The human papillomavirus is spreading very fast. Therefore, everyone is interested in the question of how to quickly and effectively get rid of such an unpleasant disease. Since the use of pharmaceutical preparations is not affordable for everyone, many seek to find effective and safe remedies for papilloma in traditional medicine.

What are papillomas
The human papillomavirus is found in every organism, but its rapid development begins only when certain external and internal factors interact. That is why it is impossible to cure the virus, but even folk remedies can make the skin beautiful and eliminate the manifestations of HPV.
Papillomas appear on the body as small tubercles 2 cm in diameter, which slightly protrude above the surface of the skin. Before starting self-treatment, you must visit a doctor and consult with him on all issues.
This is a very important stage, since papillomas can be not only benign, but also malignant(develops into a cancerous tumor). To prevent this, you must carefully use any folk or pharmacological remedies for papilloma.

Causes of warts
Activation of the virus contributes to a decrease in immunity in humans. Most often, infection occurs through sexual promiscuity (about 70% of cases) or contact with personal hygiene items infected.
HPV can be passed from mother to child if she has been ill during pregnancy and was ill at the time of delivery. In a small number of cases, the activation of the virus can be caused by problems in the gastrointestinal tract or long-term use of certain medications.
Folk remedies for papilloma
Traditional medicine has existed throughout people's lives. Means donated by nature can have healing effects, eliminate the symptoms of viral and infectious diseases and increase immunity, which is very important when diagnosing the human papillomavirus.
For this purpose, decoctions and infusions of various herbs (echinacea, wild rose) are used. If warts appear on the skin, you can eliminate them with the following compresses:
- Balls are rolled from a solution of vinegar and flour, which must be applied to the site of growth of the wart.
- Ammonia is applied to a cotton swab and applied to the damaged skin for several minutes.
- A mixture of two grams of iodine and boric acid, aspirin tablets and one hundred grams of vodka is thoroughly mixed and applied towart.
These products should not be used if the virus affects the mucous membranes, as they will act too aggressively on it. Papillomas should only be used after consultation with a qualified doctor.
Using an egg to remove warts
If you are not allergic to eggs, you can remove warts with protein. Checking for allergies is very simple - just apply protein to the elbow bend and wait 15 minutes. If redness and itching do not appear, then this method can be used as a home remedy for papilloma.
It is necessary to apply protein to damaged areas for several days. Each next layer is applied as the previous one dries. After a while, the wart will dry out and fall off by itself.
Another effective way is to use egg powder. You need to prepare it yourself. The eggshell is dried in the oven for half an hour, then ground into powder, which is sprinkled on papilloma. Egg powder needs to be fixed by covering it with a cotton ball and sticking it with a band-aid. After 2-3 weeks, the growth will disappear.
This means that the remedy worked, and the papillomavirus stopped its action. Folk remedies are aimed mainly at neutralizing symptoms, direct elimination and deactivation of the virus.
Using onion skins
The glass container must be filled with onion peel and poured to the top with vinegar. The mixture must be infused for 2 weeks in a dark and warm place. After insisting, the vinegar is drained, andthe soaked husk is applied to places with papillomas in several layers and left overnight, secured with a bandage or adhesive tape.

In the morning, the skin must be washed and applied with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly to prevent burns and overdrying of the skin. Remedies for papilloma should be used very carefully so as not to harm he alth and not provoke the development of malignant warts.
Treatment of papillomas with celandine
Celandine is the most effective remedy for removing papillomas and warts. It is important to note that celandine juice is poisonous and can cause allergies, so it should be applied only to damaged skin areas, avoiding juice getting on he althy skin. The use of celandine does not cause difficulties, it is enough to pluck the stem and anoint papillomas with fresh juice.
During the first week of treatment, apply juice every 3 hours. Then celandine juice is applied to damaged skin 3 times a day. The course of treatment is a month. Celandine affects the virus much more effectively than any remedy for removing papillomas in a pharmacy.

To prepare an even more effective remedy, you need to grind the leaves of celandine, place them in a clean glass container and pour alcohol / water in equal proportions. The container must be tightly closed and infused in a dark, cool place for a week, shaking the mixture thoroughly daily.
It is necessary to apply the remedyin the following way. Cotton wool is impregnated with strained infusion, applied to the papilloma and fixed with oilcloth and adhesive tape. After 15 minutes, the fleece is removed, the treated area should be washed with water and smeared with cream. The optimal duration of treatment is 1 month.
Use of walnut in the treatment of HPV
Walnut is known for its medicinal properties and is an excellent remedy for papillomas and warts. He copes well with papillomas when other remedies do not have the expected effect. An effective remedy is a mixture of kerosene with green walnuts. Nuts are pre-crushed in a meat grinder, placed in a convenient glass container and poured with kerosene, it is very important to keep the correct proportion, 2 parts of walnuts are poured with 1 part of kerosene.

You need to insist this mixture for a month. Then it is squeezed out and used as an ointment for papillomas. You need to apply it for a week, smearing the affected skin twice a day.
Walnut leaves can be used to make a tincture. It is enough to take 50 grams of leaves and pour half a liter of boiling water over them. The mixture is infused for a day, and the loan is applied topically several times a day for three weeks.
Kalanchoe for the treatment of papillomas
Kalanchoe is a proven and effective remedy for removing papillomas. To eliminate warts, you need to pick a Kalanchoe leaf, rinse it, grind it into a pulp and apply overnight to damaged skin. The duration of this treatmentis 10 days.

If the condition does not improve when using folk remedies, it is better to seek medical help and start complex treatment using pharmaceutical preparations.