Mycoplasmosis in women: symptoms and treatment, causes

Mycoplasmosis in women: symptoms and treatment, causes
Mycoplasmosis in women: symptoms and treatment, causes

Mycoplasmosis in women is a group of infectious diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms of the genus Mycoplasma. However, since these microbes are part of the normal human microflora, inflammation develops only if they combine with other microbes.

Now several different types of mycoplasmas are known, but only some of them can harm the body. Women are considered the most vulnerable to infection, as it is they who have a lower protective barrier due to the anatomical structure of the body.

What is mycoplasma

Mycoplasma is a unicellular microorganism belonging to the class of mollicutes. This bacterium does not have a hard shell. From environmental influences, it is protected by a thin film that can only be seen under a microscope. These microorganisms are composed of proteins and lipids. They help attach to other cells. Once attached, the mycoplasma develops at the expense of the resources of other cells. As a result, parasitic cells become protected from the immune system.

mycoplasma bacterium
mycoplasma bacterium

Because cellsSince mycoplasmas are small, they can penetrate many of the body's protective barriers, and they can also take on absolutely any shape. In addition, they change their modification very quickly, so it is difficult to detect under a microscope.

Getting on the mucous membrane, mycoplasma provokes inflammatory reactions. It has some features that distinguish it from other cells, namely:

  • susceptible to antibiotics;
  • develops without other cells;
  • stimulates or inhibits immunity;
  • provokes diseases of the urogenital tract.

In each organism, this bacterium manifests itself in a specific way. This disease can be very dangerous, especially for women.

What are the types

What is mycoplasmosis in women? The photos of the symptoms of the disease presented in the article show that this is a rather painful and unpleasant ailment. Provoke the development of the disease pathogenic microorganisms - mycoplasmas. They are somewhere between viruses and bacteria. Only a few types of mycoplasma can infect the body. These include:

  • Mycoplasma hominis - provokes the occurrence of sexual diseases.
  • Mycoplasma genitalium – urogenital diseases.
  • Mycoplasma penetrans - provoke the development of HIV.

All these microorganisms are pathogens of the genitourinary system. This type of mycoplasmosis in women is the most common. In addition, there is also Mycoplasma pneumonia - mycoplasma that affects the respiratory tract, affecting the bronchi,lungs, larynx.

Urogenital type of disease

Urogenital mycoplasmosis in women develops approximately 3 days after the virus enters the body. Often, infection occurs sexually, but contact is not excluded. There are asymptomatic, acute and chronic types of the disease. Manifested in the form of minor discharge from the vagina. In addition, pain in the lower abdomen and itching of the genitals may disturb. Possible menstrual irregularity.

The chronic type of the disease sooner or later leads to various complications. That is why it is very important to recognize the symptoms of mycoplasmosis in women in a timely manner and conduct a comprehensive treatment.

Respiratory disease type

Respiratory mycoplasmosis in women is an infectious disease that affects the respiratory tract. According to statistics, approximately 20% of pneumonia cases were provoked by this particular parasite. The source of the disease is an infected person. With an acute course of the pulmonary form, the pathogen is excreted from the body after about 10-11 days from the onset of the onset. In the chronic course of the disease, this period is 12-13 weeks.

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis
Symptoms of mycoplasmosis

The transmission of the virus occurs mainly by airborne droplets, but a household route of infection is also possible. After an illness, a person develops immunity that lasts for 10 years. The incubation period is 1-2 weeks.

At the initial stage of the course, the symptoms resemble flu or viralinfections. As a result of this, there is an increase in temperature, dry cough, sore throat, stuffy nose. After a few days, the infection descends into the bronchi. In this regard, the cough intensifies, it becomes paroxysmal. Sometimes it happens with sputum production. Subsequently, the lungs are involved in the pathological process, and pneumonia occurs.

With weak immunity, a variety of complications can develop. In addition, the transition of the disease to a chronic form is possible. In this case, periodic examination of the patient is required to prevent the formation of irreversible pathological processes.

Causes of occurrence

Since mycoplasmas are not very stable in the environment, therefore, it is almost impossible to get infected by household means. The most common cause of mycoplasmosis in women is sexual intercourse without a condom. In the fairer sex, such an infection is observed quite often due to the structural features of the genital organs. The first symptoms appear literally 4-7 days after infection.

