Today, alcoholism has become one of the most serious problems of mankind. Both men and women of different ages and social status consume large quantities of alcoholic beverages. It should also be noted that in recent years, quite young people with alcoholism (this is a really serious disease) are becoming more and more common. In the fight against the disease, they often use old proven and quite effective folk methods that help get rid of alcoholism. Thyme is one of the most effective herbs in the treatment of this serious illness. This material will present various recipes for folk remedies based on this plant, recommended dosages, indications and harm.

About alcoholism
What is alcoholism - promiscuity or a serious illness? A drunk person will never admit thatthat he is an alcoholic, everyone knows that. It is believed that the main criterion for alcoholism is the inability to stop at 50-100 ml of alcohol. The opinions of professionals and ordinary people about alcohol addiction and alcohol in general are very contradictory.
Medics consider this disease to be a rather severe progressive disease that has severe complications and can be fatal. Ordinary people, who have many relatives suffering from alcoholism, consider a special attachment to alcohol-containing drinks as banal promiscuity.

Indeed, alcoholism is dual, it can be a painful pathological process and an unhe althy lifestyle. In order to help a patient overcome addiction, the cause must first be identified. Before you independently treat a patient with various herbs, including thyme, for alcoholism, be sure to consult a qualified doctor, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to the patient and his he alth.
Plant properties
Thyme herb (its other names are Bogorodskaya grass, creeping thyme) has long been known for its healing properties. Due to the fact that it contains essential oils, the plant has a bright aroma. Bogorodskaya grass blooms in the middle of summer, it is at this time that herbalists collect it. Thyme has been successfully used to treat the following conditions:
- colds;
- worm infections;
- sleep disorders;
- pathology of the genital and urinarysystems;
- alcoholism.
Thyme, or rather, its juice contains all the necessary mineral and organic substances, niacin, vitamins B, C, A, folic acid. The plant contains a large number of various trace elements, phenolic compounds: thymol and carvacrol. When ingested in large doses, this plant can cause nausea and vomiting. They will intensify if an alcohol-containing drink enters the body along with thymol, for this reason, thyme is often used against alcoholism. Thyme shows the best results in the treatment of the disease at the initial stage.
In order to induce vomiting after taking a remedy with thyme, immediately after taking it, you should give an alcoholic a glass of an alcoholic drink. Please note: the effect of the herb continues until the urge to vomit disappears.

Treatment of alcoholism with thyme
We learned that due to some of the characteristics of the herb, it is quite successfully used to treat alcoholism. When used to stop binge drinking, it has much less of an effect on the body than drugs. Due to its healing properties, according to the mass of positive reviews, thyme for alcoholism is an excellent remedy for the treatment of the disease.
The method of conditioned reflex therapy is used: thyme is taken as an infusion against alcoholism and causes vomiting after 20-25 minutes. Before vomiting occurs, the patient drinks alcoholin small sips, sniffing it or rinsing it in the mouth. In order to fix a stable gag reflex, such a procedure must be carried out at least 10 times a day. Thyme acts quite gently, no side effects were observed.
Thyme from alcoholism forms a stable conditioned reflex in the patient. Even after stopping the drug, a person who is addicted to alcohol will have a certain reaction to alcohol: he will vomit from the type or even the smell of alcohol. Eventually, this will give him a strong distaste for alcohol.
By the way, a decoction of this plant in small doses can be taken as a sedative.

Best effect
Subject to all the recommendations and the indicated doses, thyme used for alcoholism, according to experts, is absolutely harmless to the body. Moreover, it has beneficial properties that positively affect the body of the drinking person. Bogorodskaya grass calms the nervous system, normalizes digestion, helps an alcoholic to survive a difficult period of withdrawal. After a person completely stops drinking alcohol, it is recommended to give weak thyme tea. It will help the patient cope with headaches, depression, neurological disorders, dysbacteriosis and other consequences of alcoholism.
Despite the fact that thyme-based medicines have many useful properties, you should notforget that it contains the poison thymol, which in small doses can help a lot, but if the dose is exceeded, it can have a detrimental effect on the entire body as a whole. Before starting treatment, it would be useful to clarify for which diseases thyme preparations should not be used in herbal medicine. It is strictly forbidden to use this treatment for people with:
- high blood pressure;
- ulcers;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- diabetes mellitus;
- tuberculosis.
You should always remember that thyme remedies for alcoholism should never be added to a glass of alcohol without the knowledge of the patient, otherwise it can provoke severe poisoning or lead to the death of an alcohol addict.

