Breastfeeding after caesarean section. How to properly breastfeed a newborn

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Breastfeeding after caesarean section. How to properly breastfeed a newborn
Breastfeeding after caesarean section. How to properly breastfeed a newborn

Video: Breastfeeding after caesarean section. How to properly breastfeed a newborn

Video: Breastfeeding after caesarean section. How to properly breastfeed a newborn
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Breastfeeding after a caesarean section can be difficult due to some problems. They are caused not only by emotions, pain and medications that a woman takes after surgery, but also by anesthesia. When it comes to breastfeeding after a caesarean section, the most important thing is the mother's positive attitude and a strong desire to breastfeed her newborn.

Can surgery interfere with breastfeeding?

mother and child
mother and child

Many women are concerned about whether it is possible to breastfeed their child after a caesarean section. The belief that such births are an obstacle to breastfeeding is widespread. Meanwhile, this is a myth that goes back to the days when the hospital paid little attention to maintaining breastfeeding after operative delivery.

Childbirth is not the beginning of lactation, but an incentive to increase it. Milk production starts as early as week 16pregnancy. Regardless of how the birth went, the removal of the placenta from the uterus is a signal for the brain to start secreting a large amount of prolactin, which is responsible for increasing lactation. Frequent breastfeeding is required, which will regularly stimulate the secretion of prolactin and oxytocin.

Without the help of medical personnel, a woman after surgery really has little chance of successful breastfeeding. In addition, if general anesthesia is used during surgery, the patient regains consciousness for a rather long time, and the child has a weakened sucking reflex if it is not applied to the breast on the first day.

Today, most scheduled procedures are performed using spinal anesthesia, during which the woman is conscious. Therefore, the first contact with the baby, which is extremely important for feeding, can be made soon after birth.

It is important that a woman does not allow herself to be convinced that breastfeeding after a caesarean section will be impossible for her. You can not succumb to the psychological pressure of others. Experienced midwives say that if a woman decides that she will feed her baby in a natural way, then nothing and no one will stop her.

Caesarean section may delay lactation somewhat

The hormones responsible for lactation are prolactin and oxytocin. After natural childbirth, the concentration of these hormones in the body gradually increases, and with frequent attachment of the child to the breast, the lactation process quickly improves in the firstday.

Full breastfeeding after caesarean most often begins from 3 to 7 days after birth. This is affected by:

  • poor he alth of a woman (after the operation, feeding a child on the first day is impossible);
  • separate stay of mother and baby in the hospital.

The rate of "arrival" of milk depends on the amount and type of drugs used during childbirth, on the recovery time of the female body.

What to do with breasts after cesarean?

using a breast pump
using a breast pump

To maintain lactation, it is necessary to use techniques to increase the secretion of oxytocin. Its release is stimulated by breast massage and direct contact with the newborn. If the latter is not possible on the first day after the operation, midwives encourage young mothers to use a breast pump. It can help in the rapid regulation of the lactation process and the preservation of milk during prolonged separation of the mother from the child. Some hospitals have electric breast pumps that help you quickly and effortlessly collect colostrum and milk.

Successful feeding after caesarean section

breastfeeding after cesarean
breastfeeding after cesarean

It would be ideal if the attachment to the breast took place within 6 hours after the operation. This is possible if the cesarean section is performed under spinal anesthesia - then skin-to-skin contact and the first feeding can take place even in the operating room (some hospitals practice this) or immediately after the patient is taken to the recovery room. For these reasonsoperative delivery should be performed, if possible, under spinal (epidural or subarachnoid) anesthesia. After general anesthesia, it takes more time before the mother wakes up and can make contact with the baby. But remember that delaying the start of breastfeeding does not cancel it in the future.

Help of medical staff

For successful breastfeeding after caesarean, first of all, the baby must be with the mother at all times. Unfortunately, it happens that they are separated, despite the good condition of both. A woman after a caesarean section needs help - she has the right to count and ask nurses to help her with her first feeding more than mothers after a natural birth. As a rule, a woman feels much worse after the operation: she has a headache and a wound on her stomach, pulling the stitches, she cannot move - it is impossible even to turn on her side immediately after the operation, in addition, she is connected to a drip.

