HCG in non-pregnant women: standard value, reasons for the increase, correction

HCG in non-pregnant women: standard value, reasons for the increase, correction
HCG in non-pregnant women: standard value, reasons for the increase, correction

High levels of hCG in non-pregnant patients are a rather alarming sign. Often this indicates the presence of oncological diseases that require immediate treatment. This hormone is produced in large quantities only during gestation. Why does hCG rise if a woman is not pregnant? Under what pathologies is such a deviation from the norm noted? We will consider these issues in the article.

What is this

hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is a hormone that is produced in significant amounts only during pregnancy. It is produced by cells of the chorion - the fetal membrane, from which the placenta is subsequently formed. The production of hCG begins about a week after conception. Chorionic gonadotropin is essential for normal fetal development and successful pregnancy.

HCG hormone is produced in pregnant women
HCG hormone is produced in pregnant women

Normally, hCG in non-pregnant patients is almost non-existent.is produced, since this hormone is formed mainly in the membranes of the fetus. Chorionic gonadotropin can be produced by the pituitary gland, but its amount is extremely small.

How to determine the level of the hormone

To find out the level of hCG, you need to take a blood test for this hormone. Biomaterial is taken for examination from a peripheral vein on the arm. The content of chorionic gonadotropin is determined by enzyme immunoassay. Test results are usually available the next day.

Preparing for analysis

In order for the analysis data to be reliable, the patient must follow the following preparation rules:

  1. Stop eating 8-10 hours before the test.
  2. It is not recommended to drink water 6 hours before the test.
  3. 1.5-2 hours before sampling, you need to stop smoking.
  4. For two days before the study, you must refrain from taking alcoholic beverages.

It is important to remember that HCG levels in non-pregnant patients can be affected by hormone intake. Therefore, 2 days before the analysis, you need to stop using such drugs. If it is impossible to interrupt the course of treatment, then it is necessary to inform the doctor about all the medications taken.

Normal performance

The norm of hCG in non-pregnant women is considered to be from 0 to 5 mU / ml. If the concentration of the hormone exceeds the reference values, then this may be a sign of serious pathologies. However, false test results cannot be ruled out if the patient violated the rules for preparing for the study. When in doubt about the authenticityanalysis data, it is recommended to retake the sample.

There is no lower limit for hCG. If a woman is not pregnant, then this hormone may be completely absent from her. Zero indicator of chorionic gonadotropin does not indicate pathology in this case. Only an increase in the concentration of the hormone is considered a deviation from the norm.

However, during the period of gestation, a decrease in hCG is a rather dangerous sign. This hormone is necessary for the normal formation of the placenta and the development of the embryo.

Reason for increase

Why is hCG elevated in non-pregnant patients? The level of human chorionic gonadotropin can be affected by hormonal medications, as well as a recent abortion or miscarriage. Such causes are non-pathological, since the increase in the level of the hormone is reversible.

However, often a high concentration of hCG indicates dangerous pathologies:

  • malignant tumors;
  • bubbly skid;
  • chorioncarcinoma.

Next, we will take a closer look at the possible causes of an increase in chorionic hormone.


HCG levels in non-pregnant patients may be elevated due to medication. False test results are most often noted during the course of treatment with hormonal preparations containing human chorionic gonadotropin. These include:

  • "Choryogonin".
  • "Profazi".
  • "Horagon".
  • "Prerotten".
  • "Chorionic Gonadotropin".
Hormonal drug"Prerotten"
Hormonal drug"Prerotten"

These drugs are most commonly given by injection. They are used to treat menstrual disorders, infertility, and in preparation for IVF.

For this reason, doctors recommend stopping the use of hormones a few days before the analysis. However, these drugs are often prescribed according to a special scheme, and the course of treatment cannot be interrupted. In such cases, it is necessary to pass the test after the end of hormone therapy. Against the background of taking such drugs, the study in most cases gives unreliable results.

Today, some women use hCG preparations to build muscle mass. This can also cause false test results. Doctors categorically prohibit the use of hormonal drugs for sports purposes. This can provoke serious endocrine disorders, and even the development of tumors.


HCG levels in non-pregnant women may be elevated after an abortion or miscarriage. This is due to the fact that the hormone produced by the fetal membrane remains in the patient's blood after the termination of pregnancy. His performance does not return to normal immediately.

After an abortion, hCG levels return to normal very slowly. Artificial termination of pregnancy is a great stress for the body. In the first 5-7 days, the concentration of the hormone may even increase. Then the indicators of chorionic gonadotropin begin to gradually decrease. The level of hCG is completely normal only 5-6 weeks after the abortion.

