Since ancient times, the bath has played an important role in human life. There you could relax, conduct the usual rituals, just talk leisurely, discuss the news. Now the sauna is the place where all procedures are carried out, since it partially replaced the Russian bath over time. Many still do not understand what a sauna is and how it differs from a bath.
Definition of the concept of "sauna"
Finnish sauna in Finnish means "bath", recently this word has become firmly rooted in Russian, English and Polish. What is a sauna? This room, usually upholstered in wood, houses a large stone oven that heats up to 120 degrees. The heat in the sauna is obtained from the strongly heated stones located in this furnace. In Finland, the progenitor of the sauna, the ritual of visiting this place is sacred. It is believed that it heals not only the body, but also the soul.

Modern saunas consist of several rooms - a locker room, a shower room, a steam room itself and a relaxation room. In the relaxation room you can cool off, drink tea and chat. Now many saunas are equipped with pools. In order for the healing effect of the steam room to be more noticeable, you need to makemultiple visits.
How is a sauna different from a bath?
Many avid bathers do not know the difference between a bath and a sauna. The main difference is that the steam in them is different. In the Russian bath, bathers use moist steam, which is formed by pouring water on the stove or stones. The sauna is dry hot air, the minimum temperature in it is 90 degrees, and the humidity rate ranges from 3 to 8%. If the humidity in the sauna exceeds 25%, we can say that the person is in the bath. After all, sweating in the sauna is not due to humidity, but due to high air temperature.

The temperature in the Russian bath is no more than 70 degrees Celsius, which is much lower than in the sauna.
Another difference between the Russian bath is that there are tanks with cold and hot water in the room, so washing procedures take place here. A sauna is a room in which you only take a steam bath, everything else is carried out outside. As mentioned above, many saunas have pools, but Russian baths do not have them.
It is impossible to imagine a Russian banya without a birch broom, but in the sauna this pleasure is not available. Very hot, dry air can cause the broom to crumble.
What are saunas?
The popularity of saunas is growing, and with it their variety is increasing. Now what kind of saunas are not invented - it all depends only on the imagination and creativity of their creators:

- Sauna tent - stonesheated outside, on a fire, and then with the help of an iron bucket they are transferred to the center of the tent, into a pre-dug hole.
- The Butterfly Sauna is a new type of steam room that originated in Japan. The advantage of the idea is that a large wooden vessel containing a stove that heats water can be transported anywhere. You can take such a sauna with you on vacation if you suddenly have a desire to take a steam bath.
- Ice sauna - reviews testify to the popularity of this type of steam room. It is created from ice up to half a meter thick. Wooden shelves are installed inside, and the roof is made of spruce. It is clear that when heated in such a structure, a thick fog begins to form. You can use such a sauna in severe frosts up to fifty times.
What treatments can be done in the sauna?
It has long been known that people go to the sauna not only for pleasure, but also for medicinal purposes. Through the opened pores, under the influence of steam, the body is cleansed of toxins and harmful substances. Therefore, the most effective cosmetic procedures are carried out in the sauna.
First, the skin is cleansed with a scrub, and then various masks are applied. After that, the skin will look fresh and he althy. To narrow the pores, many women use natural ingredients - cucumber, lemon or oatmeal.

Very good sauna helps to fight excess weight. For these purposes, wraps with white clay or honey are successfully used. After wrapping, steamed skin can be massaged with coffeescrub - mix any cream with a tablespoon of crushed coffee beans, and then apply a moisturizer.
It is the sauna that is an effective way to get rid of cellulite. Usually in such cases, blue clay or other cosmetics are used that help in the fight against "orange peel".
In addition to beauty treatments, a number of wellness activities can be carried out in the sauna. For example, massage. With the help of any essential oil, you need to thoroughly rub the spine and joints, this will help get rid of sciatica and osteochondrosis.
Visit Rules
A place where you can relax and improve your he alth is the Finnish sauna. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to take a steam bath to have fun and relax, and what you need to take with you.
To visit the sauna, you must bring rubber slippers, a special hat, a thin sheet, shower gel or soap and a terry towel. Before entering the steam room, take a warm shower to help protect your skin from drying out, and put a felt hat on your head to prevent heat stroke.

First, you should sit on the bottom shelf of the steam room, lie on your back and relax. In this position, spend no more than 10 minutes, then slowly get up, sit for a minute, go out and take a cool shower. After the first procedure, it is recommended to rest for 15-20 minutes, drink tea or water, and then repeat the entry.
The total time spent in the steam room depends on the he alth and well-being of the person. If aheart rate increases, the time spent in a hot room can be reduced.
What should not be done in the sauna?
To feel comfortable in the sauna, you should avoid the following actions:
- go to the sauna immediately after eating;
- drink alcohol - it provokes vasodilation, causes additional stress on the body and can be fraught with various adverse effects;
- smoking indoors;
- take a warm shower after the steam room;
- sit on the top shelf with your head touching the ceiling;
- enter the pool without taking a shower.
A visit to the Finnish sauna gives a person the opportunity to relax, unwind and replenish vitality.