For a woman to breastfeed, someone has to give her a baby and set her up properly so it doesn't burden the wound on her stomach. Much depends on the help of the staff of the medical institution. In addition to direct assistance to the mother, analgesics should be used in the hospital, which penetrate the mother's milk as little as possible (preferably in the lumbar region). On the other hand, if you are taking any medication, it is always worth checking with your doctor so as not to harm your child.

Which is the best position to feed a baby after a caesarean section?

what can you eatafter cesarean
what can you eatafter cesarean

The first feeding should take place in the supine position. Mom leans back against the pillows, and the newborn lies on her stomach over a surgical wound. The baby is supported by the mother's hand and leans on pillows so that his head is at chest level. When the mother can turn to the side, it will be more convenient to feed lying on her side: the baby lies next to the mother (tummy facing the stomach), leaning on her hand. In this position, the baby does not compress the wound on the stomach, which is very important (this should be remembered not less than a few weeks). For a woman who prefers to sit rather than lie down, the position of the baby "under the arm" will be more comfortable - the baby does not touch the mother's stomach. Place the child on a flat pillow or folded blanket.

Why doesn't the baby want to suckle?

A baby is born with a sucking reflex. However, childbirth with the use of strong pharmacological drugs can weaken this reflex, then the baby becomes drowsy and refuses to cooperate. In this case, do not let the baby sleep during the first feeding and put him on the breast, even if this is not required. Sometimes he protests before taking the breast, or simply holds it in his mouth without sucking. As a result, she swallows only what has leaked out and does not stimulate lactation. Usually, calmness and patiently repeated feeding attempts bring results, and the baby finally begins to suckle. If possible, get the help of a lactation consultant to show you how to properly latch your newborn.

Waiting for milk

After giving birth, in the breast of every woman (not only after a caesarean section) is yellow colostrum, which drips in drops. Many primiparous mothers mistake this natural phase of lactation for a lack of milk and give their baby formula to supplement their newborns. And often this causes a lot of problems. The baby suckles less often and does it wrong (due to a closer acquaintance with the bottle). As a result, nipple injuries form and the breast produces less milk (the mammary gland receives a false signal with little “demand”). Also, many women, due to ignorance of how to establish breastfeeding after a caesarean section, develop painful milk stasis.

Meanwhile, the first drops of colostrum are invaluable for the he alth of the newborn, and its quantity is enough to satisfy his hunger. Often and correctly, a suckling baby "starts" lactation and adjusts it to fit his needs. Of course, mother and baby must learn to "milk" cooperation. Getting started can be difficult, whether you're born vaginally or by caesarean section.

How often should I feed my newborn baby?

child's food intake
child's food intake

How much a newborn should eat and how often to breastfeed depends on his appetite. The baby should be fed on demand. He himself demands food - wakes up, cries, stretches out his tongue, sucks, moves his mouth, puts his hands in his mouth, reflexively searches for his mother's breasts. A newborn baby can consume food every 2-3 hours, at least every 4 (also at night). Its stomach volume is very small(about 7 ml), so in the first days of life he gorges himself with colostrum. No need to supplement him with mixtures, thinking that he is hungry. Colostrum has a fatty and nutritious composition and satisfies all the nutritional needs of a newborn for a given period of time. For 10-12 attachments to the breast during the day, he can eat up to 100 ml of milk.

The older the baby, the longer the breaks between feedings and the smaller the number of nightly attachments, but the larger portion of the food eaten. A child at 2-4 months usually needs 5-6 meals per day with an average volume of 120-140 ml, at the age of 5-8 months - 5 meals (average serving size 150-180 ml), at 9-12 months - 4-5 servings with an average volume of 190-220 ml.

Child eating is indicated by the sound of swallowing and a feeling of relief in the chest. Usually one feeding takes about 15-20 minutes.

