In the article, we will consider why there is bleeding from Duphaston?
The drug belongs to the spectrum of progesterone hormone analogs, which are widely used in gynecology in the treatment of various pathologies accompanied by hormonal imbalances, in particular, progesterone deficiency in the female body. Against the background of taking this remedy, as indicated in the instructions for it, breakthrough bleeding and pain may develop. To understand why this is happening, you need to know the detailed information about the drug.
Not everyone knows that this is Duphaston?

Composition and release form
The medicine is made in tablet form for oral administration. They have a biconvex rounded shape, white color and bevelled edges. On the front side there is a special separating risk. The active element of the tablets is dydrogesterone, the contentwhich is equal to 10 mg in 1 tablet. In addition, the composition of the drug includes additional components, including:
- hypromellose;
- colloidal silicon dioxide;
- lactose monohydrate;
- corn starch;
- magnesium stearate;
- polyethylene glycol;
- titanium dioxide.
The tablets of this medication are packaged in blisters of 20 pieces. The carton pack contains one blister and instructions for use.
Pharmacological actions
So, what is Duphaston?

The main active element of the tablets is dydrogesterone. In terms of clinical effects and chemical structure, this substance is similar to the endogenous progesterone of a woman. Therefore, when it enters the body, dydrogesterone has the same biological effect as the natural hormone. Due to the fact that the main component is not a derivative of testosterone, it does not have estrogenic, androgenic and glucocorticoid effects. In addition, it does not affect carbohydrate metabolism in the body and hemostasis values (blood clotting properties). After taking the tablet internally, there is no effect on the woman's body temperature. Dydrogesterone normalizes the lipid composition of the blood (the relationship between the levels of essential fats, in particular cholesterol). Also, the active element of the drug has a direct effect on the endometrium (uterine mucosa) and prevents the processes of its hypertrophy (pathological increase in volume).
Why doesbleeding from "Duphaston", we will tell below.
Indications for prescription
The main indication for the use of the drug is progesterone deficiency in the following pathological conditions:
- female infertility, which is caused by decreased activity of the corpus luteum in the ovaries (luteal insufficiency);
- the threat of miscarriage during pregnancy, which is associated with insufficient concentration of endogenous progesterone;
- endometriosis - the occurrence of ectopic foci of the endometrium outside the uterus;
- premenstrual syndrome, accompanied by pronounced changes in the functions in the female body and pain syndrome;
- dysmenorrhea - irregular menstruation;
- secondary absence of menstruation (amenorrhea of the secondary type);
- bleeding from the uterus against the background of functional disorders of the reproductive system.
In addition, this drug is used in hormone replacement therapy, if necessary, to neutralize the effects of estrogen on the endometrium during induced or natural postmenopause.

The main contraindication to taking the remedy is intolerance to its active element or auxiliary components. With caution, the medicine is prescribed to women who have experienced skin itching during pregnancy in the past.
Instructions for use
Duphaston tablets should be taken orally without chewing. receive mode anddosage depend on pathology:
- With endometriosis - 10 mg 2-3 times a day from day 5 to day 25 of the cycle, the period of therapy is set individually by the specialist.
- If there is a threat of miscarriage - 40 mg once, then - 10 mg every 8 hours until the symptoms of spontaneous abortion disappear completely.
- Infertility due to corpus luteum insufficiency - 1 tablet from day 14 to 25 of the cycle.
- Irregular Periods & Premenstrual Syndrome - 1 tablet twice daily from day 11 to 25.
- Painful periods - 1 tablet 2 times per bitch from day 5 to day 25.
Does Duphaston hurt?

Adverse reactions
Medication may cause some side effects which include:
- Digestive and hepatobiliary system: pain in the abdomen, disturbances in the activity of the gallbladder and liver, which occur in the form of general weakness, a feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium, slight jaundice.
- Nervous system: pain in the head that is paroxysmal.
- Red bone marrow: Hemolytic anemia may develop, characterized by increased destruction of red blood cells.
- Reproductive system: the occurrence of severe uterine bleeding, which can only be stopped by increasing the dosage of Duphaston, breast sensitivity.
- Allergy: skin changes in the form of rash, itching.

The cost of this drug ranges from 540-570 rubles per pack of tablets. It depends on the region and pharmacy chain. Next - about the causes of bleeding while taking this medication.
Why does Duphaston bleed?
The development of bleeding and accompanying pain after taking this hormonal agent is considered normal in some cases. The active substance after ingestion increases the level of progesterone. If the remedy is taken to induce menstruation, then in this situation the body perceives an increase in the concentration of hormones as a sign that ovulation has occurred. Accordingly, a signal is received for the rejection of endometrial tissues, and bleeding from Duphaston occurs. The pain in this case is pulling, mild, and it is considered normal.
If the medicine is used to treat pathologies caused by a lack of progesterone, then in the second part of the cycle, that is, after ovulation, its administration is indicated. During this period, the occurrence of bloody discharge of varying degrees of intensity is possible - from abundant to spotting. This phenomenon is explained by the reaction of the body, which begins to adapt to the new hormonal balance. Usually, with prolonged use (for several months), the woman's condition returns to normal, and bleeding stops.

When breakthrough bleeding develops, it is necessary to consult a doctor to adjust the dosage of the drugfunds. In this case, in the instructions for the medication, it is recommended to increase the dose. To stop the discharge, a 5-7-day course of tablets is prescribed, in which it is necessary to take them at 10 mg twice a day.
In no case should you prescribe pills for yourself or increase their number. This is the most common cause of bleeding and pain in women while taking this medicine. In any situation, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.
How to apply "Dufaston" with a delay according to the instructions for use?
Apply on Delay
Often this medication is prescribed to girls with a delay in menstruation, if the cause of this phenomenon is not the onset of pregnancy. Therefore, before taking the medicine, it is necessary to undergo an examination to exclude the fertilization of the egg and determine the exact reasons for the absence of menstruation. If the results of the diagnosis indicate a lack of progesterone, the doctor may prescribe a medicine for a woman, 1 tablet for 5 days, if there is a delay.
Women often ask: "Missed Duphaston - what should I do?".
Missing pills
What if a woman missed her medication? There are many situations in connection with which you can forget to take the Duphaston pill. The patient, if she missed a pill, should drink it within 6 hours. In this case, no negative consequences will be observed. A delay of more than 6 hours is not desirable, but this also happens. In this situation, it is necessary to take a pill the next day, according to the original scheme. If you skip taking the drug during pregnancy, the risk of spontaneous miscarriage increases.

Women who took this hormonal remedy left a mostly positive opinion about it. They note that this remedy is well tolerated, adverse reactions from it are very rare. In addition, according to the patients, "Dufaston" perfectly regulates the menstrual cycle, helps with menstruation, which occur with severe pain. Pregnant patients in the reviews noted that this medication was prescribed to them during pregnancy in order to reduce the risk of miscarriage. In this case, he also helped well to maintain the pregnancy and did not have side effects.
In the article we reviewed the instructions for use, the price and reviews for Duphaston.