Mugwort has a tall, spreading bush and an extremely strong specific aroma. The second name is widow grass. Depending on the species to which each particular plant belongs, it can be used in different ways.

So, herb wormwood (whose healing properties are truly great) of silver varieties are very popular with landscape designers. But it is also used both in official medicine and in folk medicine. However, the medicinal properties of wormwood and contraindications to its use have not yet been fully identified.
Useful properties and scope of its application
This plant gained its wide popularity due to its impressive chemical composition. So, its main components are:
- acids - malic, ascorbic and succinic;
- vitamin K;
- mineral s alts;
- essential oil;
- carotene;
- bitter glycosides.
I would like to immediately say that wormwood received in official medicineconfession. In pharmacies today you can find a huge variety of homeopathic medicines made on its basis.
The fields of application of wormwood for medicinal purposes are different. However, it is most commonly used as:
- antipyretic, choleretic product;
- means to combat parasites (both in humans and animals);
- liver cell recovery activator;
- an activator of metabolic processes, as well as a means of improving bowel function.

Do not forget that silver wormwood is also actively used in medicine, the healing properties of which are no worse. So, in particular, it is this species that is widely used today in the treatment of anorexia caused by intestinal diseases. In addition, bitter wormwood tea is very useful as a natural sedative. It should be drunk before going to bed, and it is extremely easy to prepare - a tablespoon of herbs and a teaspoon of honey are placed in a glass of boiling water.
But do not forget that the medicinal properties of wormwood and contraindications to its use are almost equivalent.
When should this plant not be used?
It is strictly forbidden to use wormwood in any form for pregnant women, as well as for those who are breastfeeding.

In the first case, this can lead to miscarriage or early birth, and in the second, to an allergic reaction in the child, as well as to the appearance of bitter milktaste. Do not treat children under the age of seven with any preparations based on this plant. This can lead to lethargy and increased drowsiness. And it is precisely when treating people who have not reached at least 16 years of age, it is always worth remembering that the medicinal properties of wormwood and contraindications to its use have not yet been fully studied.
Also, heavy menstruation in women can be identified as contraindications. The fact is that taking infusions or decoctions from this herb can provoke an increase in bloody discharge. And, of course, do not forget about individual allergic reactions.
In any case, you should always remember that the medicinal properties of wormwood and contraindications to its use are equivalent. Before using it, you should consult a specialist.