Spiral "Multiload" - effective contraception

Spiral "Multiload" - effective contraception
Spiral "Multiload" - effective contraception

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Many women who are of reproductive age or who have already given birth are thinking about contraception. You need to take care of your he alth. There are a great many methods of contraception in our time, but none of them gives a 100% guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. This is possible only with complete abstinence from sexual activity. It is clear that this method is not suitable for a modern girl, and she is thinking about which method of protection she should choose.

The "Multiload" intrauterine device is becoming very popular now. She is very efficient. Caps, diaphragms, patches, hormonal contraceptives, condoms - these are the methods of contraception that are available today, but more and more women are choosing Multiload intrauterine devices.

They protect against unwanted pregnancy by 98%. Most often they are made of plastic or copper alloy. Principle of action: the "Multiload" spiral is inserted into the uterus and prevents cells from penetrating into it. Even with a properly installed spiral, conception can occur, but the fertilized cell will not be able to reach the uterine cavity and will stop developing. Manybecause of this, women consider the Multiload spiral to be an abortive contraceptive. In addition, the cervix is always slightly open due to the presence of a method of protection in it, and this can lead to infection.

Spiral multiload, price
Spiral multiload, price

The length of the spiral should be determined by the doctor. The patient first comes for a gynecological examination, where the specialist determines whether it is possible to put the Multiload spiral. Its price varies, but on average it costs about a hundred dollars. If a woman does not have any he alth problems, the tests are good, the doctor introduces a contraceptive item. It is better to install it after menstruation or during them, since the cervix is open at this time, and you can easily install the Multiload coil.

After a caesarean section, the coil can be inserted after about 12 weeks if there are no complications.

Spiral "Multiload". Action

When a protective object is introduced, the oxidation of copper atoms begins, which dissolve in the intrauterine environment. It is completely safe and does not increase blood copper levels.

Intrauterine devices multiload
Intrauterine devices multiload

Side effects

Often when using a spiral, unpleasant moments can also occur. For example, menstruation may become longer and more painful, aching pains in the lower abdomen will appear. Do not forget that every five years the spiral must be changed. If a woman has inflammation of the organs or severe pain, you should immediately remove her andtry another birth control method.

In any case, you need to find out everything about the spiral from the attending gynecologist. Only he is able to determine whether a spiral can be installed or not, which one is better to use and when to install. Be sure to protect yourself if you do not want to get pregnant, because it is better to think about it in advance than to have abortions later and suffer from a perfect act. Stay he althy and protect yourself from unwanted pregnancies.
