Palmarosa is a plant belonging to the grass family. This culture is distinguished by strongly odorous leaves. In its natural habitat, it grows in India, Koh Samui, as well as in other regions of South and Southeast Asia. The healing properties of palmarosa essential oil were known to our ancestors. In ancient India, the people used this plant to treat many diseases. In particular, for the treatment of fever and malaria. Local residents added the leaves of this plant to food, thus destroying bacteria and improving their digestion. But palmarosa essential oil began to be extracted only in the 17th century. At first it was called Indian or Turkish geranium oil. In Europe, it was often used to fake expensive rose oil. Today, this extract has found a very worthy use in traditional medicine recipes. In addition, palmarosa essential oil is often used in perfumery and cosmetics.industry.

In its consistency, this product is similar to a viscous light liquid. It is painted in a yellowish or olive hue. The palmarosa plant has an unusually attractive aroma. It is slightly spicy, light, floral honey, with subtle notes of rose and geranium.
As for the composition of this oil, it may vary depending on the type of plant, as well as the place of its growth. The main component in the product is geraniol, the amount of which in some cases can reach almost 80%. The rest of the composition is occupied by the following substances:
- limonene;
- caryophyllene;
- humulene;
- citronellol;
- citral;
- terpineol;
- linalool;
- myrcene;
- nerol and others.

Useful properties
As noted earlier, this product is used to combat various diseases. Often used essential oils for colds.
They are obtained by steam distillation of dry or fresh herbs of the plant. The output amount of the product is about 1.5% of the raw material.
In addition to the fact that essential oils are effective for colds, the beneficial properties of this product are that it:
- bactericidal;
- tonic;
- antiseptic;
- antioxidant;
- immunomodulating;
- antifungal;
- anti-inflammatory;
- anti-sclerotic;
- regenerating;
- antiviral;
- vasoconstrictor;
- fungicidal;
- insecticide;
- myotonic (relieves eye strain);
- deodorant.
This huge list of useful properties allows you to use this product for a wide variety of purposes. With its help, it is possible to completely heal the body, overcome the problems of hair and skin, as the fungicidal effect of this product fights the fungus. Oil also helps to cope with emotional upheavals.
Aromatherapeutic actions
In addition to the fact that this product helps to increase immunity, the oil is also interesting because it can drive away disturbing thoughts and dispel a pessimistic attitude, while eliminating all excessive self-criticism. Attractive and charming aroma relaxes, calms, helps a person learn not to demand much from himself and others. The spicy, graceful, sweet aroma of palmarosa indoors can create an atmosphere of creativity and openness. If you want to see this, you can simply light a special aroma lamp with a few drops added, and then enjoy the rich amber.
Besides being fungicidal, this product can also easilyrelieve you of depression, stress habits, nervous disorders. If the aroma of palmarosa is in the room, then worries, anxieties, troubles will dissolve. The aroma also sets you up well for recovery after serious illnesses, helps you concentrate while studying, improving your memory in parallel.

Palmarosa is a plant that is essential for those who want to restore their vitality, flexibility of mind, as well as for those who want to cope with unwillingness to live and despair. The bright aroma will cheer you up, set you up for the expectation of the beautiful and kind.
Healing properties
As mentioned earlier, this product improves immunity, helps fight various diseases. First of all, the oil became famous due to its powerful antibacterial actions. Essential oils based on the palmarosa plant can prevent malaria, while protecting a person from the carrier of this disease for 12 hours after use. Other medicinal properties of the product are also pronounced. In addition to the aromatherapy properties, the oil can overcome the following problems:
- Relieve fever and acute symptoms of a cold, alleviate the patient's condition with tonsillitis and flu.
- Destroy pathogenic microorganisms, restore intestinal microflora, eliminate constipation and flatulence. Help speedy recovery after an illness.
- To have a beneficial effect on the exchangeprocess in the body.
- Contribute to complex therapy for the treatment of cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, and other diseases of the genitourinary system.
- The oil is useful in case of chronic fatigue syndrome, nervous strain and depression.
- The product normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the function of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
- Oil quickly heals wounds, cuts, abrasions, and also disinfects them.
- The product treats boils, bedsores, foot fungus, ulcers.
- Relieves unpleasant symptoms during menopause. Relieves heat and sunstroke.
Use in traditional medicine
We continue to consider the properties and uses of palmarosa essential oil. Quite often this product is used in traditional medicine recipes.
First of all, it is worth noting that in addition to the pleasant smell, palmarosa essential oil can also be taken orally. The product is used in the amount of one drop with fruit syrup, honey, jam 2 times a day, washed down with tea, juice or water. Essential oil is taken after eating. In this case, the product can have an antioxidant effect on the body, as well as improve overall he alth.
Based on this product, you can do hot inhalations for bronchitis, colds, otitis media. In such a situation, the oil will have a bactericidal effect. To do this, the product should be diluted in the amount of 2 drops in one liter of hot water. The steam must be breathed for 6 minutes.

