Sepia substance - what is it? This is the liquid found in the cuttlefish's ink bomb. It splashes out at the moment of danger to scare away enemies. For some reason, many people think that sepia is flowers. But there is nothing in common here. These are completely different things! Perhaps this misconception is related to the effect that photographers use when changing the colors of an image. But back to the correct concept of sepia. At first it was believed that this dark brown liquid is completely harmless to humans, but after a while, scientists came to the conclusion that this is not entirely true.

Sepia Homeopathic Medicine
How was it first discovered and where was it discovered? The story is quite interesting and somewhat reminiscent of a legend. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann (the founder of homeopathy) once came to visit his friend, who was so sick that he practically did not get out of bed and could not create. Then Hahnemann noticed that his friend, while working on his creation, wets the brush in his mouth. The paints used in his work were created on the basis of the sepia substance (it was not yet known that this was a poison). Then Hahnemann asked his friend to stop wettingbrush in the mouth. After a few days, all the symptoms of the disease disappeared. After that, Hahnemann conducted various studies on this mysterious substance, and his assumptions were confirmed. The results of his experiments were made public at a convention in 1875.

Characteristics of patients
These are people, as a rule, with a greenish complexion and yellow spots all over the body. The hair is most often black, the eyes give off blue, the figure is slender. Men and women of this type often sweat, feel overwhelmed and complain of headaches. Also, an identifying sign is any disease of the genital organs. In physical terms, these people are weak, most often they have an unhe althy appearance and a bad mood. They are prone to silence, solitude, often shed tears for no reason, and are prone to mood swings. Neither men nor women of this type are even interested in their own family.

Who is prescribed Sepia?
To determine the person who needs to take this remedy, it is not enough to know the answer to the question: "Sepia - what is it?" It is necessary to clearly know the characteristics of the human condition. So here they are.
- Aching pain in the abdomen. It seems to women that all the contents of their body will come out directly through the vagina.
- Yellow patches, especially on the nose and cheeks, most often in the form of a butterfly or a saddle.
- Abrasions, spots on the folds.
- Numbness of the lower extremities, possibly a feeling of heaviness, as well as weakness injoints.
- Feeling of a foreign body inside oneself.
- Any clothes, especially those with collars, suffocate people.
- Sweating at any time of the day and at different temperatures.
- Persistent nausea, and sometimes even vomiting due to the slightest physical or psychological jolts.
- Food seems either unders alted or too s alty.
- Persistent stool problems.
- Women's periods are accompanied by severe pain, often come with delays and differ from each other in duration and abundance.

For medicinal purposes, the liquid of black cuttlefish, which has the name "Sepia", has long been used. Homeopathy is very popular today. All these drugs must be used very carefully due to their dangerous properties. With the help of the "Sepia" remedy, blood circulation is normalized, various mycoses are treated, they get rid of scaly and annular lichen, scabies. It also helps to cope with menopausal syndrome, reduces sweating, normalizes sleep.
Regulations and dosage
Designed for oral administration of the drug "Sepia". Homeopathy, prada, prescribes slightly different ways of using drugs than in traditional medicine. It is forbidden to drink and eat the medicine. A quarter cup of water will need ten drops of the drug. It is necessary to drink in small portions. Be sure to apply twice a day. This should be done half an hour before meals or an hour and a half after it passes.your meal.
Special Instructions
You need to know all the rules of admission if you are prescribed the drug "Sepia". This, in principle, applies to any medicine.
- Do not use this remedy if you have symptoms of personal intolerance to its components.
- Do not forget that when taking any drugs, a temporary exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease and the appearance of side effects are possible. And homeopathy offers the remedy "Sepia". Therefore, do not be afraid of the symptoms. Better seek help from a doctor. Most likely, he will offer to take a short break.
- Does not affect reaction rate.
Reviews about the drug
There are testimonials from patients who took the substance "Sepia" as a remedy for menstrual cramps, panic attacks and mood swings. The drug worked for them. Women note that they finally feel much better.

There are reviews of the opposite results. Some of them testify that this medicine did not suit people at all, alas, it had no effect. At least if you follow all the recommendations regarding taking the drug, then there is no risk of harming your he alth. Many discuss this drug with great interest. Reviews, as you can see for yourself, are very contradictory. This drug helps some, but not others. The drug itself is very effective (provided it is taken correctly). But the doctor is responsible for the dosage and method of application, so there is a lot from himdepends. Therefore, try to find a competent specialist.
An answer to the question: "Sepia - what is it?" - we found. Therefore, before you resent about a bad or low-quality drug, pay attention to the instructions. After all, the substance "Sepia" is an excellent homeopathic remedy that helps to cope with many diseases!