Even staunch skeptics resort to herbal medicine, considering folk medicine the day before yesterday and grandmother's superstitions. Natural plant components are present in traditional medicines. In principle, tea with lemon for colds or rosehip infusion taken by kidney patients are all widely used methods that can be safely attributed to healers. So why not pay closer attention to other useful plants? For example, for chia seeds.

What is it and where does it live
This herb is a close relative of our usual sage (which, by the way, is widely and variedly used in folk medicine). Even its second name is similar to ours - Spanish sage. But if in a native plant mainly herbaceous “details” are in demand, then in its foreign “brother” seeds are valuable. Chia gives grainssmall in size with a barely noticeable smell and taste reminiscent of nuts.
Spanish sage does not grow in our latitudes, the climate is not suitable. Its homeland is Guatemala and Mexico, and it is still cultivated there.

Maya, Inca and Aztec heritage
Legendary Indian peoples, considered highly civilized for their time, knew and valued chia seeds. The beneficial properties of these grains gave the warriors of the tribes unprecedented endurance and almost inhuman strength. In campaigns and battles, it was enough for them to press this miracle remedy for the whole day, so as not to suffer from a lack of water and exhaustion.

But in everyday life, chia seeds were used very widely. In the third millennium BC. they were consumed as food as often as beans, corn or amaranth. At the same time, the gifts of Spanish sage also carried a religious burden. They were donated to the gods, they were willingly accepted as taxes, the capital of the Aztec empire received a huge amount of these grains as tribute. Chia seeds were part of medicinal preparations, flour was ground from them, oil was squeezed out, and the top was used for cosmetics.
However, at the beginning of the 16th century, the conquistadors, trying to weaken the Indian tribes, destroyed the Spanish sage crops almost completely. And for five long centuries it was practically forgotten.
The revival of former glory
References to the miraculous properties endowed with chia seeds remained in many ancientmanuscripts. In the second half of the 20th century, a whole program was founded, the purpose of which was to search for a mysterious plant. One of the expeditions operating under this program found small colonies of the plant in the hard-to-reach mountains of Guatemala and Mexico. The Mill brothers of Argentina and other admirers of the miracle herb spent 15 years selecting the surviving specimens, and by 2006 the plant again entered the world stage. And in the 9th year of the current millennium, it was recognized by the European Union as a food product. Now chia seeds can officially be used on equal terms in baking (with a mass fraction of up to 5%).
Healing and nutritional characteristics
The abundance of healing qualities inherent in this plant and its grains is simply amazing. So, chia seeds, reviews of which are multiplying every day (and only positive ones!), are absorbed by the body without any difficulty, they do not contain gluten, they do not cause allergies and can be stored without losing their properties for many years. Moreover, no preservation is needed for storage.

In addition, the seeds of Spanish sage for a fifth of their weight consist of high-class protein, which is simply indispensable for athletes, people of "heavy" professions and vegetarians. And if you consider that the protein component contains all the amino acids necessary for a normal existence, you begin to appreciate chia even more. Reviews of people who have refused animal food are simply enthusiastic.
Those who know about the benefits of unsaturated fats and regularly consume marine fish in order to obtain them will also be delightedchia seeds. In their oil, the content of omega (both 3 and 6) reaches 60%, while in cod liver, which was considered a champion, only 20%, and in the richest seaweed - 40%.
Cholesterol is completely absent in Mexican sage, and the plant itself is actively fighting it. As a result of the use of chia, the pressure becomes normal, the plaques in the vessels stop growing and begin to dissolve, the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes decreases. At the same time, the seeds supply calcium to the body, and in quantities five times higher than those that milk can provide. People with brittle bones may not be afraid of osteoporosis.

And no need for vitamin complexes
Unbalanced nutrition has long led most of humanity to the need to restore the lack of trace elements with the help of tablets. And here chia can come to the rescue (photo in the article). It contains phosphorus (for the nervous system), potassium (for the normal functioning of the heart), zinc (for immunity and the ability to reproduce), magnesium and iron (for blood formation) in the doses needed by the body. But the seeds also contain manganese, molybdenum and copper, without which the endocrine system, as they say, will go haywire.
Micronutrients are not limited. Chia seeds are able to provide a person with B and A vitamins, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the heart, nerves, blood vessels and for metabolism. Plus, these same grains are the strongest antioxidants that slow down the overall aging of a person.
Natural gift for losing weight

No less valuable are chia seeds for weight loss. This is explained by the unique property of the grains to absorb water, the amount of which is a dozen times greater than their own weight. It is enough to pour a teaspoon of seeds into a glass of clean water and leave it there for half an hour. As a result, you get a viscous liquid similar to jelly. Drink it! Having reached the stomach, this "gel" will create an insurmountable obstacle between food and enzymes. As a result, the process of assimilation of food will slow down significantly, the metabolism becomes constant in time, and not convulsive and accelerated. At the same time, the feeling of satiety lasts much longer, the person begins to eat less often and in smaller quantities, and his body gets used to new, reduced or more spaced portions.
By the way, this property is no less useful for diabetics. Carbohydrates obtained from food are fermented much more gradually, which helps to keep blood sugar at a low level for a long time. For the prevention and control of "sugar disease" is very important.
For both children and adults
As a substitute for chemical vitamins, chia seeds have already been considered. However, they have another indisputable advantage: they contribute to the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues and the overall growth and development of the body. This invaluable property is equally useful for women after childbirth and their children. Especially if you remember about their hypoallergenicity! After all, the risk of allergies in newborns in recent decades is very high, and young mothers limit themselves in many ways in order to avoid childdiathesis. And so the mother recovers quickly, and the child receives the necessary trace elements and does not receive allergic reactions.
The same qualities - to regenerate and restore - are readily used by athletes. Chia seeds are excellent at relieving fatigue and muscle pain (so-called "strepature"), stimulating the recovery of bones and soft tissues after injuries, and improving the physical performance of those who play sports.
Prophylactic use
If you are only interested in the healing side of chia, just eat a couple of teaspoons of seeds a day. They do not require pre-treatment, they can be eaten like sunflower seeds. And you can add to salads (both vegetable and fruit), to the first and second courses, make juice-based cocktails with them, eat with muesli or yogurt. If desired, in the process of preparing porridge, you can add chia seeds to it, but you risk losing some of the beneficial qualities. So it's better to choose something that is not thermally affected as an "accompaniment"
Delicious recipes for those who are not yet familiar with chia

Those who want both benefits and "sweets" can build the next cocktail. It's called Banana Smoothie. For 2 small spoons of chia seeds, we take 2 tangerines (can be replaced with mango or pear), a teaspoon of soaked mulberries and half a glass of water. Whisk in a blender and drink a delicious and he althy morning drink. If you add muesli there, you get a full breakfast.
If you have great things to do, or youexperienced great physical or mental stress, make an energy drink. The seeds, however, will have to be soaked overnight to make jelly. Add a couple of tablespoons of lime juice, the same amount of honey and two glasses of water. We start the blender again, and the invigorating mixture is ready for use.
It remains to figure out the question of how much and where to buy chia. There are shops specializing in spices. These seeds have been in them often lately. However, immediately get ready for the costs, because the pleasure is not too cheap. The price depends on the volume of packaging and the manufacturer, but you will not be able to pay less than 300 rubles. But it's worth it!