From 5-6 months of age, the baby should be supplemented with mother's milk or infant formula. The amount of food and the frequency of feeding are regulated by the baby, while the parent is responsible for ensuring that the food is complete and properly formulated.

Diet after caesarean section - what can you eat after giving birth?

During the first three days after surgery, a woman is usually connected to a dropper to strengthen and enrich the body with lost substances. It is advisable to avoid solid food in the first day after childbirth. Many people ask what you can eat after a caesarean section for a patient, as soon as she comes to her senses from anesthesia. Drink plenty of fluids, preferably still water. It can be diluted with fruit juice in the proportion of 100 ml per 1 liter of water. It is important to avoid carbonated drinks, which can cause bloating and stomach pain.

what to eat after caesarean section
what to eat after caesarean section

If the operation went without complications, gradually expand the diet in the following days. The patient can:

  • drink meat broth with chicken or beef, with a little vegetable;
  • lean meat (chicken or beef) - it should be boiled, then scroll through a meat grinder and beat until mashed or soufflé;
  • fat-free cottage cheese;
  • natural yogurt;
  • drinks - juice, weak tea, fruit drink, rosehip broth, jelly, compote.

Basic principles of the postpartum diet

diet after childbirth
diet after childbirth

Nutrition during the postpartum period requires adherence to the following principles outlined below.

  • The patient's diet should include a large amount of vitamins and minerals that accelerate wound healing, strengthen immunity, support body regeneration, restore skin elasticity and protect against anemia after pregnancy. The most important of these are: vitamins A, E, C, group B, iron and calcium.
  • The diet in the postpartum period should be rich in he althy protein, which is responsible for faster regeneration of the body and supports healing processes. Best Sources: Meat, fish, eggs and dairy.
  • Ready meals should be easily digestible. Therefore, the recommended cooking methods are: boiling in water,steaming, stewing without frying, baking in foil or parchment without adding fat and frying without fat. Avoid frying or stewing that uses a lot of fat.

The Post-Cesarean Diet requires adding iron-rich foods to your daily diet. Many women experience iron deficiency after pregnancy due to the large amount of blood loss that occurs during childbirth. Its lack can cause weakness, fatigue, drowsiness or apathy.

Consider what you can eat after a caesarean section to make up for iron deficiency in the blood. Foods containing it in large quantities are:

  • offal and red meat, as well as poultry, such as liver, beef, chicken, turkey, veal;
  • low-fat and fatty sea fish, seafood, such as salmon, herring, cod;
  • eggs, especially egg yolks.

Another important component of the diet is calcium. This element, like iron, supports the healing and regeneration of the female body after childbirth. The demand for calcium increases during pregnancy and lactation. It is responsible for regulating blood pressure and influences proper blood clotting and thus reduces the risk of heavy bleeding during childbirth. In addition, this element is necessary during pregnancy and lactation for the proper development of the bones and teeth of the child.

Foods rich in calcium include milk and dairy products, which means: yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, cheese. In addition, calciumfound in fish products, nuts, green vegetables. The source of this element is mineral water.

When formulating the diet, pay attention to the need for energy, which during the first 6 months of breastfeeding increases by about 500 kcal / day.

What not to eat after surgery?

First of all, it is necessary to exclude foods and dishes rich in fats, which are difficult for the body to digest. These include: sweets, confectionery, fast food, various types of prepared and fried foods.

In addition, it is undesirable to eat food that causes bloating and pain in the abdomen. These include: legumes, cabbage, onions, and sodas. You should also avoid caffeine, so avoid coffee, caffeinated drinks, and foods that contain artificial chemicals such as preservatives, colors, etc.


Often young women do not know all the intricacies of feeding a baby, so the question of how to breastfeed a newborn is important for them. The process of establishing breastfeeding after a caesarean section is not much different from feeding after a natural birth. A surgical operation may slightly delay the period of lactation at the beginning, but does not affect the duration and quality in the future. Success in this matter depends on the desire and desire of the newly-made mother to breastfeed her child. Therefore, you should approach this matter calmly and, if in doubt, seek the help of qualified medical personnel.
