Many young mothers are faced with such a problem as the formation of seals in the mammary gland. Breastfeeding is a very important process that requires careful attention. Most often, the cause of seals is associated with stagnation of milk and is called lactostasis. With timely action, complications and other negative consequences can be avoided. In the article, we will consider what to do if a ball is found in the mammary gland, and why this violation occurs.

Reasons for appearance
The anatomical structure of the milk canals and external factors contribute to the formation of compaction in lactating women. Among the various reasons for the appearance of a ball in the mammary gland, there are:
- Narrowing of the milk ducts. This feature of the structure complicates the process of fluid separation during lactation. The problem is relevant for women with increased milk production.
- Disorganized breastfeeding. A disorderly approach causes a delay in the flow of milk and contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the mammary glands. Feeding the baby shouldconducted regularly and correctly.
- Infrequent breastfeeding. If a mother does not have time to feed her baby on demand, the risk of congestion increases.
- Breast injury, strong compression can provoke an inflammatory process. As a result, pain is felt, lactation is disturbed, swelling is formed. It can also lead to the formation of balls in the mammary glands in women.
- Abrupt cessation of feeding the baby. There can be many reasons for such an action. However, it should be remembered that weaning should be done in stages.
- Tight underwear can also cause lumps. Breastfeeding women should not wear a hard-wired bra.
- Milk with a high fat content and density tends to be worse and leads to stagnation.
- Feeding mom is not recommended to sleep on her stomach. Incorrect posture causes pressure on the breasts, which leads to a delay in the flow of milk.
- The structure of the nipples. It can be difficult for a baby to properly attach to the breast, so he is not able to fully empty the mammary gland.
- Newborn refusal to breastfeed.

Each woman can have a different course of the disease. However, the most common symptoms are as follows:
- The presence of pronounced balls in the mammary glands in women (seals).
- Pain is felt on palpation of the formations.
- Redness of the skin in the area of seals, swelling.
- Temperature increase.
- Chest discomfort.
Lactostasis in a mild form is quite simple to eliminate, it passes without complications. The neglected problem progresses more and more every day, the inflammatory process intensifies, the general condition of the woman worsens.
If you have any of the following symptoms, seek medical attention immediately:
- Dramatic increase in seal size.
- Severe pain in the area of the mammary glands.
- Heat temperature.
- Sour smell from milk. This indicates an ongoing inflammatory process.
- General malaise, chills.
- Separation of curd flakes, possibly with ichor.
Self inspection
Breast examination should be carried out in stages on each side. You need to follow the instructions below. With systematic palpation, a ball in the mammary gland in a girl can be detected at an early stage of education:
- Having stripped to the waist, standing in front of a mirror, both glands are visually inspected. As a rule, one of the breasts has a slightly larger size and a different shape, this is normal. Too obvious a difference is a reason to seek advice.
- Carefully examine the skin in the chest area. The presence of redness, roughness and thickening is a reason to be wary. If the nipples are inverted on one side and the symmetry is broken, you need to make an appointment with a mammologist.
- Standing in front of the mirror, hands rest on the waist, shoulders and elbows are directed in front of you. In this way, the mobility of the breast and its contours are checked.
- One hand is raised and the other hand is palpated in the mammary gland and the area under the armpits. The other breast is examined in the same way.
- One hand is raised up, the other is pressed on the nipple. Seek medical attention if unusual fluid is released.
- Lying on the floor, put a roller under the shoulder blades. Then they throw one hand behind the head, and with the other they palpate the chest.
Thus, even deep seals are felt, if any. The other breast is examined in the same way.
Warming up
When the first symptoms of lactostasis appear, it is necessary to take methods to eliminate it. So that therapy does not affect the quality of lactation, it is better to start with activities that do not involve taking medications. One of them is the heating of the mammary gland. It consists in applying warm compresses to the area of inflammation. It is desirable to carry out the procedure before each feeding or pumping. Thanks to such manipulations, the outflow of milk improves, and the ball in the mammary gland will dissolve.
To warm up, you can use:
- warming with warm water from the shower;
- applying a damp warm towel;
- compresses.
This method is effective only at the first manifestations of lactostasis, it is used to improve the outflow of fluid. When an inflammatory process or an abscess has begun, it is highly undesirable to warm up the seal area.
After warming up, immediately start feeding. If there is milk left, it must be expressed. The procedure is recommended only if the baby cannot resolve the stagnation.
You can cope with tightness in the chest on your own with the help of self-massage. It is carried out carefully, excluding strong pressure, which can cause squeezing of the glands and the onset of the inflammatory process.
To perform manipulations, support the mammary gland with one hand, and massage the ball in the mammary gland or with localized seals with the other hand. Forefinger and thumb in a circular motion are pressed around the areola of the nipple. Light, stroking and patting actions are acceptable. You can apply moderate pressure with your knuckles. When performing a massage, the hands are moved around the circumference of the chest for better coverage. Most of the time and effort should be given to the seals. At the end of the massage, they begin to feed or express milk.
Multiple meals
To get rid of stagnation and balls in the mammary glands during feeding, frequent (on demand) attachment of the baby to the breast helps. If both breasts are affected, they should be alternated.

