Many women complain of pain in the lower abdomen for a week of menstruation. In addition, the mammary glands are engorged, weakness, dizziness, and nervousness appear. These are all symptoms of PMS.
Usually discomfort is caused by fatigue, stress, inactive lifestyle, lack of vitamins. If such cases are isolated, then do not worry. But if the premenstrual syndrome is replaced by algomenorrhea, then you need to find out the causes of the problem and start treatment. In any case, if the lower abdomen hurts a week before menstruation, you need to contact your doctor.
Main reasons
Pains of a pulling nature in the lower abdomen usually appear either a week before menstruation, or immediately after ovulation, or a couple of days before the onset of "critical" days. Many women determine their onset just on this basis, as well as poor he alth, sleep problems.

If the lower abdomen hurts, and menstruation in a week, this may be due to the anatomical features of the reproductive organssystems. PMS causes pain in the chest, abdomen, and lower back. There is weakness, irritability, tearfulness. Swelling of the face, arms and legs. All this can be caused by various factors.
At reproductive age, all the phenomena that occur in a woman's body are associated with sex hormones. They control menstrual cycles. Changes in the hormonal system are unstable and dynamic.
If a week before the critical days, the lower abdomen begins to pull, discomfort appears, which gradually intensifies, then the cause is most often hormonal changes.
In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the amount of progesterone produced increases. Closer to critical days, its volume decreases. It was at this time that there was a pulling pain in the abdomen. If the hormonal substance is not enough, then the discomfort becomes unbearable. A gynecologist will help get rid of them.

In addition, hormonal imbalance can cause not only PMS, but also intestinal problems: bloating, constipation, deterioration of peristalsis. During this period, endorphins decrease, causing pain and irritability to increase.
Another reason is the swelling of the uterus. The end of the cycle is characterized by the accumulation of fluid in the body. Because of this, the electrolytic balance is disturbed.
Algodysmenorrhea is a menstrual disorder in which severe pain is felt in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar and sacral spine. She may bepulling, aching or cramping type.
Primary dysmenorrhea can be caused by:
- malfunctions of the endocrine system;
- presence of an intrauterine device;
- underdevelopment of the uterus;
- abnormal arrangement of organs of the reproductive system;
- overwork (both physical and mental).
Secondary dysmenorrhea usually occurs due to gynecological diseases that a woman acquires with age.
In general, reasons can be:
- presence of previous abdominal operations;
- surgical intervention in the area of the organs of the reproductive system;
- depression or, conversely, nervous excitability;
- irregular sexual life, dissatisfaction;
- mental disorders.
These are the main factors causing algomenorrhea.
Physiological causes
Aching in the week before menstruation and due to a slight increase in the amount of fluid that accumulates in the body of a woman before menstruation.
In addition, the uterus itself also affects. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen may occur due to its increase before bleeding begins. Genetic predisposition should also be considered.
If ovulation is late, then discomfort is felt in the lower abdomen. It can occur on the left or right side. It depends on the location of the egg.

When a follicle ruptures, there is a slightbleeding. The fluid enters the abdominal wall, which causes local irritation. Pain during ovulation is not pathological. This is a feature of the functioning of the reproductive system of the woman's body.
Other reasons
Pain in the lower abdomen can be acyclic. They are always quite long, and their occurrence is not caused by ovulation. They can appear before menstruation against the background of serious diseases and pathologies.
Examples are:
- cystitis;
- endometriosis;
- uterine fibroids;
- adhesions in the abdominal and pelvic organs;
- congestion in the pelvic area;
- Urolithiasis;
- varicose veins and more.
In this case, it will not be possible to manage only by taking painkillers. Treatment of the primary pathology is also required if the stomach hurts before menstruation.
If a week before the critical days there are aching pains in the lower abdomen, doctors advise checking the condition of vaginal discharge. In their normal state, they are a substance that includes many components: lactobacilli, mucus, glycogen, bacteria, secretions of Bartholin's glands, dead particles of epithelial tissue.
Vaginal secretion should be transparent or whitish. Its consistency is slimy. The amount is small - a maximum of 5 ml per day. There is no bad odor. During ovulation, the amount of glycogen increases to a maximum.
With thrush, which is also known as urogenital candidiasis, dischargebecome thick and curdled. They smell badly of acid. They have a whitish or yellowish tint. Due to the fungus, burning and itching appear in the groin area, and discomfort is felt when emptying the bladder. The labia and women turn red, swell.
The main cause of urogenital candidiasis is a weakened immune system. The disease can appear on the background of diabetes mellitus, diseases that are sexually transmitted.
In the early stages of pregnancy, increased uterine tone also causes aching and pulling pains in the lower abdomen. A woman may still not know about the onset of pregnancy, and in anticipation of critical days, she simply feels a deterioration in well-being. First, she explains to herself the presence of discomfort with premenstrual syndrome.
If the pregnancy is ectopic, then pain also appears, and quite intense. The lumen of the fallopian tube is narrow. A fertilized egg cannot enter the uterus and is fixed to the wall of the canal. Pain extends to the area of the rectum too. In the future, in addition to pain, nausea, dizziness, weakness appear. There may be loss of consciousness. An urgent need to go to the hospital.
The growing embryo will cause the tube to rupture. Then comes sepsis. Possible fatal outcome. An urgent operation is required.
When is medical advice needed?
If a woman noticed strange changes that appear in the body before menstruation for the first time, and before such symptoms were not observed, then you need to go to the hospital and describe everythinggynecologist.

