Pyramid treatment is an unusual, unique and unusual, but very effective means of healing the whole body. It affects a person without the help of extrasensory perception and magic. Only the laws of physics apply. At the time of use, certain body systems are adjusted, which are still unknown to modern medicine.
Application features

The shape of the pyramid should always correspond to the ratio of the slope to the plane of the base as 3:4:5. But in this case, do not forget that the pyramid must necessarily be directed to the cardinal points in a certain way, and even objects that go inside it must be located in their places.
For example:
- if the faces are placed towards the north, a positive result will be obtained;
- towards the south - a person will receivenegative effect;
- east and west will give a neutral result.
Pyramids can be made from any material. The following species are very common:
- wooden;
- floral;
- stone;
- metal;
- lunar;
- sunny;
- from living beings;
- from skulls;
- from bones;
- from water, air, fire and earth.
If we consider the Bible, then Moses, when he led the Jewish people out of Egyptian slavery, built more cairns in the desert, where there was no water. As a result of the condensate, entire streams were formed, the water from which people just used.
One more example from yoga. In it, the “Lotus” is considered the most important sign, but few people thought that this pose is a human pyramid. A certain position of the body is formed, which is exposed towards the north, west, south and east. Thanks to this, a huge energy explosion of vital energy is obtained.
Groups like the Sun Eaters adopt a similar position where they absorb pure solar energy.
It should be noted that even a woman can take the pyramid pose, only the opposite. This occurs at the time of childbirth, when her womb expands and new life is born.
Working areas
Pyramid treatment involves charging useful energy to objects that a person will then use:
- At a height of 2/3 on the shelves of the pyramid there are variousfluids: herbal infusions and water.
- Various metals and aluminum foil are placed at a height of 1/2 for the charge.
- Products are laid out at a height of 1/3: seeds before planting, grain, and blades are also sharpened.
For small pyramids, the loading of the internal volume should not exceed 8–10%. Such a charge will be optimal.
Instructions for making a pyramid

Before you start treatment with a pyramid at home, you need to know how to do it correctly so as not to harm yourself, but, on the contrary, improve your he alth.
Initially, you need to decide what you need to get in the end result. If you want to install a pyramid under a bed, then its height should not reach a few centimeters to the base of the bed. Ordinary cardboard can be used for the material.
Any model should be made according to the proportions of the Cheops pyramid:
- base length - 230.35 m;
- height - 146.59 m.
The ratio between the values is 1.572. In this case, the angles between the base and the sides should be 58 degrees, and the angle of the top should be 64 degrees.
You can use almost any material for manufacturing (plywood, boards, slate, plexiglass), as long as it has insulating properties.
It is necessary to build without nails, as the metal will distort the characteristics of the pyramidal field.
Those who are interested in how to build a pyramid for treatment, you need to know that the length of its base is notmust exceed the height by more than 1.6 times. This ratio corresponds to the proportions of the so-called golden section. In other words, to calculate the length of the base of the pyramid, you need to multiply its height by 1.6. As a result, you will get the required size. Then, to identify the height of the side face (apothem), you need to multiply the height by 1, 35.
It must be remembered that with the increase in the height of the pyramid by several times, the activity of its impact will increase by 50–100 times. Therefore, if possible, it is better to take this advice.
Ready-made calculations for pyramids
The dimensions of the pyramids for treatment are shown in the table below.
Height | Wall heights | Base length |
10cm | 101.35=13.5cm | 101, 6=16cm |
15cm | 151, 35=20, 25cm | 151, 6=24cm |
20cm | 201, 35=27cm | 201, 6=32cm |
30cm | 301, 35=40.5cm | 301, 6-48cm |
40cm | 401, 35=54 cm | 401, 6=64cm |
50cm | 501, 35=67, 5 | 501, 6=80cm |
Where to post

