Dandelion root: medicinal properties, contraindications and recipes

Dandelion root: medicinal properties, contraindications and recipes
Dandelion root: medicinal properties, contraindications and recipes

Dandelion root is currently a recognized and highly effective drug in folk and classical medicine. This plant is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Its use not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine, allows us to confidently consider it the most valuable medicinal plant in Russia.


In today's pharmaceutical industry, a huge number of drugs are produced. Some of them are vital, while the other part exists only in the interests of the manufacturer. Understanding the abundance of medicines is not easy for the average Russian. The choice is complicated by the imposed aggressive advertising. The situation is such that more and more people are turning to traditional medicine. There are serious scientific studies in the field of herbal medicine and naturopathy.

Dandelion root is actively used in Tibetan medicine. Mentions of this miraculous method of treatment were found inancient Chinese medicine. In our region, dandelion grows everywhere. It is strange that this plant is now sometimes underestimated. Although earlier many knew about the medicinal properties of dandelion root and contraindications to the use of this plant.

properties of dandelion root
properties of dandelion root

Composition and use

Dandelion is used completely in medicine. However, it is the root that contains the highest concentration of medicinal components. Tannins, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, flavonoids, fatty and essential oils, vitamins are the main constituent elements of the plant root.

In addition to the above, inulin was found in the root of the dandelion. This substance is used to cleanse the body. Thanks to this composition, the medicinal properties of dandelion root are quite extensive. It has the following effect on the body:

  • diuretic;
  • antipyretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • expectorant;
  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • sedative.
  • dandelion root
    dandelion root


Despite the undeniable benefits of dandelion, you need to understand that this is a medicine. Any medicine has a number of contraindications. Natural does not mean safe! Dandelion root is no exception, and its contraindications are as follows:

  • individual characteristics of the body, because the root contains a number of allergens;
  • diarrhea - dandelion has a laxative effect and use will only worsen the situation;
  • cholelithiasisdisease;
  • gastric ulcer;
  • lactostasis or milk stasis in nursing mothers;
  • when pregnant, it is better to consult a doctor.

Don't forget the importance of proper dosage. Like any other medicine, dandelion root can be dangerous in large quantities. The high potassium content explains its diuretic and laxative effect. An overdose can lead to problems with the kidneys and excretory system.

Indications for use

The root of the plant is used for general weakness of the body as a means of strengthening the immune system. Due to the high content of calcium, it is used in the complex treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. As an expectorant, a decoction of the root is useful in bronchitis. It is useful to drink it during the flu and SARS season. During breastfeeding, the decoction is used to increase lactation.

indications for use
indications for use

In cosmetology, the miraculous properties of dandelion root have also found application. This is an excellent remedy for the treatment of acne, various skin rashes and age spots. Adding dandelion preparations to skin care creams, tonics and serums helps to keep skin firm and youthful. Medicinal extract is added to hair shampoos. Decoctions are used to make hair shiny and silky.

Diabetics are prescribed dandelion preparations to lower blood sugar. With high hemoglobin, dandelion thins the blood. Dandelion root has proven itself well as a means to reduce excess weight. Apply it inas a decoction to speed up metabolism. In doing so, it acts as a multivitamin.

The special healing properties of dandelion root allow it to be used for a wide variety of pathologies. Indications for such treatment may be:

  • gastritis, liver and gallbladder disease, constipation, lack of appetite;
  • gout, renal colic;
  • SARS, rhinitis, adenoids;
  • reduced lactation;
  • boils, skin rashes, eczema, pigmentation;
  • nervous exhaustion, poor sleep, anxiety;
  • worm infestations;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes, cancer, obesity.
  • application in cosmetology
    application in cosmetology


Knowing the medicinal properties and contraindications of dandelion root, you can use it in the home treatment and prevention of many pathologies. Moreover, it can be used in different ways:

  • Decoction: pour 3 teaspoons of powder into two glasses and boil for 10 minutes, then cool and filter. Take before meals.
  • Tincture: Pour 50 grams of chopped roots with two glasses of alcohol. Close the container tightly with a lid and put it in a dark, cool place. Filter after 2 weeks.
  • Oil: mix 50-60 ml of vegetable oil and a tablespoon of crushed root. Cover the container and in a day the healing oil will be ready.
  • Ointment: first you need to grind the root. Then mix the powder and honey in a ratio of 1:2. The ointment can be used for eczema and other skin diseases.
  • General tonic drink: crushed roots must first be calcined in the oven, then ground in a coffee grinder, like regular coffee. A liter of water will require a tablespoon of powder. Boil for a couple of minutes and the drink is ready. Dandelion root prepared in this way retains its beneficial properties completely, and tastes like coffee. But it does not contain caffeine.
  • Decoction for cleansing the liver: mix dandelion root and hawthorn in a ratio of 2:1. Pour the mixture with a glass of water and boil for two hours. The decoction should be drunk cold, in small portions throughout the day.
  • Potion to reduce cholesterol: 100 grams of dandelion powder, 15 grams of pure alcohol and glycerin and 17 grams of water mixed in a bowl. Take two teaspoons throughout the day.

Powdered dandelion root is also added to various dishes as a seasoning.

how to use dandelion root
how to use dandelion root

Procurement of raw materials

You can buy ready-made drugs at the pharmacy. They are produced in the form of traditional dry raw materials, tablets and liquid alcohol extract.

But it's better to prepare dandelion root yourself. You just need to know that you can not collect raw materials in the city and near busy roads. Dandelion roots are harvested until late autumn. Harvesting during flowering is not recommended.

First, the roots must be dug up and washed thoroughly. Then they are dried for several days to release the juice. The dried pieces are crushed and dried completely. In this way, more useful substances are preserved.

You can store dandelion root, whose healing properties last for five years, in the form of dried roots. It is also convenient to store and use as an oil or tincture.

how to collect raw materials
how to collect raw materials

Dandelion root for oncology

Modern traditional medicine cannot give an unambiguous answer whether it is advisable to use this remedy in complex treatment. In alternative medicine, dandelion root is actively used in the fight against cancer. In any case, you can not self-medicate. Alternative medicine advocates claim that dandelion root destroys non-invasive cancer cells. They also recommend dandelion preparations for cancer prevention.

dandelion root tea
dandelion root tea


Proper use of dandelion root allows you to achieve significant progress in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, this is proved by the mass of positive reviews about this remedy. Among medicinal plants, dandelion is the most proven natural remedy.

People who used dandelion root preparations in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract noted a significant improvement in their condition. In cold regions, tinctures and decoctions help many to maintain he alth and immunity during colds and viral diseases.

Gynecologists who recommend dandelion root for menstrual irregularities are very pleased with the results. For the elderlydandelion remedies help to recover from long-term treatment and general weakening of the body.

There are a lot of positive reviews about dandelion in patients with various skin diseases. In dermatology, this is an indispensable drug. In the treatment of eczema, patients showed improvement after a week of using the remedy.