There are times when a week afterartificial termination of pregnancy, the concentration of the hormone continues to increase. This is a pretty worrying sign. It may indicate that particles of chorion remain in the uterine cavity. In this case, the patient needs to do a curettage of the endometrium.

In case of early miscarriage, the concentration of hCG remains elevated for a week. Then the level of the hormone is completely normal. If the spontaneous abortion occurred in the second or third trimester, then the recovery period takes about 1 month.

Malignant tumors

Malignant neoplasms can be the cause of high levels of hCG in non-pregnant patients. This hormone is a kind of tumor marker. An increased concentration of chorionic gonadotropin is observed in germ cell tumors. These neoplasms are localized in the ovaries or mediastinum. They are formed from primary cells, which are laid down in the prenatal period.

Germ cell tumor of the ovary
Germ cell tumor of the ovary

HCG in non-pregnant patients may also increase with malignant tumors in the following organs:

  • rectum and large intestine;
  • kidney;
  • lung;
  • womb.

An increase in the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin is not always a sign of dangerous neoplasms. However, the patient should be tested for tumor markers and undergo a series of instrumental examinations.

Molar mole and choriocarcinoma

These diseases can be attributed to the abnormal course of pregnancy. However, with thesepathologies, the embryo does not develop in the uterus, but dangerous tumors are formed from chorion cells. Therefore, women do not feel any signs of pregnancy.

The cause of hydatidiform mole is a chromosomal failure during the fertilization process. After the fusion of the spermatozoon and the egg, the chorionic villi begin to grow and turn into vesicles with liquid. The fetus either does not develop or dies immediately. Pathologically overgrown particles of the chorion produce an increased amount of hCG.

bubble skid
bubble skid

This dangerous pathology is accompanied by severe uterine bleeding. There are discharges from the genital tract with an admixture of vesicles. The patient needs emergency surgery. However, hCG levels in non-pregnant women may remain elevated even after mole removal.

Chorioncarcinoma is a malignant neoplasm that is formed from the cells of the fetal membrane. In this case, the embryo in the uterus does not develop or dies. The tumor can grow beyond the reproductive organs and metastasize to the lungs. Her cells are constantly producing the hormone hCG.

Patient complains of abdominal pain and spotting that does not respond to conventional therapy. In the early stages, choriocarcinoma is subject to conservative treatment with antitumor chemotherapy drugs.

Symptoms of chorioncarcinoma
Symptoms of chorioncarcinoma

Correction methods

What to do with elevated hCG in non-pregnant women? What hormone level indicates possible pathologies? With indicators of chorionic gonadotropin above 5mU/ml the patient needs to undergo an additional examination. If a woman has not had a recent abortion or miscarriage and is not taking hormonal drugs, then most likely the reasons for the deviations are related to diseases.

The patient should definitely take an alpha-fetoprotein test. A study on this tumor marker will help confirm or refute the presence of malignant neoplasms. It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive gynecological examination to exclude a possible pregnancy, as well as a hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma. The doctor may also order an MRI or ultrasound of the reproductive organs.

Ultrasound examination
Ultrasound examination

There are no specific drugs to reduce hCG levels. The concentration of the hormone is normalized only after the cause of its increase is eliminated.

Methods for correcting the content of chorionic gonadotropin depend on the etiology of abnormalities:

  1. When taking medication. If hormonal drugs are taken without a doctor's prescription, then it is necessary to abandon their uncontrolled use. If the patient is being treated with drugs with hCG, then the content of human chorionic gonadotropin returns to normal on its own after stopping therapy.
  2. After an abortion or miscarriage. In this case, no special treatment is prescribed. HCG levels return to normal as the body recovers. If the concentration of the hormone remains high for a long time, then it is necessary to carry out curettage of the uterine cavity to remove the remnants of the chorion.
  3. For malignant tumors. Choice of methodtreatment depends on the size of the neoplasm and the risk of metastasis. In the early stages, chemotherapy and radiation are used. In severe cases, tumors are removed surgically.
  4. When hydatidiform drift. The patient needs urgent surgery. The doctor performs curettage of the uterine cavity and removes the bubbles. If necessary, a course of chemotherapy is prescribed. For 1.5 years, a woman should be under the supervision of a gynecologist and an oncologist.
  5. With choriocarcinoma. Patients are prescribed a course of treatment with cytostatics or radiation therapy. In severe cases, surgery is done to remove the uterus.
Radiation therapy of tumors
Radiation therapy of tumors

It is important to remember that a high level of the hormone hCG in the absence of pregnancy is a very dangerous sign. This may indicate serious pathologies that should never be started.