Do-it-yourself pyramids for treatment in apartments must be placed away from heating devices, sewerage and water supply. A wonderful place, if possible, will be a summer cottage. One of the faces must be strictly oriented to the north. Construction needs to be approachedbright thoughts.
If the rules of the "golden section" are violated, then the effectiveness of the structure can not be expected, it will only cause harm.
Usage examples
With multiple and severe diseases, the patient requires the use of large pyramids for treatment, since their possibilities are very multifaceted. The time spent in such facilities is always purely individual. But there are exceptions for especially sensitive individuals. Then the time should not exceed 15 minutes.
In case of overwork, 30 minutes is a sufficient recovery dose. During this time, you can completely get rid of discomfort and restore all vitality.
It is already known how to make a healing pyramid on your own, so it needs to be noted that the area of effect of small specimens is also high. The patient lies on a prepared bed without metal, under which up to 5 pieces of structures from 10–15 cm in height are located in the length of his entire body.
For treatment, it is very good to use not just empty structures, but in combination with the use of pyramidal infusions or water, which must be kept there for 24 hours at a level of 2/3. Even a minimal amount of such a liquid brings considerable benefits to the sick person.
To make a pyramidal infusion you need:
- send medicinal raw materials (herbs) to a jar or vessel;
- then pour boiling water over everything and close with a nylon lid;
- then the infusion is sent to the pyramid at the level of 2/3 of the height and infused for 24 hours.
Requirednote that the liquid in the pyramids can be quite a long time without loss of quality.
According to reviews, treatment with pyramids has a beneficial effect on animals. The owners can build a large structure above the place where their pets are, or place several small ones nearby. Pyramidal water is often used for aquariums, and it is recommended to cover the vessel itself with a small pyramid, but not more than 24 hours.
In small designs, blunt knives and blades for a day for sharpening are placed at 1/3 of the height.
Treatment rules

One of the very effective methods of therapy is the treatment with a pyramid at home, reminiscent of the pyramid of Cheops, Khafre and other pharaohs. To date, this is not yet explained by science, but such constructions quite strongly activate the vital forces of an unhe althy organism. When using the pyramids, the composition of the blood is quickly restored, the pain subsides, and the pressure normalizes. It has been observed that after several sessions, the healing of wounds and fractures, surgical injuries, tumors and complications after radiotherapy is accelerated. When asked by patients what diseases the medical pyramid treats, it can be answered that there is no definite list, since such a design affects the entire body, thereby restoring it.
The following methods of influence are used for therapy:
- Very often used to place the patient under a large pyramid. With multiple and severe ailmentsthis method is indispensable, since the healing possibilities of such a design are practically unlimited. The time spent is quite individual. In case of overwork, 30 minutes is sufficient to restore strength and disappear discomfort. To treat headaches with a pyramid, it will take 30–40 minutes to be inside so that the problem area is located as high as possible to the top. With psoriasis, you need to be inside several times a day.
- Only an unhe althy organ (leg, arm) can be placed under the influence. If there is a fracture or dislocation, then for 30 minutes 2 times. Fractures have been observed to heal twice as fast.
- In addition, you can pre-charge aluminum foil, and then bandage it to the affected area of the body for a couple of hours. With pain in the muscles, joints and internal ailments, this method is indispensable. To do this, the foil is charged in the pyramid at 1/2 the height of the day. A sheet prepared in this way is wrapped with a layer of linen, and then applied to a sore joint or other place. From above, you need to cover everything with a bandage and leave it all night. Such dressings are effective for pain in the abdomen, head, limbs, chest, rheumatism and arthritis. Using this method of treatment, most often the patient notices that the pain ends very quickly, and over time, the disease stops bothering at all.
- How to make a pyramid for treatment is already known, you need to understand what methods of influencing the body still exist. The design can also be placed under the bed, but without metal.1-4 pyramids 10-15 cm high are placed in such a way that one of them is below the patient's navel. Pyramids are located on the cardinal points. The duration of the session should not exceed 30-40 minutes. Between them there should be breaks of several days. The pyramid is used to improve sleep and well-being of the patient, as well as during radiation and operations.
- You can still treat with a pyramid like this. The patient sits on a chair with a back, and a structure is installed under it. Enuresis and hemorrhoids are treated in this way.
- To charge water in a closed bottle, hold a container under the pyramid for up to 14 days. The liquid should be located in the lower third (conditionally - "dead" water) or in the upper third (conditionally - "living" water). At the time of charging, the amount of liquid should not exceed 10% of the volume of the structure. “Dead” water contains antiseptic properties, bacteria do not multiply in it, and it helps remarkably when used for rinsing the throat and mouth as a prevention of flu and sore throats, as well as to alleviate an existing disease. To eliminate a runny nose and prevent the spread of infection, it is rinsed with a nose. The use of "living" water helps to increase energy levels, prolong life, eliminate diarrhea, colitis, dysentery and menstrual problems. Such water helps to eliminate vomiting, kidney problems, headaches. It is very effective in food poisoning and various allergies. With dandruff and hair loss, it is moistened with hair to the roots 2-3 times a day. For general healingthe body is very effective is the use of pyramidal water or infusions aged there for 24 hours at the level of 2/3 of the height. Even a small part of such a liquid brings tremendous results.
- To relieve any type of pain, you can simply put the pyramid on the sore spot. But at the same time, a person must necessarily take a pose according to the geomagnetic field of the Earth: the head is located to the north, and the legs to the south, in a prone position. The edges of the structure must be precisely oriented to the cardinal points.
- You can use a set of cardboard pyramids. A person should place them on bioactive points and keep from 20 minutes to 2 hours once a day. When otitis begins, you can be cured in one session (30 minutes). For therapy, the main thing is to capture the onset of the disease, then it will immediately stop bothering and even more so progress.

