The appearance of wrinkles on the face is the first sign of aging. You should think about the fact that not only the skin is aging, losing freshness and beauty, but changes occur throughout the body. The symbol of a woman's aging is menopause or menopause, with all its consequences. The mere word "menopause" makes a woman tremble, all the representatives of the weaker sex are afraid of him. But none of them managed to get away from him. However, unwanted symptoms can be bypassed. Folk remedies, including sage, can help with this. Feedback on this medicinal plant is positive.

In many cases, hot flushes cannot be completely avoided during menopause. There are many factors that contribute to their manifestation. These include: alcohol, caffeine, stressful situations, smoking and heat. They should not be present in the lives of women during menopause.
Folk remedies for menopause from hot flashes
To improve well-being duringclimacteric syndromes are used traditional medicine. They help reduce sweating during hot flashes and alleviate discomfort. With their help, the work of the heart is normalized, sleep returns to normal, skin itching and dizziness are eliminated.

Most often with menopause and hot flashes, the following medicinal herbs are used: hawthorn (flowers and fruits), motherwort grass, red clover, lemon balm (grass) and mixtures with them. These plants contribute to the normalization of the excretory and nervous systems.
During menopause, the intestines of a woman, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium from the food taken, should work perfectly. Normal intestinal microflora protects the body from toxins. To keep the stomach and intestines in a normal state, you need to adopt diuretic and choleretic herbs. These include: corn silk, lingonberry leaves, birch buds, rose hips (fruit), milk thistle, tansy (flowers), and yarrow.
The following folk remedies have proven themselves well for menopause from hot flashes:
• For nervous excitement - tincture of valerian.
• For apathy and loss of strength - tincture of Eleutherococcus.• To maintain the body in good condition - mint, linden blossom, marsh cudweed.
An effective remedy for hot flashes in menopause - Chinese acupressure. It should be done by a specialist.
Very popular in the treatment of hot flashes caused by menopause, the herb sage. Feedback from women is only good.
Useful properties of sage
The beneficial properties of sage are used in cooking, in cosmetics, most importantly, the action of sage is widely used in the treatment of hot flashes during menopause.
In cooking, it is used during the preparation of meat dishes as a fragrant seasoning. These sage spices have a wide range of uses.
Every girl dreams of having beautiful thick hair. There are many expensive bottles and jars of hair care products on store shelves. They don't always work the way you want. It is better to take an affordable folk remedy that has been tested by more than one generation of the weaker sex. This is sage herb.
Sage harvesting
If necessary, you can buy sage at the pharmacy. Instructions on how to prepare a remedy are always on the package. But it will be better if you prepare the grass yourself.

From the whole plant, leaves and flowering tops are taken as raw materials. Harvesting is carried out twice a year. The first time - at the beginning of flowering, the second - at the beginning of autumn. During the first harvest, the lower leaves are suitable, in the fall all foliage breaks.
The prepared medicinal potion must be dried for several days. For this, dry, shaded places, such as an attic or a special herb dryer, are suitable. Then pack up.
Sage: properties for women
Even the women of ancient Egypt knew about the beneficial properties of sage and how it affects the female body. In that era, ancient healers suggested that the Egyptians add flowers andleaves of a famous healing plant for food, and drink the infusion to increase fertility. The benefits of sage for a woman's body have remained relevant, as they were many years ago. It just got used more and more. More and more women appreciate it as a helper for various he alth problems.
The properties of sage for a woman are well expressed in the treatment of infertility. For this ability, he can be erected on a podium. Sage contributes to the birth of an heir, which makes the family happy.
The benefits of sage for women are very numerous. This medicinal herb tends to keep the activity of the sex glands normal and has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body as a whole. The most popular is sage as a remedy for hot flashes during menopause.
Sage relieves nervous tension. It is effective in relieving stress and bad mood. Since every woman is distinguished by her emotionality, subtle soul, she is very sensitive to everything that happens around, for her, sage as a doctor will definitely be needed.
Sage for menopause and hot flashes: how to take?
During menopause, women often experience such unpleasant phenomena as hot flashes with a feeling of intense heat. They usually appear in the head, neck and chest. Women, in order to avoid such syndromes, should use the medicinal plant sage for menopause and hot flashes. How to take and in what form, read on.
Sage is rich in essential oils, which also have great healing properties. They are used to treat unwantedconsequences of menopause, one of which is hot flashes.
Decoctions of sage herb are also used externally and internally.
Medical studies have shown that if you use a tincture of sage, hot flashes and their intensity will decrease. In this case, sage acts on the woman's body like estrogen.
During menopause, women are advised to eat a few fresh sage leaves every day for about two months. After the first month of taking the remedy, hot flashes are reduced by half, and at the end of the second month - by 70%. It is worth trying to apply this method.
Forms of using sage for menopause and hot flashes
One form of sage use is inhalation, during which vapors are inhaled. For this, sage oil is useful, which can be applied to the surface of the skin. It is strictly forbidden to take it inside.
There are other uses for sage: baths, teas, decoctions, infusions, oils, tinctures.
Sage preparations available in pharmacies
The most famous and most effective drug is Menoforce tablets, sage extract. This is the easiest way to get rid of excessive hot flashes during menopause.
Salvin - herbal antibiotic, 1% solution of sage leaves in alcohol. It acts as an astringent, antimicrobial agent.
Dry sage leaves.
Tincture of sage leaves for alcohol in a ratio of 1:10.
Currently, different versions of prescription drugs for manufacturing inat home, as well as ways to use sage to treat hot flashes. There are many guides out there that describe everything you need to know about sage herb for menopause and hot flashes, how to take it, and how to prepare it.
Preparation and use of decoction and infusion of sage for the treatment of hot flashes
Traditional healers in the treatment of febrile conditions and to relieve menopause in women most often opt for the medicinal plant sage. Sweat during hot flashes begins to decrease half an hour after taking sage. It happens that its action lasts about one day. One of the most commonly used recipes is the one that includes sage (for menopause and hot flashes), how to take and how to make it can also be found in the records of herbalists. This tool is suitable for external and internal use at the same time.

