Black cumin seeds: reviews, properties, benefits and harms

Black cumin seeds: reviews, properties, benefits and harms
Black cumin seeds: reviews, properties, benefits and harms

Cumin seeds have unique properties. They are part of many medicines and preparations. According to reviews, black cumin seeds are recommended for the treatment of various diseases and pathologies.


The main reason for the widespread use of black cumin seeds, according to doctors, is their rich chemical composition. They contain a significant amount of vitamins, minerals, essential oils, unsaturated fatty acids.

Caraway seeds contain a rare substance - nigenol. It is the active ingredient. The composition of cumin includes vitamins B, A, E and C, micro and macro elements.

Black cumin seeds benefit and harm reviews
Black cumin seeds benefit and harm reviews

The alkaloids in its composition can have a therapeutic effect in various pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, and digestive organs.

Black cumin saponins have a positive effect on reproductive function and prevent the development of cancer.

Useful properties

Due to its unique properties, black cumin seeds are used in the treatment of largenumber of diseases.

They are especially popular in oriental medicine. For many centuries, cumin seeds have been used to treat the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, the digestive tract, in order to increase the body's resistance and improve he alth.

They were added to tea and used as a diuretic, carminative, laxative and antihelminthic.

Black cumin seed application reviews
Black cumin seed application reviews

The positive qualities of cumin seeds, according to patients, are as follows:

  • vision improves;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • fatigue is relieved;
  • improves lactation in women;
  • reduce gout symptoms;
  • normalize blood glucose levels;
  • prevents cancer;
  • removes toxins from the body.

Cumin seeds have a warming effect, so they are used to treat abscesses, rhinitis, headaches. To do this, they are mixed with flour and applied to a sore spot.

This remedy relieves the general condition of the body in case of poisoning, relieves swelling from insect bites.

Black cumin oil also has special qualities. It is used to clear the throat, treat colds, as well as whooping cough and asthma.

Widely used for the treatment of heart disease, diabetes, flatulence, as well as to get rid of skin and fungal pathologies.


Black cumin seeds, according to reviews, are widely used in folk medicine. You can cook from theminfusions, decoctions, grind to a state of flour. Sometimes the seeds are used externally.

The use of black cumin seed flour contributes to:

  • improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
  • prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • increase the body's resistance;
  • general improvement of the body.

All the positive qualities of black cumin seeds are fully preserved in flour. It is used for baking, added to marinades during preservation.

Black cumin seeds useful properties reviews
Black cumin seeds useful properties reviews

To preserve the beauty of the skin, masks are prepared from black cumin flour. As a result, the dermis becomes he althy and radiant.

For prevention, flour is consumed 1 tsp with a glass of water.

The beneficial qualities of black cumin seeds are perfectly preserved, according to patients, if you make a tincture from them. Many recipes are known. The main ingredients are black cumin seeds, alcohol, sugar or honey.

To make the tincture truly healing, it must be infused for a month.

The tool helps in the following cases:

  • failure;
  • infectious diseases;
  • acne;
  • pathology of the heart and blood vessels;
  • anemia;
  • joint problems.

To obtain a positive effect, the product is recommended to be used correctly.

How to take

To increase the body's resistance, cumin seeds are combined with honey inthe following proportions:

  1. Combine the plant and honey in a ratio of 1:2. This mixture is best taken before bed. Warm tea is allowed.
  2. 0, 5 kg of seeds are crushed, mixed with 250 ml of honey. Take on an empty stomach and at night for 1 tsp.

The beneficial properties of black cumin seeds, according to those who have lost weight, are also used to reduce weight. They activate metabolic processes, in addition, they remove decay products from the body.

Black cumin seeds reviews of doctors
Black cumin seeds reviews of doctors

To do this, prepare a decoction. 2 tsp cumin seeds are added to water and boiled for 2-3 minutes. Insist, and then drink 100-150 ml of the drug before meals. It can also be used with honey. Accepted within a month.

Treatment of prostatitis, impotence or sexual infertility is carried out thanks to black cumin oil. To do this, it is taken daily for 1-3 tbsp. spoons for 3 months.


Render black cumin seeds, according to reviews, benefit and harm. They must be taken in limited quantities. Side effects of black cumin seeds include gastrointestinal upset.

Contraindications include:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • vascular disease (thrombophlebitis);
  • condition after major surgery;
  • stones in the gallbladder and bladder;
  • thrombosis.

With caution, the black cumin remedy should be used by people suffering from low blood pressure and stomach diseases. During pregnancy, it is contraindicated, as it can lead to detachmentplacenta.

In some situations, the use of cumin seeds can lead to skin irritation and allergies.

Patient opinions

Black cumin seeds, according to reviews, have many positive properties, so they are widely used in the treatment of many diseases.

According to one group of patients who took a tincture from the plant to strengthen immunity during the season of colds, the remedy helped them to avoid illness.

Many women were able to improve lactation thanks to this remedy. They also used the seeds as a mask to improve the condition of the dermis. She helped women get rid of fine wrinkles and creases.

Features of taking black cumin seeds
Features of taking black cumin seeds

There are reviews of men about the positive effect of cumin tincture on prostatitis. The effect of the treatment was positive.

Black cumin seeds show their beneficial properties if used correctly. When taking them orally, it is important to observe the required dosage and always take into account existing contraindications.