There is another important condition for obtaining an excellent result. A person located in a pyramid should be relaxed and calm. He is mentally obliged to trust the design and believe that it will help him.
Only in this case will the “attunement” of several energy objects – the human body and the pyramid – be performed, and a positive result can be expected from the session.
Any variants of pyramid therapy show excellent he alth-improving results. So, in a month and a half, patients get rid of osteochondrosis obtained 20 or more years ago. With congenital angina pectoris and heart disease, it is required to learn how to stop attacks in the initial period, without waiting untilthe pain will become unbearable.
This therapy helps to cure impotence, mastopathy, and also heal children suffering from leukemia.
A person who has been in the pyramid receives immunity from many diseases. Vodka that has been in the pyramid for a couple of hours can treat alcoholism.
Without using antibiotics and other drugs, in just 5 sessions, doctors easily cope with sluggish pneumonia.
The range of use of the pyramids is very large, but not completely exhausted. Not all therapeutic possibilities are known to mankind.
Helpful tips

Don't put different items under the pyramid at the same time, as the properties and qualities of one item may be redirected to another.
It is required to clean the pyramid at least once a month. To do this, green tourmaline is placed in it on nets.
For meditation and treatment, pyramids 1.5-3 m high, located on reinforced concrete surfaces, are not effective. Under such conditions, the structure will not work.
The 2.7 meter high triangular treatment pyramid uses rolled plastic for the outer covering, as it is lighter and cheaper to work with.
Adhesive is required to fasten the wooden frame. Metal is strictly prohibited.
To increase the effectiveness of the impact, being under the pyramid, you need to turn your face to the sun.
- If you sit on a chair under the device, it is better that it be fromplastic.
- Therapy is more effective in daylight.
Spur treatment
Medical center "SM-Clinic" is located near the hotel "Pyramid" in Kolpino. Treatment of spurs in this complex is carried out at the highest level.
This pathology is a bony outgrowth that looks like a beak-shaped or spike-shaped protrusion on the calcaneus, resulting from a constant degenerative-inflammatory process of soft tissues.
There can be many reasons for this, but most often it is a strong load on the musculoskeletal system that goes beyond its physiological capabilities.
X-ray examination is most often used as a diagnostic. For treatment, conservative therapy is used. It is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory phenomena caused by the bone spike. In case of neglect, surgery is most often required.
Many healers use the pyramid treatment, which shows very good results and affects not only the musculoskeletal system, but the whole body as a whole.
Reviews of patients and doctors' comments

Some researchers believe that the popularity of such treatment lies in the fact that the pyramid contains the so-called "pi" rays, which are precisely responsible for the destruction of microorganisms and tumor cells, as well as for the mummification of organic substances.
Many believe that the pyramid develops clairvoyance, removes the negative impact of computer and televisionenergy, eliminates spoilage, toothache, normalizes blood pressure and quickly heals wounds and ulcers.
Many users claim that after treatment with the pyramid, they have acquired immunity from many diseases, and water charged with such energy improves digestion, has tonic properties and reduces the skin's reaction to insect bites.
But still, if we turn to the comments of doctors, they claim that such therapy is simply ridiculous and does not bring any positive effect. And people who are engaged in such therapy, according to their opinion, can rightfully be called charlatans. Such treatment has nothing to do with conservative therapy, and patients who use pyramid treatment are themselves responsible for the deterioration of their he alth.