Ways of infection
Ways of infection

There is an opinion that mycoplasmas do not pose a particular threat to the body, but they can provoke the development of a complex disease, especially when the immune system is weakened. In addition, bacteria are able to multiply rapidly and spread throughout the body. To prevent the occurrence of complications, it is imperative to know the causes, symptoms and treatment of mycoplasmosis in women in order to achieve a good result in therapy.

Disease symptoms

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in women largely depend on what kind of bacteria provoked the development of the disease. Mycoplasma genitalium bacteria are very dangerous as they cause infectious diseases. Signs of the course of the disease are very often manifested during urination. The woman feels some soreness, and there is also a burning sensation in the genitals. In addition, there may be a sharp pain during sexual contact. Often, the infection does not immediately appear, but only after 7-10 days, when the incubation period has passed. In some cases, this period may be 1 month.

Mycoplasmosis in women
Mycoplasmosis in women

Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumonia provoke the development of pneumonia. The disease proceeds rather slowly. At first, a sign of mycoplasmosis in women can only be a cough and a slight sputum. Often the temperature remains within the normal range, but sometimes it can reach 38 degrees. In addition, there may be a runny nose, as well as a sore throat. During the examination, redness of the pharynx can be noticed. If the inflammation has reached the bronchi, then wheezing is heard, accompanied by hard breathing. In the most severe cases, there may be complications in the nervous system and heart.

It is worth noting that the bacteria Mycoplasma hominis are found in the urinary tract of every person. However, if certain conditions exist, then dangerous pathologies begin to develop. As a result of the course of the disease, pain is felt when urinating, and yet in some cases, the course of the infection can beasymptomatic.


There are no clinical signs of mycoplasmosis. Basically, the symptomatology is limited to the presence of inflammation of the genital and urinary tract. That is why the diagnosis is made on the basis of a laboratory test. A gynecological examination is also required.

Mycoplasmosis can be combined with many other sexually transmitted infections, as well as a violation of the microflora. Symptoms and treatment of mycoplasmosis in women largely depend on the bacteria that provoke the disease. Therefore, it is important to correctly identify the full range of possible lesions.

When conducting a diagnosis, a gynecologist initially conducts a conversation with a woman, determining the presence of chronic diseases, sexually transmitted infections, as well as the peculiarity of the existing symptoms. In addition, a gynecological examination of the cervix, vaginal mucosa and external os is required. At the same time, mucopurulent discharge, inflammation and swelling of the vaginal mucosa are revealed. In addition, during the examination, the doctor analyzes mycoplasmosis in women by taking a smear from the mucous membrane.

Carrying out diagnostics
Carrying out diagnostics

The most informative tool is PCR examination of the biological material of the resulting smear, and bacteriological examination is also required to determine concomitant infections.

PCR diagnostics is characterized by the fact that this method has high accuracy in determining even a small number of microbes. With its help, it is possible to identify the geneticbacteria material.

A serological test is carried out to detect antibodies to a specific pathogen. However, this method does not provide accurate information about the activity of the infection and how effective the therapy will be.

Microscopic and bacteriological examination helps to determine the presence of concomitant diseases. As a result of the complex diagnostics, it is possible to prescribe the most adequate treatment for mycoplasmosis in women.

Performing medication

Above we talked about the symptoms. Treatment of mycoplasmosis in women, drugs will be discussed further. Medicines for therapy are prescribed purely individually, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease. The basis of treatment is the use of antibacterial agents of various groups. In some cases, they resort to the use of combinations consisting of several antibiotics, probiotics and immunostimulating drugs.

Medical treatment
Medical treatment

In the treatment of mycoplasmosis in women, drugs are selected exclusively by the attending doctor, and their intake should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Self-medication can provoke a deterioration in well-being and the development of resistance to antibiotics. It is important to treat both sexual partners. In particular, drugs such as Clarithromycin, Doxycycline, Levofloxacin, Josamycin can be prescribed.

In addition, drugs that stimulate the immune system are required. To do this, prescribe immunostimulants, nootropic drugs,vitamin complexes. Since antibiotics during the treatment of mycoplasmosis in women can destroy the beneficial microflora, additional use of probiotics is required. The most famous drugs from the group of probiotics are considered such as Bifidumbacterin, Hilak Forte, Lineks. The course of admission and duration is determined by the attending doctor purely individually.

