The drug "Femoston" with menopause: reviews of doctors and patients. "Femoston": price

The drug "Femoston" with menopause: reviews of doctors and patients. "Femoston": price
The drug "Femoston" with menopause: reviews of doctors and patients. "Femoston": price

Currently, obstetricians and gynecologists often prescribe Femoston for menopause. Reviews of doctors are diametrically opposed, but in the vast majority of cases positive. Let's figure out what this drug is.

femoston with menopause reviews of doctors
femoston with menopause reviews of doctors

Composition of the drug

The main active ingredients are estradiol and dydrogesterone. Some of the tablets contain only estradiol (1 or 2 mg - depending on the drug), and the second half of the tablets also contain 10 mg of dydrogesterone. And, of course, a variety of excipients that are part of the tablet shell.

When appointed

Indication for the appointment of this drug is estrogen deficiency in women during menopause. It is used no earlier than 6 months after the last menstruation. Climacteric manifestations in each patient may be individual, but general symptoms are still present. These are hot flashes, irritability, mood swings, dry skin andmucous membranes (including the vagina), soreness during intercourse, unstable blood pressure.

femoston 2 10 reviews
femoston 2 10 reviews

Another indication is the prevention of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. In this situation, the drug is prescribed even in the absence of clinical manifestations of menopause, if there are contraindications for the use of specialized drugs for the treatment of osteoporosis.

Did you prescribe the drug "Femoston"? Reviews for menopause will be positive if the drug is suitable for the patient, and she tolerates it well. Otherwise, a selection of another drug may be necessary.

How to apply

Pack contains 28 tablets. All of them contain estrogen for continuous use. The second 14 tablets also added progesterone. Therapy begins with taking pink tablets, and then they switch to yellow tablets. The drug is used without interruption: after the end of the package, the next one immediately begins.

femoston 1 10 reviews
femoston 1 10 reviews

Drugs for menopause: "Femoston" 2\10, 1\10, 1\5 conti - are prescribed in different situations. A dosage of 1/5 conti is used in women with a long-term menopause, when there are no pronounced menopausal symptoms, but the drug is needed to prevent bone fractures associated with the development of osteoporosis, to stabilize the course of hypertension, when taking antihypertensive drugs alone does not give the desired effect. In this situation, whenthe appointment of the drug "Femoston" reviews of doctors about him only positive. This is especially true for cardiologists who are not afraid to recommend hormone replacement therapy to their patients. The result is a stable reduction in blood pressure and a reduced risk of acute myocardial infarction.

femoston reviews of doctors
femoston reviews of doctors

The instructions for the drug state that the experience of use in women over 65 is limited, but this does not mean that it is impossible. The main thing is to correctly weigh all the pros and cons.

Alternative uses

The drug "Femoston" 2/10, reviews of which can be found on most women's sites, is currently also used in patients of reproductive age. The question arises: "What for?" After all, this indication is not spelled out in the instructions. Nevertheless, reproductologists have found that due to the fact that the composition of the drug is identical to natural female hormones, it helps to cope well with such a problem as thin endometrium. These are situations when the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity does not correspond to the day of the menstrual cycle, which leads to the impossibility of developing a pregnancy even if the egg is fertilized.

But what does practice show, does pregnancy occur on Femoston 2/10? Reviews on forums are mostly negative. Patients complain that the menstrual cycle goes astray, the discharge itself becomes abundant, and there was no ovulation, and there is still no endometrium in someone. But there are also isolatedpositive reviews. This suggests that the drug, in combination with the addition of duphaston in the second phase of the cycle, has a positive effect, pregnancy occurs, only the course of treatment should not be 2-3 months, but at least six months. Therefore, the drug "Femoston" 2/10, reviews of which can be found, are diametrically opposed.

femoston reviews for menopause
femoston reviews for menopause

The drug "Femoston" 1/10, reviews of which are also easy to find, has more positive recommendations. Some doctors are trying to prescribe it to patients of reproductive age in order to regulate the menstrual cycle. But here, as a rule, it does not work - an insufficient level of hormones. And when prescribed to women of menopausal age, it works well. "Femoston" 1/10 patient reviews are mostly positive. It is well tolerated with virtually no side effects.

Summarizing, we can say that the drug "Femoston", the reviews of doctors confirm this, is the safest and most effective in the treatment of manifestations of menopausal syndrome, normalization of the menstrual cycle and preparation for pregnancy in women with endometrial pathology.

This medicine is not for use in children and adolescents.

Negative manifestations

As with any medicine, this medicine can have side effects. It depends on their severity whether the patient will continue to use the drug in the future. These manifestations include:

  • headaches, may be migraine-like;
  • dyspepticphenomena;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • bloating;
  • leg cramps;
  • breast tenderness;
  • disturbance of the menstrual cycle, which can be manifested by profuse discharge, pain syndrome, spotting spotting in the middle of the cycle;
  • fluctuations in weight (someone notes its decrease, and someone, on the contrary, an increase in body weight).

Of the rare manifestations, it is worth noting: the development of candidiasis, the growth of myomatous nodes, a decrease in sexual desire, mood swings, syncope, the development of thrombosis, the formation of gallbladder stones, allergic manifestations to the components of the drug, edema, due to which it may increase weight.

preparations for menopause femoston
preparations for menopause femoston

But, despite all this, you can safely take Femoston. Doctors' reviews show that the drug is well tolerated, side effects are rare or mild.

When the drug should not be used

This medicine should not be used if:

  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;
  • breast cancer past or present;
  • presence of hormone-dependent formations;
  • bleeding from the genital tract of unknown cause;
  • endometrial hyperplasia in the absence of a histological conclusion;
  • thromboses in the past or present;
  • thrombophilia;
  • CHD, acute myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke;
  • aggravationliver diseases;
  • porphyria;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • for patients under the age of 18.

In gynecological practice, the drug "Femoston" is often prescribed for menopause. Doctors' reviews make it possible to track the frequency of occurrence of certain side effects, help to find ways to deal with them.

Issue price

The price of the drug may vary depending on the region and the pharmacy chain. But in general, the cost of the medicine ranges from 499 rubles per pack to 1310 rubles. The dosage of the drug "Femoston" also plays a role here. Price, reviews are available on the official website of the manufacturer.


When using the drug "Femoston" with menopause, the doctors' reviews say that the patient receives an improvement in well-being due to the cessation or a significant reduction in menopausal symptoms, prevention of the development of osteoporosis (and with it the prevention of bone fractures), protection from the progression of cardio- vascular pathology.

femoston price reviews
femoston price reviews

Every woman at any age wants to look he althy and attractive. Hormone replacement therapy helps to fulfill this desire. Should I use the drug "Femoston" for menopause? Doctors say yes.