Experts also recommend changing positions more often:
- Seals in the upper part of the chest. Feeding should be carried out in a jack position, while mother and child lie on their sides.
- Stagnation in the lower or side of the chest. Mom - in a half-sitting position, the child lies at hand. His head is supported by the nurse's palm.
- Seal closer to the center of the chest. Mom lies on her side, raised on her forearm, the child is also on her side and sucks on her upper breast.
Effective method inthe fight against balls in the mammary gland in a nursing woman (lactostasis) is pumping. It is better to conduct it after warming up and massaging the mammary gland. The algorithm of actions is as follows:
- Index and thumb lie on the areola of the nipple, three fingers and palm are under the breast.
- The technique of the procedure is as follows. Two fingers press on the chest. During pumping, the movements are directed down and up to the nipple (like milking).
- The positions of the fingers change in a circle, covering the entire chest area. The movements are active, but without jerks. If pain occurs during the process, the movements alternate with gentle massaging.
- In places of seals, pumping is carried out with great effort.
- At the end of the procedure, it is advisable to attach the baby to the breast.

Women often choose to use a breast pump, but for some it causes severe pain and cracked nipples. To apply it or not is a purely personal matter, there can be no unambiguous opinion here.
If the ball in the mammary gland in women hurts, then there is a possibility of edema. In such cases, the application of compresses is recommended.

They effectively relieve swelling, eliminate pain and free the ducts:
- A whole leaf is cut from a head of cabbage and smeared with honey. After feeding, the compress is applied to the chest. The manipulation is repeated several times a day with a fresh leaf.
- After feeding, you can make icecompress. It quickly eliminates pain, inflammation, reduces swelling. Make it as follows. A few ice cubes are wrapped in a napkin and applied to the affected area for three minutes.
- 2 tablespoons of s alt are dissolved in a liter of water, then moistened with a napkin and applied to the affected area for one hour. The procedure is performed three times a day. S alt compress eliminates swelling and discomfort.

To achieve a better result, the use of compresses can be alternated with targeted drugs. If the ball in the breast hurts, doctors advise using the following medicines:
- "Traumeel" - gel quickly reduces swelling and eliminates pain. The drug is applied with light massaging movements to the affected area. The product is based on natural ingredients that are safe for mother and baby.
- "Arnica" - a medicinal product for external use based on sea buckthorn and tea tree. Dissolves lumps and reduces pain. There are contraindications.
- Synthomycin ointment. It is an effective pain reliever. Before feeding, the ointment must be carefully removed, the product may cause an allergic reaction.
- Levomekol. A well proven product. It has a restorative and antimicrobial effect, helps prevent the inflammatory process of the mammary gland. Apply as directed.
Physiotherapy is used as an additional measure to the main treatment. As a rule, doctors prescribe the following procedures:
- Light therapy, magnesium therapy, electrical nerve stimulation should be carried out with safe devices. Only in this case they do not affect the quality of lactation. To achieve a positive effect of resorption of the ball in the mammary gland in a nursing woman, two procedures are enough.
- Ultrasound. Usually a positive result is observed after the first session. If there is no improvement after the second procedure, the therapy should be discontinued.
Consequences and prevention
The first symptoms of the presence of seals - small balls in the mammary gland - this is an occasion to take appropriate measures without delay. Inattentive attitude can lead to serious consequences for the whole organism. The size of the seals will increase, affecting the entire chest, the pain syndrome will begin to intensify. The disease is accompanied by redness, swelling and fever. In the future, suppuration occurs, which will inevitably lead to surgical intervention.

Prevention of lactostasis is:
- pumping leftover milk after feeding;
- wearing comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics;
- compliance with the feeding regimen;
- doing gymnastic exercises that improve blood circulation;
- changing the position of mother and baby during feeding;
- systematic light breast massage.
Attentive attitude to your he alth will help to avoid many problems and complications that during the periodlactation affects not only the young mother, but also the child.