will talk about what medicinal hawthorn is, we will consider its types. We will also describe each variety in detail and medical use

Dovzhenko, method of coding for alcoholism: effectiveness, contraindications and reviews. Dovzhenko coding

Dovzhenko, method of coding for alcoholism: effectiveness, contraindications and reviews. Dovzhenko coding

The problem of alcoholism has been worrying many people for decades. The patient himself and his environment suffer from this ailment. According to many doctors, alcohol addiction is an incurable disease. People even say that there are no former alcoholics. Despite this, there are some treatments for this disease. One of the most effective and common methods is Dovzhenko coding. The method was founded by a narcologist

The most effective folk remedies for alcoholism: recipes, reviews

The most effective folk remedies for alcoholism: recipes, reviews

Most people who are indifferent to alcohol consider drinking a bad habit. Doctors-narcologists have a different opinion on this matter. They believe that alcoholism cannot be called just a bad habit

Healing properties of fireweed. Application

Healing properties of fireweed. Application

Most diseases can be treated with traditional medicine that does not adversely affect the body. One of these methods is the use of fireweed, known in everyday life more like Ivan tea

Preparing effective cough remedies at home

Preparing effective cough remedies at home

Sometimes even an ordinary cough can cause significant discomfort to a person. In order to get rid of it quickly and safely, it is better to consult a doctor. But if for some reason qualified medical care is not available to you, we suggest you find out how you can easily and quickly prepare effective cough remedies at home

Black cumin seeds: reviews, properties, benefits and harms

Black cumin seeds: reviews, properties, benefits and harms

Cumin seeds have unique properties. They are part of many medicines and preparations. According to reviews, black cumin seeds are recommended for the treatment of various diseases and pathologies

On the finger panaritium. Is home treatment possible?

On the finger panaritium. Is home treatment possible?

A very unpleasant disease that often occurs in people whose work is accompanied by microtrauma of the fingers. - this is panaritium. Home treatment of this disease is possible if the inflammation is not very strong, not accompanied by high fever and extensive swelling. Often panaritium occurs in children due to non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, biting off burrs on the fingers, or minor hand injuries that have not been treated with antiseptics

Soleros: healing herb. Application

Soleros: healing herb. Application

Various and amazing plant kingdom of our planet. Succulents are considered one of the most mysterious representatives of the flora. And this is fully justified, since the shape and properties of these most interesting specimens are very different. Our publication is dedicated to European soleros - a plant unusual in all respects

Healing properties of acacia. Application in traditional medicine

Healing properties of acacia. Application in traditional medicine

Today, there are many diseases that traditional medicine cannot cope with. This forced people to turn to alternative types of treatment, which quite effectively allow you to get rid of quite severe ailments. In alternative medicine, medicinal plants are most often used. In this article, you can learn about the medicinal properties of acacia, which can help get rid of a large number of diseases

Japanese mushroom: description (photo)

Japanese mushroom: description (photo)

In Eastern medicine, medicinal mushrooms are given considerable attention. Kombucha, matsutake, shiitake are just a few of the names of the remedies that are actively used for therapeutic purposes by Japanese healers. For thousands of years, folk healers have identified the miraculous properties and uses of such mushrooms

Massage: contraindications for carrying out. Doctor's advice

Massage: contraindications for carrying out. Doctor's advice

Massage is a procedure that has only benefits and value for both children and adults. He althy people cannot do without massage, for the prevention of various diseases and maintaining excellent he alth. Those who suffer from certain diseases also need such procedures, but the most important thing is not to harm

Therapeutic exercises for scoliosis: a set of exercises

Therapeutic exercises for scoliosis: a set of exercises

The basis of the treatment of scoliosis is a special set of exercises. In the initial stages of deformity development, it gives very good results. How to perform therapeutic exercises for scoliosis, read our article

Lilac oil is a wonderful medicinal preparation

Lilac oil is a wonderful medicinal preparation

Essential and infused vegetable oils are becoming increasingly popular today. They can be used for a wide variety of purposes. How can lilac oil be useful?