There are a number of circumstances in which it is imperative to consult a doctor. These include the following:
- stomach hurts before period;
- increased body temperature;
- heavy periods after painful premenstrual syndrome;
- presence of several periods with a small break during one cycle;
- loss of consciousness before menstruation;
- suspected pregnancy;
- painful period in previous cycle.
In the future, the doctor will identify the causes of abdominal pain before menstruation. To do this, conduct a survey.
Treatment methods
If it pulls in the lower abdomen, and before menstruation a week, you can remove the symptoms by various methods.
First of all, it is recommended to use non-drug. For example, it is recommended to use heat. An ordinary bottle of warm water or a heating pad helps to relax the uterus, relieve spasms. A little rest will also help. But this method is allowed only if there are no serious pathologies. A relaxing bath with warm water will also be beneficial, removing discomfort in the stomach. This will calm the nervous system. The treatment will relax the muscles.
The second option, if the period is a week later, but the stomach is pulling, is to use painkillers. They are recommended to be taken when it hurts a lot. They take away uterine contractions. They are allowed to be taken as needed.
If the main symptoms are pain, feelingtension in the abdomen, spasms of the uterus and intestines, you will need antispasmodics. For example, you can drink 1-2 tablets of Drotaverine, Spasmalgon, No-shpy.

If the stomach swells, then carminatives are needed. For example, "Espumisan", "Disflatil", "Antareyt" are suitable.

In case of nausea, disturbed stools, it is recommended to use enterosorbents. These include "Polifepan", "Smecta", activated carbon.

In some cases, doctors prescribe birth control. They significantly reduce pain, discomfort, and sometimes completely remove them. Oral contraceptives cope with discomfort before and during menstruation. But before using them, you need to consult a doctor.
Don't forget about proper nutrition. This helps prevent bloating, which often occurs before or during periods.
It is recommended to follow these rules that will help if your stomach hurts a week before your period:
- Reduce the amount of food portions, but eat more often - these are the principles of fractional nutrition.
- Restrict or completely eliminate junk food and foods that provoke bloating.
- Reduce s alt intake. Sodium will retain water in the body, which causes swelling, increases the load on the heart and blood vessels,kidneys.
- Reduce sweets. Sugar is converted in the body to glucose, which retains sodium.
- Monitor the drinking regimen. Be sure to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day. It improves the digestion of food, prevents constipation, and removes toxic substances from the body.
- If a week before menstruation, the lower abdomen hurts, you must give up alcohol, carbonated drinks, coffee, tea. They cause bloating. It is best to use herbal decoctions of lingonberries, chamomile, cranberries, mint instead. They will reduce pain, remove excess fluid from the body.
- Eat more fiber-rich foods. This will prevent constipation. A large amount of fiber is present in legumes, mushrooms, vegetables, fruits.
- Don't overeat. Because of this, gas production increases, which leads to bloating.
- Temporarily give up dairy products. They increase flatulence.
Doctors advise taking complex vitamin and mineral preparations if it pulls the lower abdomen, and menstruation in a week. It is especially important to choose those in which magnesium and potassium are present. Vitamins from group B will be useful. They calm the nervous system, strengthen the circulatory system, and improve digestion.
Folk remedies
In addition to medicines, you can also use folk remedies if your stomach hurts for a week before your period. Here are effective recipes:
- Plantain. 1 st. l. dry leaves pour a cup of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Use 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a dayon an empty stomach.
- Sweet marshwort. 2 tbsp. l. raw materials pour 2 cups of boiling water and wait 3 hours. Drink a quarter cup three times a day before meals.
- Hop cones. 2 tbsp. l. pour 2 cups of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Drink 100 ml before bed.
- Herbal collection: centaury, sweet clover, coltsfoot. Take components in equal parts. 1 st. l. collection pour a cup of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. Drink a third of a cup up to 6 times a day.
If the lower abdomen hurts a week before menstruation, herbal collection can help: coltsfoot, thyme, marshmallow, nettle, St. John's wort, yarrow. Mix in equal parts. Then pour 20 g of the collection into 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink 100 ml three times a day.
When recurring pain appears a week before menstruation in each cycle, then do not panic. It is necessary to go to the hospital, where, after the examination, they will find out the causes and select the appropriate therapy.
Don't ignore this symptom. As a rule, such a problem is caused by physiological and pathological causes. In any case, you should not pay attention to discomfort, and even more so self-medicate and take various drugs.
Pain can be caused by a menstrual irregularity, be a normal delay, or be a sign of a disease. In this case, a full examination and the appointment of complex therapy are required if the lower abdomen hurts a week before menstruation.