Fireweed is a rather tall grass, sometimes reaching the height of human growth, with leaves scattered along the stem.

Dark pink flowers of a rather large size form an apical raceme, and the lower ovary, similar to a long box with a tetrahedral structure, serves to store seeds and distribute them further under the force of the wind.
In its genus, fireweed has a little more than 50 species, the most common of which is narrow-leaved fireweed (willow-tea),which blooms mainly in July and August. The main pollinators of this perennial are bees, helped by the abundance of pollen and sugary nectar inside the flowers.
Useful properties of fireweed for a long time attracted the attention of healers and herbalists, who called the grass "puffball" due to its seeds with fluffs, which stuffed mattresses and pillows.
Useful properties of fireweed
The healing properties of fireweed are due to its soothing, hemostatic, astringent and mild laxative effect. It should be noted that the grass must be allowed to lie down for some time for fermentation.time raw in a pile, and only then lay out in a thin layer.

The healing properties of fireweed are present not only in the leaves and flowers, but throughout the plant. Harvesting of grass should be done during flowering, and in spring or autumn, in the resting stage of the plant, harvesting of roots. In folk medicine, fireweed is used to treat diseases such as prostatitis, adenoma, migraines, tumors, stomach ulcers, psoriasis and others. Treatment is preferably carried out at the beginning of the disease, which has not reached the chronic form.
The healing properties of fireweed cannot be exaggerated. The herb has its healing effect thanks to beta-sitosterol, which is part of its chemical composition.
Examples of Ivan-tea treatment of various diseases
The main medicinal form of application is an infusion, the dose of which and the method of preparation depend on the type of disease.
So, for example, for the treatment of chronic prostatitis, take one tablespoon with a slide of dry grass, which is poured with one full glass of boiling water, after which it is allowed to brew for about 2 hours. Before use, the infusion is filtered with gauze and taken orally one-third of a glass exclusively before meals, on average 4 times a day. Dried fireweed herb is also used in combination with other medicinal herbs. For example, for the treatment of oncological diseases of the kidneys and bladder, the collection of herbs is made up of yarrow, fireweed, wild rose, celandine and cudweed. And in the treatment of oncology of the genital organs, the action of fireweed is perfectly combined with the healing properties of plantain,acacia, knotweed and nettle.

Also, the healing properties of fireweed are used in cooking and for brewing tea. To prepare the latter, the collected leaves are washed and allowed to dry for a day until a fruity-floral aroma appears. Then fireweed leaves can be used both as an independent brew and in combination with black tea.