Hemorrhoids and prostatitis are very serious diseases, the treatment of which requires a lot of effort and time. For many years, medical scientists have been working on an effective way to eliminate such pathologies. There are a lot of folk methods of treatment that are passed down from generation to generation, improving each time. Non-traditional methods of combating diseases are also popular. One of the unusual, but effective ways to eliminate the inflammatory process in the intestines and prostate gland is an enema with hydrogen peroxide.

Dr. Neumyvakin
This is a professor who has dedicated his life to science. He invented a new method of treating many diseases, which involves the use of ordinary hydrogen peroxide. Thanks to non-traditional methods of therapy according to Neumyvakin, many patientscured of their ailments.
The doctor suggests using perhydrol orally or as a lotion. Inside this medicine you can drink, inject, and also do enemas. The technique is not recognized by official medicine, but this makes it no less effective. Who needs an enema with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin and why? Will it do any harm?

In today's world, full of pollution, unhe althy food and bad habits, the human body is sorely lacking oxygen. People in the open air somewhere in the forest begin to feel dizzy and reach a pre-fainting state. This is due to the fact that the body, accustomed to a gassed environment, cannot cope with such an amount of oxygen.
The lack of this element leads to the development of a huge number of diseases. The eyes, brain and heart are most affected. These are organs that are practically not amenable to complete restoration, so the problem should be seriously considered.
How does an enema with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin help to cope with hemorrhoids and prostatitis? Very simple! Peroxide normalizes oxidative processes, fights microbes, disinfecting tissues and reducing the rate of reproduction of pathological organisms. Oxygen enters the tissues in the atomic state. Thanks to this, bacteria are destroyed, existing bleeding stops. With constant use, the composition of the blood improves, the work of the intestines improves.
Is peroxide administered rectally?
Enemawith hydrogen peroxide is very helpful in the treatment of such intimate diseases as hemorrhoids and prostatitis. Many people do not turn to doctors on time due to the specifics of the location of pathological processes. What to do in this case?
Most have already heard about the alternative treatment, but are still wondering if it is possible to do an enema with hydrogen peroxide. If you follow the instructions and follow all the instructions, then it is not only possible, but also necessary. Along with the rectal administration of the solution, special attention should also be paid to nutrition. It is best to consume light grated food, slimy soups and sour-milk products during this period.

Soda and hydrogen peroxide
Soda is a pretty strong remedy. If you take too much of it, then there will be severe diarrhea. Choosing the method of treatment offered by Professor Neumyvakin, one should not rush. It is worth studying everything carefully and only then proceed to active actions. Only in this way will they be beneficial, and a person will get a chance to get rid of diseases that have affected the state of the body for years.
Many scientists agree that the basis of blood is nothing but soda liquid. Therefore, the use of soda helps to normalize the state of the blood in less than half an hour after ingestion. Soda cleanses the blood, ridding it of all harmful components. Thus, the body begins to heal itself.
Enemas with soda and hydrogen peroxide are designed to purify the blood, normalize bowel function and, thanks to the activityoxygen, start self-purification and self-healing reactions in the body. H2O2 is used in treatment with sodium carbonate, but not at the same time. They must be taken with an interval of 20-30 minutes, otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable. When used in parallel, these components, on the contrary, complement each other and lead to incredible results.
There are hundreds of followers of Dr. Neumyvakin who have experienced the miraculous power of such therapy. Around it there is a lot of controversy, but the result remains unchanged. Hemorrhoids are cured, prostatitis disappears without a trace thanks to simple methods, such as an enema with hydrogen peroxide. As with any treatment, you first need to pay attention to contraindications and tips for use.

If a professor specifies a certain temperature and dosage in his recipe, then you should clearly follow the instructions.
After the first treatment, patients notice improvements. The blood is cleansed, the microflora is rid of pathogenic microbes, and active oxygen accelerates regeneration processes. Thus, the patient gets rid of the disease that tormented him, without spending a lot of money on it. This is why the hydrogen peroxide enema, which has positive effects, is so highly regarded among those who have already tried this method.
Hemorrhoid treatment
The circle of those who are at risk of acquiring hemorrhoids is very large. Almost no one is insured. All people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, have a sedentary job orexcess weight, faced with heavy physical exertion, are predisposed to the disease. Pregnant women and those suffering from frequent constipation are also at risk. What to do and how to treat? An enema with hydrogen peroxide for hemorrhoids according to Dr. Neumyvakin can help trouble and save a person from the problem.
To prepare an enema, you should get 3% peroxide, which you need to stir in a glass of warm water at room temperature (first 5 ml, then their amount can be increased to 10). To enter the solution, you need only a quarter of a glass. You need to repeat the steps for three days.
An enema is advised to do before going to bed so that the remnants of the solution remain on the walls of the intestine until morning. The patient is advised to switch to a dietary diet, excluding everything fried, fatty, s alty, smoked and spicy. It is better these days to eat boiled food of plant origin.