Thyme dosage
As you know, medicine in large doses can become poison. Therefore, in the treatment of any ailment, even folk remedies, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended dosage. Be sure to follow:
- doses (tbsp, glass);
- correct proportions of herbs;
- duration of admission (months, weeks, days);
- reception frequency (per day).
Preparing decoction
To begin with, we suggest making a decoction of thyme for alcoholism according to the recipe: take 15 g of dry grass, bring 500 ml of water to a boil and put thyme in it. Simmer in a water bath for about 15-20 minutes, filter, cool and bring to the original volume.
The medicine is taken 50-60 timesml several times a day, washed down with a small amount of alcohol. If the conditioned reflex worked and vomiting appeared, you are on the right track, the treatment is carried out correctly. Please note: the decoction should be taken fresh each time, only it has a positive effect.

Wormwood and thyme for alcoholism
Perfectly complement each other and help to fight this disease more effectively thyme and wormwood. We take herbs in a ratio of 4: 1, i.e. four parts of thyme and one of wormwood. Mix well and take from the total mass of 2 tbsp. l. spoons, pour half a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. The decoction should be drunk daily for 1/3 cup a day. The duration of treatment is 1-2 months. A mixture of herbs such as wormwood and thyme, from alcoholism, according to patients, really help: the drug shows excellent results in the fight against addiction.
Collecting herbs
Combine in equal proportions the grass of the bedstraw, thyme, oregano, valerian root, dubrovnik ordinary and bitter, marjoram, marigold flowers and leaves, hawthorn flowers, hop cones, grind all the components. For 500 ml of water we take two large spoons of the collection and cook on a minimum heat for about 10 minutes. Cool, strain and add an alcohol extract (20%) of lovage to the broth in an amount of 100 ml. We take in the morning and in the afternoon, before meals, ¼ cup.

Prefabricated broth
Let's prepare two tablespoons of dried herbs of thyme and oregano and fill them with half a literboiling water. Boil the infusion over low heat for 10 minutes, insist, and then filter. It is necessary to treat a drinking person as follows: we give him to drink 1 glass of the prepared potion, immediately after drinking alcohol, and after 2 hours another glass of herbal drink. The course of treatment should be continued for 2 weeks.
If you have chosen this method to treat a drinking person, you must constantly monitor him, try not to leave a loved one alone for a long time, because herbal preparations can cause severe poisoning and even lead to loss of consciousness.
Infusion of thyme
Many healers recommend preparing an infusion of thyme herb for alcoholism. Take dry raw materials in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave it on for one hour. Treatment is carried out according to the following course: 1 tbsp. l. four times a day, combined with 30 ml of an alcoholic drink.

This remedy is suitable for those who, for whatever reason, cannot take thyme in its pure form. To prepare it, combine 1 tbsp. l. centaury and wormwood and 4 tbsp. l. thyme. Take one large spoonful of the finished mixture and brew a glass of boiling water. We insist for 30 minutes. It should be taken according to this scheme: 4 tbsp. l. tea during the day for 30 days. Such a remedy should be taken for 3 months, then take a break for 30 days, repeat the course again. The positive effect will be noticeable after a couple of weeks after the start of the reception.
Herbal treatment
Healing potions prepared on the basis of various herbs, which, of course, include thyme, give good results. Consider the recipe for one of them: take 30 g of mint, sage, rosemary; thyme and wormwood 20 g each; lovage roots 15 g. From the resulting mass, take two large spoons of the mixture, pour hot water in an amount of 500 ml and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. After the broth has cooled completely, it must be filtered. Drink before meals, three times a day. The recommended course of treatment is one and a half months.
How to drink thyme from alcoholism? Before you a large number of options that give a positive effect, in the event that a full course of use of these funds. The main condition for the complete recovery of the patient is his desire to recover from alcoholism.

Please note: if the treatment of a patient with folk remedies does not give a positive result, there is no need to create an additional burden on the body of a person suffering from alcoholism. Despite all the beneficial properties of thyme, it should be remembered that thymol, which is part of the herb, is a poison. With prolonged and intensive use in large quantities of this plant, it has a very detrimental effect on the body. This medicine should be taken with caution.
I would like to note: in order for the treatment to be even more effective, a person suffering from alcoholism should be surrounded by care and attention.