Treatment with folk methods

It is very important to know how to treat mycoplasmosis in women in order to achieve a good result and prevent the development of complications. With the course of an uncomplicated urogenital form of the disease, alternative therapy methods can be used. There are several recipes that work well for asymptomatic or asymptomatic infections.

Decoction of goldenrod herb helps well. To do this, take 3 tbsp. l. medicinal raw materials, pour 3 tbsp. boiling water and insist for 45 minutes. Take half a glass 4-6 times a day for 21 days.

In addition, you can prepare a herbal collection of wintergreen, winter-loving herb and hog uterus. To do this, pour 15 g of herbal collection 3-4 tbsp. boiling water and leave for about 45-50 minutes. Take 0.5 tbsp. 5 times a day for a month.

Mycoplasmosis during childbearing

In pregnant women, the disease is detected much more often than in women who are not in an interesting position. There is an opinion that mycoplasmosis often manifests itself as a result of changes in the hormonal background, as well as many other processes affecting the immune system. The presence of this diseaseprovokes the onset of preterm labor or spontaneous abortion.

Urogenital mycoplasmosis quite often provokes post-abortion and post-natal complications that are difficult and difficult to treat. In addition, mycoplasmas are able to penetrate through the fetal bladder and uterine membrane. This condition provokes premature birth and early abortion. It is generally accepted that the asymptomatic course of the disease is the most dangerous for a pregnant woman, and also contributes to the development of complications.

Mycoplasmosis during pregnancy
Mycoplasmosis during pregnancy

Child can become infected from the mother while in her womb, or during childbirth. Mycoplasmas can be localized in the respiratory system and spinal cord of a child. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to conduct an examination for genital mycoplasmosis. It is advisable to do this even before planning a pregnancy. Treatment of mycoplasmosis during pregnancy should be carried out in such a way as to prevent infection of the fetus, it must be complete and it is important that the drugs do not harm the fetus and the woman. In addition, the use of vitamin complexes is required, in particular, such as Vitrum Prenatal, Pregnavit, Elevit. In addition, treatment of the sexual partner is required, as all symptoms of mycoplasmosis may return again.

What diseases does a bacterium provoke

When mycoplasmosis occurs, a woman begins to suffer from diseases such as:

  • urethritis;
  • vaginitis;
  • endometritis;
  • adnexitis.

Urethritis - inflammation of the urethra. Painful sensationsincrease during urination. They manifest themselves in the form of pain, burning, itching. Vaginitis is a bacterial infection of the vaginal mucosa. A woman in this case feels a burning sensation and itching of the genitals, an unpleasant odor, purulent-mucous discharge. Intercourse is very painful.

Endometritis is a disease characterized by infection of the mucous membrane of the cervix and uterus. The woman feels very strong discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen. Bleeding may occur between periods. Endometritis very often leads to infertility in early pregnancy.

Adnexitis - inflammation of the uterine appendages. When adnexitis occurs, swelling of the fallopian tubes occurs. As a result, tubal infertility may occur.

Complications of mycoplasmosis

Infectious mycoplasmosis causes so many gynecological problems. In women, inflammation affects the cervical canal, causing salpingitis and causing pain in the vagina.

When the disease occurs in a latent form, it is very difficult to determine. The latent form of the disease can lead to polyhydramnios, miscarriages, and also leads to many other complications. If mycoplasmosis becomes chronic, infertility may occur. Bacteria can lead to the development of arthritis, pyelonephritis, encephalitis.

Carrying out preventive measures

Knowing the causes of mycoplasmosis in women, it is possible to carry out comprehensive prevention that will prevent the development of this disease. Preventive measures meanrelationship with only one sexual partner. When having sexual intercourse with several partners, it is imperative to use a condom as a barrier method of protection.

Prevention measures
Prevention measures

In addition, it is important to timely diagnose sexual infections and treat them. Mycoplasmosis can provoke the development of very dangerous diseases, so preventive measures must be taken. When mycoplasmosis is detected, it is important to perform complex therapy, which will achieve very good results.