This infusion can be prepared by using a ratio of water to dry sage leaves of 1:10, but 1:5 is also acceptable when using fresh leaves. You can insist by placing in a thermos, or you can in a water bath, just do not bring to a boil. A decoction of sage differs from the infusion only in that the medicinal composition is not infused, but boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes.
Pure Sage Juice for Hot Flashes
In the summer, prepare sage grass and squeeze juice from fresh grass. There will be a lot of work, but the result of this work will be tangible. Pure fresh juice will act on the hormonal background. The result is a reduction in hot flashes.
Sage oilwith menopause: cooking process
Sage oil is another medicinal form of the herb. It can be prepared at home, spending about 6 weeks on this process. To prepare it, you need to collect the entire aerial part in the morning after dew, dry it in the shade, then place it in a glass jar and pour vegetable oil. Put the dishes in a dark warm place with a constant temperature (mandatory condition) for two weeks, stirring all the time. Then the oil is still standing for a month, only stirring during this period must be stopped. After 4 weeks the oil is filtered.

Sage oil is used for light massage. Massage and oil taken together help women get rid of hot flashes and unwanted sweating during menopause.
Sage tea for menopause. How to brew?
Sage tea helps to maintain the normal functioning of the female reproductive system. If you add linden blossom to it, the effect will double. It is recommended for women to drink during menopause. It will be useful only if it is brewed correctly.
First you need to prepare a teapot for tea leaves, dousing with boiling water. Then pour 3 teaspoons of loose tea, 4 teaspoons of granulated tea, one teaspoon of dry sage leaves into the kettle and pour two-thirds of boiling water over everything. Wrap for 10 minutes, then add boiling water to the teapot. It should be 500 ml.

EatAnother simple recipe for sage tea: 30 g of dry sage herb brew 0.5 liters of boiling water. The result is a wonderful aromatic drink that will help to cope with hot flashes and purify the blood. Drink little by little, eating a serving per day.
Baths with sage for menopause
With disorders caused by menopause, sage baths are very effective. They significantly reduce the frequency of hot flashes, sweating, tone up the heartbeat, help get rid of headaches and insomnia. Women who have high blood pressure should not take baths.
How to drink sage for people who have some he alth problems? First of all, it is high and low blood pressure. The answer is unequivocal - absolutely forbidden. Sage causes an increase in blood pressure, and with low blood pressure, a person can hardly tolerate it.
Sage, if taken unchecked, can cause a drop in blood sugar levels and convulsions. Medicines containing sage should be stopped immediately if dry mouth occurs.

Contraindications to taking sage are inflammation of the kidneys, a strong cough. Be sure to know and remember that sage is not so harmless. If it is taken for a long time, it becomes the culprit of serious poisoning of the body.
A woman who decides to treat hot flashes caused by menopause should visit her doctor and undergo an examination of her body's he alth.