It should be noted that cold inhalations can also be carried out in case of angina. To do this, two drops of oil are added to 200 ml of water, after which it is necessary to breathe over the aromatic bowl for 7 minutes.
Effective are aromatic baths for diseases of the skin and menopause. To do this, five drops of oil should be diluted in a third of a glass of milk with a high percentage of fat content. Cream can be used instead of milk. Add the resulting composition to a bath of warm water, the temperature of which should be about 38 degrees. Such baths should be taken no more than a quarter of an hour.
Above, we examined the features of the use of palmarosa essential oil in aromatherapy. However, it is often also used to combat fungal infections of the feet. To do this, 10 drops of the product should be mixed with ten drops of tea tree oil, 1 drop of geranium oil, and five drops of bay oil. All this composition is diluted in olive or any other vegetable oil. The finished product is rubbed into the affected areas on the skin three times a day.
What else is the use of palmarosa essential oil in folk medicine? Based on this, products make microclysters that are used for hemorrhoids. To do this, 7 drops of oil must be diluted with two tablespoons of wheat germ oil.
If you get a heat stroke, then you should dilute 3 drops of palmarosa oil in cold water, after which they are wetted in the finished solutioncotton napkins are applied to the forehead or back of the head of the victim. Before this, a person should first be given clean, plain water to drink. When the wipes are dry, the procedure is repeated. At the same time, it is recommended that the patient be given inhalations based on palmarosa oil.
Use in cosmetology
Oil based on this plant is rightfully considered one of the best products that care for the skin. This product effectively moisturizes and nourishes the skin, promoting rapid cell regeneration, while normalizing the production of fat, which is very important for too oily skin. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, this magical oil makes you forget about acne and pimples that accompany problem skin forever. In the case of regular use, the oil can smooth out wrinkles and restore youth to flabby and fading skin on the face and neck. Not bad product copes with minor scars and scars on the skin. Use this miracle cure as an active ingredient in skincare home remedies.

Palmarosa essential oil is an ideal natural deodorant that normalizes the sweat glands and also gives the body a pleasant subtle fragrance.
The product has an effective effect on the hair. The main component, as mentioned earlier, in the composition of this product is geraniol, which fights dandruff, so the product is simply indispensable in the treatment of seborrhea. Oil also works great with otherhair problems. As part of shampoo, organic masks, creams, oil can quickly get rid of itching on the head, strengthen hair follicles, reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, activate hair growth, strengthen them, and also fight baldness. As a result of using the oil, you will get silky, shiny and he althy hair.
Let's consider separately the most popular beauty recipes using palmarosa oil.
Anti-wrinkle mask
It is necessary to take one drop of geranium and palmarosa oil, a teaspoon of avocado essential oil, and three tablespoons of white clay, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. All these ingredients are mixed together, a small amount of water is added, after which the mixture is applied to the face for about a quarter of an hour.
Moisturizing mask
This mask can be used to moisturize the skin on the neck and face. To prepare a miracle cure, you need to mix one drop of palmarosa oil with half a teaspoon of yogurt or cream, as well as one teaspoon of natural honey. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the face and neck. The mask should be on these areas of the body for 15-20 minutes.
Cleansing Tonic
This tonic can be used for severely dry skin. To prepare a wonderful composition, you need to take one drop of sandalwood and palmarosa oil. You should also add 100 ml of rose hydrosol. The finished product wipes the skin in the mornings and evenings.

Massage cream
This remedy is perfect for aging and sagging skin. To prepare it, you should take 10 drops of neroli oil, palmarosa and myrrh. You will also need 25 ml of wheat germ oil, jojoba, avocado. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which they are rubbed into problem areas on the face with massage movements.
Around the eyes
This composition is used to smooth wrinkles around the eyes. To prepare, you need 4 drops of palmarosa oil, 3 drops of rose and sandalwood oil, 20 ml of avocado oil, 40 ml of grape seed oil, 15 drops of vitamin E. The finished mixture is applied to the skin around the eyes 2 times a day. It is best to do the procedure in the morning and evening.
Natural deodorant
As mentioned earlier, palmarosa essential oil is an effective tool in the fight against excessive sweating. For a homemade deodorant, you need 20 drops of the product, 1 tablespoon of macadamia oil. The finished mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. The product is applied as needed to areas of increased sweating.
In the fight against cellulite
Many of the fair sex suffer from such an unpleasant cosmetic defect as orange peel on the hips and buttocks. To combat cellulite, it is necessary to prepare a healing composition of two drops of palmarosa oil, the same amount of cedar oil, and 20 g of vegetable base oil. The finished mixture is rubbed every day into problem areas until improvements are noticeable.

From hair loss
At home, you can also easily prepare a mask that can overcome the problem of hair loss. To prepare the product, you need to mix 4 drops of palmarosa oil with the same amount of orange essential oil. Two tablespoons of olive oil are also added, after which the resulting composition is applied to the hair roots, and then distributed over the entire length. After applying the oil, the head must be insulated with a dense cloth. An hour later, the hair is washed out with shampoo.
It has already been mentioned above that palmarosa essential oil is very effective in the fight against seborrhea. For an anti-dandruff mask, you need to take 6 drops of our product, dilute it in two tablespoons of castor oil. The finished product is applied to curls and hair roots. After 1 hour, the mixture must be washed off the head with warm water without using shampoo.
Two drops of palmarosa oil should be applied to a wooden comb with rare teeth, then comb her curls. The procedure is carried out for 10 minutes. Such a daily ritual can give your hair an amazing aroma and luxurious shine.
Palmarosa oil also has some other great properties: it is non-toxic and non-irritating to sensitive skin, as long as it is used in moderation. This product has only a small number of contraindications. Experts do not recommend using it for the first 4months of pregnancy. Also, do not use it for children under the age of 5 years. In case of individual intolerance, you should also refuse to use this essential agent.
Experts do not recommend using the product if a person is diagnosed with peptic ulcer or gastritis. When taking a bath with palmarosa oil, if it gets on the skin for a couple of minutes, a slight tingling, burning sensation may appear. This will be the skin's natural reaction to palmarosa oil.
Please note that there are often essential oils on the market that are not meant to be taken orally. It is made from special varieties of plants. That is why when buying a product, be sure to specify the scope.