Coxarthrosis is one of the most serious diseases of the joints, resulting from congenital dislocations, inflammatory processes or injuries. Its initial symptoms may seem rather harmless, so many patients do not worry about their condition until the disease becomes chronic and limits joint mobility.

To cope with the problem is possible only with complex measures, so the treatment of coxarthrosis with folk remedies will be a very reasonable solution. The combination of gymnastics and medicines will stop the progressing disease.
How to relieve coxarthrosis?
Treatment at home will only help if you take all the necessary preventive measures in parallel with it. Try to avoid heavy physical exertion, do not carry objects heavier than ten kilograms in weight, try not to stand for a long time. You should choose a sedentary job, or at least try to regularly rest your legs during the working day. If necessary, feel free to walk on ice or slush with a walking stick.sustainability. Control body weight with a harmonious diet. Difficult sports should be excluded - swimming is more suitable for you.
Gymnastics that can defeat coxarthrosis
Treatment with folk remedies is not only healing decoctions, but also simple exercises performed at home.

With their help, you can strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and maintain its mobility, improve blood circulation and activate the metabolic processes of the body. When doing exercises, try to follow your own feelings - avoid discomfort so as not to injure the sore joint even more. So, stand with your he althy foot on a stable bench and grasp the support with your hand. Swing with the affected leg to the sides, back and forth. Repeat about ten times. To complicate the exercise, you can use weights or bend your leg at the knee. Another option is to lie down. Lying on your back, bend your knees without lifting your heels off the floor. You can also do the Bicycle exercise by bending your legs, spreading them apart, or lifting your body without lifting your legs off the floor.
Treatment of coxarthrosis with folk remedies
Natural recipes will help to consolidate the effect of exercise. Grind three lemons together with the peel and pour three liters of boiling water over them. When the mixture has cooled down a bit, add three tablespoons of honey and drink a glass of the drink instead of tea all day long. Treatment should continue for a month.

In spring timeyou can collect fifty grams of lilac branches and insist them in half a liter of vodka for ten days. Fifty drops of this tincture, taken before meals, will have a strengthening effect on the hip joints. Another treatment for coxarthrosis with folk remedies involves the use of cinquefoil or elecampane. Sixty grams of the dried plant should be insisted on five hundred milliliters of vodka for twenty-seven days and taken thirty drops before meals. To relieve pain, you can also make an ointment from one hundred grams of natural honey, one hundred milliliters of chopped turnips and fifty grams of vodka or alcohol. Such treatment of coxarthrosis with folk remedies can significantly improve the patient's condition.