This method is prohibited for pregnant women, people with hemophilia, patients in the postoperative period, as well as in the presence of intestinal pathologies and acute abdominal pain.
Prostatitis and its treatment
Statistics sound the results, which indicate that almost every second man has signs of prostatitis. In some, they are more pronounced, in others - less, but there is an inflammatory process.
To prevent the disease from leading to a malignant process, you should immediately contact a specialist. In parallel with conservative medicine, it is possible to carry out alternative therapy. Both methods reinforce each other, and in the end, the efforts spent will lead to success. Be sure to inform your doctor, because some drugs are incompatible with perhydrol.
One of the affordable and effective non-traditional methods of dealing with the disease are enemas with hydrogen peroxide from prostatitis. Why do patients choose it?
- cheap product that does a great job of killing harmful viruses and bacteria;
- this method goes well with medications that are prescribed for the treatment of prostatitis;
- peroxide in the body triggers bioenergetic reactions, due to which blood fluidity improves, the lack of oxygen is replenished in it, the functions of the intestines and the genitourinary system are normalized.
For this method, you need to dilute 25 drops of 3% peroxide in a glass of warm water. After the course of treatment, there is an improvement in reproductive function, the pelvic organs begin to work in their usual mode. This method can be used in the process of pregnancy planning.

It is important to remember that treatment should be started with minimal doses, gradually increasing them. With the help of peroxide, the inflammatory process will go away, and most of the unpleasant symptoms will follow.
How to use the rectal method for treating diseases?
Treatment according to Dr. Neumyvakin consists in the rectal method of introducing hydrogen peroxide into the body. But the question remains: how tohydrogen peroxide enema right without hurting more?.
In order for the procedure to have the maximum effect, you must first cleanse the intestines. This can be done with a regular water enema. The introduction of the solution through the anus occurs using a dropper system:
- the solution is first heated to body temperature;
- a tip lubricated with Vaseline is inserted; the person should lie on the left side;
- using a special wheel, the solution supply is adjusted to a speed of no more than 60 drops / min.
The full course consists of taking 10 enemas. Better to do them every other day. If necessary, therapy can be repeated after 2 months.
Reviews about non-traditional treatment
Since these are non-traditional methods, one can argue about their effectiveness for a long time. Representatives of official medicine oppose such events, calling into question their effectiveness.
But there were hundreds of followers of Professor Neumyvakin. They not only firmly believe in the miraculous nature of the method, but also give their own examples of healing. Everyone who did not stop at the very first stages notes an improvement in the state of the body. The main thing is to start with the minimum dose and gradually increase it, carry out the procedure systematically, taking into account all the recommendations of Dr. Neumyvakin.
Reviews about this method are varied. For some people, this technique really helps - after a few days, the symptoms begin to disappear. There are people who complain about the deterioration after a fewprocedures.
Hydrogen peroxide enemas can work differently. Reviews confirm that there is no ideal and universal treatment. What works for one patient may not work for others. What to do? Rely on your own instinct and inner voice. When choosing such methods of treatment, you need to understand that all responsibility falls on the shoulders of the patient himself, so he must carefully monitor his feelings.
In any treatment, it is important to respect the proportions of the funds used. Improper use can lead to irreversible consequences. You can not take peroxide in its pure form, it must be diluted. When an enema is made with hydrogen peroxide, the proportions must be observed so as not to get burned and to allow the body to get used to the solution.
If any burning sensation is felt, reduce the dose. If the patient is taking any other medications, then there must be a gap between taking them and using peroxide (at least 20 minutes).
For rectal use, take a 3% peroxide solution - no more, as a mucosal burn may occur.

At home or hospital?
Any procedure for the first time is best done in a hospital under the strict supervision of specialists. There are a number of contraindications to enemas, so before starting the course, you should undergo a complete examination. Contraindications:
- abdominal wounds with open bleeding;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract inhistory;
- presence of hernias;
- women's menstrual cycle;
- recent abdominal surgery;
- malignant tumors;
- pregnant and lactating mothers should be wary of enemas.
If none of the above contraindications are observed, then an enema at home with hydrogen peroxide is quite possible.
Treatment according to Dr. Neumyvakin is more effective in the early stages of the disease. An enema with hydrogen peroxide saturates the body with atomic oxygen, which contributes to the normalization of the work of all tissues and cells. In some way, this procedure replaces the intravenous administration of perhydrol.
Enemas should be supplemented with dietary nutrition. You need to listen carefully to the body, to all the signals that it gives. 4 days after the start of therapy, a slight increase in temperature is possible, but this is normal.
As it turned out, such a simple drug, which can be found in any home medicine cabinet, is a very effective tool in the fight against many diseases. Peroxide enema perfectly cleanses the intestines and blood, cures a number of diseases and prevents the development of cancer cells.
The introduction of enemas with perhydrol is also practiced in the treatment of children. It is only necessary to take into account the age and weight of the child. They are not only able to cure many inflammatory diseases, but also help get rid of parasites.
If you know all the secrets and take into account contraindications, then the introduction of perhydrol into the rectum will not seem too complicated. But not worth itforget that any treatment should be agreed with a specialist.