Bubnovsky's gymnastics for joints: adaptive and basic complex. The most effective exercises

Bubnovsky's gymnastics for joints: adaptive and basic complex. The most effective exercises
Bubnovsky's gymnastics for joints: adaptive and basic complex. The most effective exercises

To treat joint and musculoskeletal problems, many resort to drug therapy or surgery. An alternative method is Bubnovsky's unique gymnastics for joints. The doctor of medical sciences helps to return to a normal lifestyle, even in the most advanced cases, thanks to specially designed exercises for restoring the musculoskeletal system - kinesitherapy.

What is the essence of the method?

The main task of kinesitherapy is treatment with the help of movement. The unique technique allows you to normalize the work of all internal systems and organs without the intervention of traditional medicine, but only using your own human reserves and eliminating the main cause of problems with the spine and joints - physical inactivity. Thousands of patients with various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system have become adherents of this therapy.motor apparatus. The success of treatment directly depends on the desire of the patient.

Gymnastics Bubnovsky for joints
Gymnastics Bubnovsky for joints

Therapeutic exercise has certain simple rules that the patient must follow, according to Dr. Bubnovsky. Gymnastics allows you to improve the spine and joints without the use of tablets, ointments, injections, blockades and operations. In addition, kinesitherapy can help with ailments of the pelvic organs, relieve drug dependence in hypertension, diabetes, bronchial asthma. For each individual case, it is necessary to develop an individual set of exercises, which should first be performed under the clear guidance of an instructor.

Bubnovsky's gymnastics for beginners

Adaptive gymnastics is designed for those who decide to get rid of pain in the spine and joints with the help of a course of exercises by Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky. It allows you to prepare the body for more serious stress.

Bubnovsky rehabilitation of the spine and joints gymnastics
Bubnovsky rehabilitation of the spine and joints gymnastics

To do this, do the following:

  1. Squatting on your heels, you need to take a few deep breaths and exhalations. While inhaling, you should rise a little and make circular movements with your hands, and while exhaling, take your starting position.
  2. Putting the palms on the stomach, through tightly closed lips we try to pronounce the sound "pf". Such breathing is called cleansing.
  3. Abs should be prepared. To do this, you need to lie on your back, bend your legs inknees, and close your hands in the lock and place them behind your head. As you exhale, raise your head and torso, trying to reach your knees with your elbows. On inspiration, lower to the starting position.
  4. To perform the half-bridge exercise, you should maintain the same position as for the press. Hands must be placed along the body. When inhaling, the pelvis should be raised (without sudden movements), and while exhaling, lowered.
  5. Get on all fours and lean forward, bending your elbows, and back.
  6. In the same position, it is necessary to bend your back up on the exhale, and down on the inhale. Breathing should be slow and calm.

In the beginning, Bubnovsky's gymnastics for beginners should be performed by the patient under the guidance of a trainer or a rehabilitation doctor trained in this program. It is important to control breathing, monitor your own well-being during the exercise.

Treat joints

Daily exercise will relieve pain in pathologies such as arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, flat feet. Bubnovsky's gymnastics for the joints will allow you to forget about the need to take medications that have a number of serious side effects on the body.

Bubnovsky's gymnastics for beginners
Bubnovsky's gymnastics for beginners

In order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to regularly perform exercises, starting with a minimum load. The number of repetitions of one action is 10-20 times. In this case, the action should not cause discomfort. The therapeutic effect of physical education should be assessed no earlier than after 3month.

Developing the ankle and knee joints

Every morning you should start with light exercises that you can do while lying in bed. Bubnovsky advises to start with the development of the joints of the foot. To do this, it is enough to straighten your legs in a prone position and pull your socks towards you and away from you. It is necessary to perform 20 repetitions of this exercise and move on to circular rotation of the foot.

Gymnastics Bubnovsky for the lumbar
Gymnastics Bubnovsky for the lumbar

Bubnovsky's gymnastics will help develop your knees in the morning. The following exercise will be useful for the joints. Lying on your back, you need to bend your knees and straighten them one by one, pulling the sock towards you. The heel should be pulled forward.

Hip exercises

Bubnovsky's gymnastics for the pelvic joints involves performing exercises that have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system and internal organs located in this area. To do this, you need to lie on your back to spread your legs to the sides and bend at the knees. It is necessary to alternately lower your knees between your legs and try to touch the floor. This will improve blood flow in the pelvic area after a night's sleep. By repeating the exercise 10-15 times, you can perform a "half-bridge". To complete the development of the joint, bend the legs at the knees and pull them up to the chest. In this case, the chin must be sure to touch the knees.

Bubnovsky: gymnastics for the spine

Back pain is now familiar to many people, and the main "merit" in this belongs to a sedentary lifestyle,which leads to hypotension (weakness) of the muscles. Kinesitherapy involves performing exercises on a simulator, which was also developed by the author of the technique. This allows you to relieve pain, restore mobility to the joints and remove muscle tone. If all the rules are followed, as a result of therapy, you can completely get rid of problems with the spine, which, it would seem, could only be resolved surgically, according to Bubnovsky.

Bubnovsky gymnastics for the spine
Bubnovsky gymnastics for the spine

Gymnastics for the spine, which is often called extreme rehabilitation, is used for protrusions, herniated discs, degenerative-dystrophic changes, osteochondrosis, scoliosis. Most Effective Exercises:

1) Sitting on the floor with legs extended forward, start walking on the buttocks. The arms should be bent at the elbows.

2) Now we lift our legs off the floor, bend them at the knees and perform a similar action.

3) Get on all fours and bend your back up and down as you exhale and inhale respectively.

4) Bubnovsky's gymnastics for joints also includes stretching exercises. From a position on all fours, you need to sit on your left leg, and stretch your right leg back. The left hand should be stretched forward and slowly, without sudden movements, stretch the muscles, tilting the torso.

Bubnovsky's gymnastics for the lumbar helps to eliminate pain during the exercise "scissors" and "bike". It is also recommended to swing the legs in a bent and straightened state.

Can Ido exercises for a herniated disc?

Many patients are convinced that Bubnovsky's gymnastics with spinal hernia is the only way to save from pain. Exercises help strengthen the muscular corset, relax the muscle affected by spasm, improve blood supply to the problem area and stretch the spinal column.

Gymnastics Bubnovsky with a hernia of the spine
Gymnastics Bubnovsky with a hernia of the spine

The mode of performing the gymnastic complex and the exercises themselves should be selected by a specialist depending on the severity of the patient's condition.
