When you can go to the bath after cesarean: recovery after surgery, the effect of the sauna on the body, the benefits and harms

When you can go to the bath after cesarean: recovery after surgery, the effect of the sauna on the body, the benefits and harms
When you can go to the bath after cesarean: recovery after surgery, the effect of the sauna on the body, the benefits and harms

Caesarean section is a surgical intervention that is performed in those situations that pose a threat to the mother and baby. Of course, such an operation is a certain stress for the body of a woman and a baby. Recovery after such an event takes from several weeks to six months or more. Lovers of water procedures are often interested in the question of when it is possible to go to the bath after a cesarean section. The rules for visiting the steam room and security measures are described in the article.

Features of the recovery period

In ancient times, young mothers were moved to a bathhouse. Both women and babies spent the first days of their lives there. In addition, before delivery and after this process, there were no restrictions on the frequency of water procedures. However, today the situationhas changed. The fact is that many children are born as a result of surgical intervention.

woman before caesarean section
woman before caesarean section

In this regard, the question of when you can go to the bath after a cesarean has become quite relevant. After all, the recovery period in this case takes a lot of time. Recovery after surgery involves some restrictions in the life of a young mother. So, a woman is forbidden to lift heavy objects. She needs to refrain from intimate contact for a while. As for water procedures, there are also certain restrictions, for which you should know how long after a cesarean you can go to a bath or pool.

Duration of rehabilitation period

As a rule, there are no specific deadlines in this case. The recovery rate depends on the individual characteristics of the body of a young mother. In some women, the sutures heal quite quickly - already on the first day. For others, the process is long and difficult. But to the question of when it is possible to go to the bath after a cesarean, experts answer unambiguously. In the first two or three months, visiting the steam room is not recommended. Any woman who has undergone such a surgical intervention should periodically come for a check-up to a gynecologist. Bath procedures are allowed only with the consent of the doctor.

Negative Consequences

Any surgical intervention requires a certain rehabilitation period. The question of when you can go to the bath after cesarean is relevant, becausesuch activities are safe only if the scar is completely healed.

Experts say that water procedures are only allowed for those women who have completely healed the suture. The state of the body of a young mother should be assessed by a doctor based on the results of an ultrasound examination.

sauna after cesarean
sauna after cesarean

Therefore, speaking about when you can go to the bath after a cesarean section, you should know that visiting the steam room in the first two months is highly undesirable, even if the delivery occurred naturally. The fact is that the sauna contributes to the appearance of bleeding. And after the implementation of the surgical intervention, it will be possible to detect such a complication only after a few days, and yet it poses a direct threat to the life of a woman.

Common misconceptions about going to the bath

Certain restrictions regarding these procedures must be observed within six months, as ignoring important rules can lead to serious complications. For those women who ask when it is possible to go to the bath after a cesarean section, doctors recommend refraining from visiting this institution for a period of one and a half to two months.

sauna room
sauna room

At this time, you should limit yourself to bathing in the shower. There are many misconceptions about the benefits and harms of the sauna for new mothers. Here are some of them:

  1. Bath procedures contribute to the divergence of the seams. This phenomenon is not possible, however, it should be remembered that due to the expansionvessels that have not recovered after surgery, there is a risk of bleeding.
  2. Misconception about worsening lactation. On the contrary, the expansion of the ducts of the mammary glands due to exposure to high temperatures leads to an intensive release of milk.

In the first 60 days after delivery, a woman should take a shower and use gentle cosmetic products.

shower after cesarean
shower after cesarean

After 2 months sauna is allowed, but important safety precautions must be observed.


Knowing when you can go to the bath after a caesarean section, a woman should remember the following precautions:

  • During this period, prolonged exposure to high temperatures should be avoided. It is better not to be in the steam room for more than 5 minutes. You should visit the sauna no more than five times. As underwear, it is recommended to use cotton sets, previously washed and ironed. If weakness occurs, a young mother should quickly leave the steam room and wrap her head with a wet towel.
  • After the sauna you need to take a cool shower. This procedure helps to avoid bleeding, because low temperatures contribute to vasoconstriction.
bath after caesarean
bath after caesarean

It is necessary to refrain from visiting the pool. Swimming promotes tissue inflammation in the suture area and infection with pathogenic bacteria

Rules for the implementation of water procedures after childbirth

To avoid negativeconsequences, the young mother is advised to limit herself to bathing in the shower during the entire rehabilitation period. In this case, too high or, conversely, very low temperatures should be avoided. You can wash yourself on the second day after the surgical intervention. But it is necessary to close the seam area so that water does not get on it. It is recommended to take a bath after two months. During this period, the scar is completely tightened, and there is no need to fear complications.

If you follow all the rules set by the specialist, the seam will heal pretty quickly, and rehabilitation will not take much time. The woman will soon return to her normal life. Cesarean section is an operation after which all young mothers recover. However, the patient needs to take care of her body. It is important to visit the doctor periodically. And lovers of water procedures should remember when you can go to the bathhouse after a cesarean, and follow all the rules and restrictions associated with bathing.