Folk remedies for high blood sugar. Recipes to lower blood sugar

Folk remedies for high blood sugar. Recipes to lower blood sugar

Folk remedies for high blood sugar. Practical recommendations and popular recipes. Effective herbs and products based on them. Applied food products, their useful properties. Right lifestyle

Medicinal plants of the Orenburg region: list, description, names and photos

Medicinal plants of the Orenburg region: list, description, names and photos

The main medicinal plants of the Orenburg region. Their useful properties and contraindications, use for medical purposes. Useful recommendations on the use of funds, for which diseases are recommended

Wintering horsetail: a plant with amazing medicinal properties

Wintering horsetail: a plant with amazing medicinal properties

Wintering horsetail, which is also called winter horsetail or winter horsetail, belongs to the horsetail family and is a plant that grows on soils with a high level of fertility

Milk thistle meal: benefits and harms. How to take milk thistle meal?

Milk thistle meal: benefits and harms. How to take milk thistle meal?

Milk thistle meal is an amazing herbal preparation. The benefits that this medicine brings to the whole human body, and especially the liver, can be called unique without exaggeration. How to take milk thistle meal?

Senna leaf: instructions for use and reviews

Senna leaf: instructions for use and reviews

Since ancient times, people have known about the beneficial properties of senna leaf. This plant is often called the Alexandrian leaf, holly hay, narrow-leaved cassia. Senna belongs to the legume family. This is a wild tropical plant that blooms with light yellow flowers and lanceolate leaves that have medicinal properties. The senna leaf is harvested in Arabia, Asia, India, in Russia, in some European countries, where the plant grows

The benefits of flax seeds: a medicine known since antiquity

The benefits of flax seeds: a medicine known since antiquity

The benefits of flax seeds have been known to mankind since ancient Babylon. There is even historical evidence that its rulers made the use of products based on them mandatory for citizens of the state

Using flaxseed for he alth benefits

Using flaxseed for he alth benefits

Looking for a natural and extremely he althy food supplement that will give the body the missing substances? In fact, there are many of them in nature. One such supplement is flax seeds. The use of flax seed - what are the benefits? Learn from the article

Enema with hydrogen peroxide from hemorrhoids and prostatitis: proportions, reviews

Enema with hydrogen peroxide from hemorrhoids and prostatitis: proportions, reviews

How does an enema with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin help to cope with hemorrhoids and prostatitis? Very simple! Peroxide normalizes oxidative processes, also fights microbes by disinfecting and reducing the rate of their reproduction. Oxygen enters the body in the atomic state. Thanks to this, bacteria are destroyed, existing bleeding stops. With constant use, the composition of the blood improves, the work of the intestines improves

Gargle with apple cider vinegar for sore throat, pharyngitis and other throat diseases. Home treatments, proportions of vinegar and water, reviews of patients and doctors

Gargle with apple cider vinegar for sore throat, pharyngitis and other throat diseases. Home treatments, proportions of vinegar and water, reviews of patients and doctors

Apple cider vinegar can be very effective as a gargle for sore throats. However, this component also has a number of contraindications. It is very important to be familiar with all the possible complications that can be provoked by using vinegar for treatment

Lily of the valley (tincture): application, instructions

Lily of the valley (tincture): application, instructions

For many, the delicate and fragrant lily of the valley flower is associated with spring, purity, warmth and tenderness. He is very fragile and extremely attractive

Yarrow: benefits and harms

Yarrow: benefits and harms

Of the many medicinal plants that are known to man today, yarrow is undoubtedly one of the most common. Its beneficial properties have been used by traditional healers all over the world since ancient times

Vitex sacred: properties, application, reviews

Vitex sacred: properties, application, reviews

What is the Sacred Vitex plant? You can find the answer to this question in the materials of this article. In addition, we will talk about why such grass is used, how it is harvested and used

Field stalnik: application and photo

Field stalnik: application and photo

Perennial grass field harrow has many alternative names - clay, wolchug, bull grass, plowed harrow, or prickly. This plant with delicate flowers, reminiscent of the spread wings of a butterfly, belongs to the subfamily, which is called the Moth