The word "somatics" became known thanks to Thomas Hann. So he called new approaches to the study of movements. Once published, they became very popular. Thomas Hanna founded the Institute for Somatic Research. His teachings help people overcome diseases of the joints, bones and spine. In Europe, the method is already very popular. “Heal yourself and live in ease and pleasure” - such a motto is ideal for understanding what to expect from somatics. It is also promoted as a way to fight aging.
History of Somatics

The method is based on the natural recovery of the body with the help of special sets of exercises. Thomas Hanna's Somatics was published in 1977 in the new Somatics Magazine. And the term itself appeared in 1976. In the magazine, the author told what somatics is. This is a scientific direction that studies human movements and the body. "Soma" is translated from Greek as "body". Hanna's somatics teaches you to feel and realize it from the inside.
This process takes place in the integrity of the body and mind. The focus here is on the influence of consciousness on the functioning of the body.
Founder of Somatics
American Thomas Hanna is known as a Ph. D. and philosopher. He studied functional integration and was looking for a way to alleviate physical pain and complex mental conditions.

He received his Ph. D. in 1958 in Chicago. After that, he taught at colleges and universities. All the time he conducted various studies and wrote his works in different countries of the world, where he was invited to lecture. In 1965, he became head of the philosophy department at the University of Florida. There he studied neurology at the medical school. All his knowledge, research and experience in philosophy, medicine and theology gave birth to the idea of the appearance in the human body of physical patterns that depend on life events.
Later, in 1973, he met Moshe Feldenkrais, who was Hannah's soul mate and did similar research. The first functional integration training program created by Feldenkrais was organized and led by Thomas Hanna. Through practical experience and research, he found that people often have problems with posture. This can be overcome if certain movements are performed. Developing these teachings, he created a method called "somatics". This is the ability to control movements, flexibility and he alth with the mind. This method has become known all over the world. Thomas Hanna has published eight books that have been translated into various languages.
Method Description
Somatics is a teaching methodgetting rid of such ailments:
- muscle pain;
- back pain and joint pain;
- chronic fatigue.

It improves the mobility and coordination of the whole body. Those who have studied this method gain permanent freedom of movement, forget about incorrect posture and free themselves from physical patterns that have arisen in the body due to stress or injury.
Somatics is an innovative system. This is an individual work that, with the help of manual techniques, makes the body mobile and light.
Who should turn to somatics
Thomas Hanna Somatics is useful for those people who suffer from chronic or acute pain.

With the help of special exercises, concentration on the places where there are problems, on sensations, an understanding of your body comes, its physical condition improves, muscle tension and relaxation are under your control.
Most people turn to this method when they feel pain. With regular attendance at classes, the pain goes away. Those who practice according to the Hanna method say that a feeling of lightness comes very quickly. Clients find the strength to cope with the pain on their own, and do not resort to the help of a doctor. This results in improved posture and appearance.
Hannah's lessons and exercises
Detailed exercises are described in the book "Somatics", which was translated into Russian in 2012. ATit presents 8 lessons, each of which acts on a specific muscle group.

In each exercise, all the starting positions, movements in the phases of execution are described in detail. Somatics of Thomas Hanna provides the principle of gradual increase in complexity. The first four lessons will teach you how to control the muscles in the center of gravity of the body, that is, in its middle part. Two more lessons will work the muscles of the arms, legs and neck. The last two lessons are aimed at working on breathing and gait. Small changes will be noticed after the first session. The body will become smoother, tension and clamps will go away.
Exercise changes the muscular system by changing the central nervous system as well.
The complex also includes "cat sips". These exercises are recommended to be done daily early in the morning.
Exercise Methodology
The purpose of the program is to relax the muscles of the body. Full concentration on your feelings, no mirrors, the work of the brain and body - this is Hanna's somatics. Exercises must be performed smoothly, evenly, without jerking. The slower the movement, the better. Until you work out the first exercise, you can not move on to the next. The system is designed in such a way that the successful completion of the next exercise depends on the successful assimilation of the previous one.

With easy execution, a clear mind-body feedback will be formed. Setting different goals determines the set of exercises that you need. Required to performrug or pad. If movements are limited due to pain, and the person cannot get up and lie down on the floor, they can be performed right in bed. There is a lot of literature devoted to somatics: practical exercises and theory. But the initial knowledge must be obtained from the teacher. He will be able to teach the correct execution, point out mistakes and prepare for independent work at home.
Build learning
The mood in the gym where the classes are held, it can be compared with Pilates or yoga. Eliminate all distractions such as music and television.
For those who want to master this healing technique, two options can be considered. The first is learning for yourself, for use in your life. The second option gives you the opportunity to teach this to other people, which, no doubt, can change your life. To do this, they conduct various trainings that give an understanding of the principles of somatics, introduce the basics of neurophysiology, philosophical knowledge that are included in the system. And, of course, the exercises themselves and the technique of their implementation are studied.

Some experts suggest using somatic exercises in the physical education program of the younger generation. With early learning, you can avoid such processes in the body as cancer, heart disease and blood vessels and others.
Psychosomatic illnesses
The study of somatics formed the basis of the theory of the relationship between diseases and the mental state of a person. Below is the somatics of diseases - a table with some typesemotional disturbances.
The human condition | Possible violations |
Emotional tension | Arthrosis, headache, osteochondrosis |
Unshed grief | Asthma |
Permanent irritability | Stomach diseases |
Alarm | Disruption of the heart |
Anger, anger | Violation of the gallbladder and liver |
Communicating with unpleasant people | Chronic runny nose |
Lack of affection and tenderness | Skin diseases |
Doing what you hate | Oncology |
Diseases that are of a psychological nature are called psychosomatic. In modern medicine, a direction has appeared that deals with these diseases.
Thomas Hanna died tragically on July 29, 1990. When he died, various institutions continued his work.
Hannah's Somatics has become very popular in many countries around the world. New somatic disciplines are being developed, more and more positive results and grateful students are appearing.