Massage of the uterus at home: technique and features of the procedure

Massage of the uterus at home: technique and features of the procedure
Massage of the uterus at home: technique and features of the procedure

Massage of the uterus at home is a technique that was extremely popular around the world about half a century ago. However, with the development of medical technology, it has lost its relevance. Only recently has interest returned to her. And all thanks to several important aspects at once. The fact is that this procedure allows you to solve many gynecological problems without surgical and medical intervention. But it is worth remembering that, in addition to indications, there are a number of contraindications. Therefore, before starting to perform it, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

History of occurrence

visit to the gynecologist
visit to the gynecologist

Massage of the uterus at home was invented and officially patented about a century and a half ago. This was done by Thure Brandt, who, admittedly, was far from medicine. It took him about ten years to formally streamline and formalize his theory, turning it into a specific methodology. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, the massage technique was included in the first courses for obstetricians, whichwere held in St. Petersburg.

Over time, this method gained more and more popularity. In particular, there are options for how to massage the uterus at home. It was assumed that with the help of this method it would be possible to solve many problems in gynecology without the use of medications. It is worth noting that today the effectiveness and safety of such a massage raises certain questions, especially if it is carried out independently. Therefore, be sure to first consult with your doctor.


Massage for uterine prolapse
Massage for uterine prolapse

Over time, the procedure for uterine massage at home has become more complicated and improved. Currently, it is no longer only a classic manual massage. Now it is already a whole complex, which consists of specific and classical techniques of internal exposure, infrared, ultrasound and magnetic therapy.

Self-massage of the uterus at home can be done by acting on the female organs of the small pelvis. It is believed that with regular sessions, positive results should be expected.

In particular, these include:

  • increased uterine activity;
  • improve lymph movement and blood circulation;
  • decrease in the severity of adhesions;
  • increasing elasticity and strengthening muscle tissue;
  • decrease in pathological changes in the reproductive organs;
  • removal of inflammatory processes;
  • improvement in the activity of the endocrine system;
  • enhancing sexualactivity.

In addition, uterine massage at home has a tonic and general strengthening effect on the entire female body.


Perform a massage when the uterus is prolapsed at home, and it can also be used to eliminate complications that occur after surgical or medical abortion, as well as those resulting from pathological childbirth.

Here is a list of appointments for this procedure:

  • aborted pregnancy;
  • weak or insufficient contractility of muscle tissue inside the uterus;
  • malposition of the uterus;
  • inflammatory chronic processes that are in remission;
  • disorders during the menstrual cycle;
  • fibrosis and dystonia;
  • infertility;
  • pain during menstruation;
  • vaginismus, which is accompanied by problems during sexual intercourse.

Rehabilitation Therapy

How to massage the uterus
How to massage the uterus

Also, massage can be prescribed as a restorative treatment based on the results of surgical intervention. For example, after procedures on the bladder and intestines.

Uterine massage for conception at home is also performed. As a rule, it is prescribed in combination with medication and other procedures. Patients who lead a sedentary lifestyle are advised to attend sessions or do it on their own. Due to the lack of movement, they may develop congestion in the organs.small pelvis, blood circulation is disturbed. All this can, in a negative scenario, lead to the development of infectious and inflammatory processes, painful bleeding during menstruation, and constipation.


gynecological massage
gynecological massage

Contraindications for this gynecological massage can be both permanent and temporary. Moreover, there are certain restrictions at the venue in certain areas.

In particular, massage is strictly prohibited during menstruation, pregnancy, cancer, fever, in which the patient suffers from a significant increase in temperature. It is also forbidden to attend such massage sessions or do it yourself in the following cases:

  • acute infectious disease;
  • intestinal disease in the acute stage;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • lactation;
  • presence of weakness in the muscles of the pelvic floor;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • STDs;
  • thrombosis and inflammation of the veins.

A massage session should be stopped immediately if the patient experiences pain. Before attending a session, the necessity and justification of the procedure should be discussed with a psychologist if the patient has had an abortion, has been a victim of sexual abuse, or has received frigidity as a result of a difficult birth.

Procedure conditions

Uterine massage
Uterine massage

How to massage the uterus at home? First of all, it is necessarycomply with several important conditions. The main thing is that the he alth of the patient herself is in order, and her emotional state is normal. It is recommended that you first take a vaginal swab and take a blood test to once again make sure that there are no problems.

Manual massage can be performed in a clinic, diagnostic or treatment center or at home. The procedure should be carried out no earlier than two hours after the last meal. It is done on a gynecological examination chair or a special table that is equipped with footrests.

Immediately before the session, the patient should master the techniques of relaxing the vagina and abdominals, deep lung breathing.

Existing techniques

Massage for uterine prolapse
Massage for uterine prolapse

The very method of massage in the treatment of female diseases is based on the external and internal study of the reproductive organs. Both hands must be involved during the impact. The first one should palpate the accessible part of the uterus through the vagina, and the fingers of the second one should press the stomach.

Here's how to massage the uterus yourself. At the same time, it is important to act as gently and gently as possible, since the study area is considered to be easily vulnerable and very sensitive. Before the procedure, you should clarify with your doctor the degree of uterine mobility and its position. Kinks and twists, as well as misalignment of the uterus, can be corrected by moving or straightening.

At the end of the session, the patient should be given a quarter of an hour so that she can recover and lie down onbelly. All massaged internal organs should finally return to normal.


The duration of the course should be discussed in advance with your doctor. It depends on personal intolerance, individual characteristics of the patient's body and effectiveness.

As a rule, the first session should last no more than five minutes. Then the procedure time can be constantly increased, up to a maximum of twenty minutes. The frequency of the procedure should directly depend on the he alth of the woman. It can be done one to two days apart or daily.

The average duration of one course is about four months, including approximately 60 procedures. After every five to six sessions, you should visit a doctor to control your condition.

At home

Massage of the uterus for conception
Massage of the uterus for conception

How to massage the uterus at home? Before such sessions, you should always consult with your doctor, discussing the existing contraindications. Often, self-massage is done when the cycle is disturbed, frigidity is reduced, to increase sexual sensitivity, and facilitate conception.

The procedure should only be carried out while lying down. At the same time, a pillow or massage roller should be placed under the back and lower back. It is important to relax immediately before the procedure by taking five or six deep breaths.

Now the details of how to massage when the uterus is lowered at home. The middle and index fingers should be inserted as slowly as possible into the vagina,while massaging the walls. Then begin to move up, kneading the fallopian tubes and the uterus itself. Circular movements and a few gentle pressures are allowed. At this time, the fingers of the second hand should constantly massage the abdominal muscles.

Norbekov Method

There is an individual technique developed by Dr. Norbekov. In reviews of uterine massage at home, many patients admit that this particular method helped them. This technique is based on the fact that the physical body is in complete harmony with the spiritual. Therefore, gynecological massage should be combined with psychological work. In the technique itself, the patient's confidence that recovery is really possible is of great importance.

At home, such a massage can be done to treat infertility, improve muscle tone, and sexual desire.

The Norbekov method should not be used for oncological diseases, during pregnancy and during menstruation. The procedure should be carried out in a calm environment so that the body is completely relaxed. During the session, it is better to take the lotus position or lie on your back. Attention should be focused on breathing and your own feelings.

Detailed description

In reviews of uterine massage, patients admit that they achieved success only if they followed all the necessary rules and recommendations.

Start by stimulating the lower back and bladder area. At the same time, a pleasant tingling sensation appears throughout the body, which will fill the uterus, as well as the surroundingspace. Under the influence of strong sensations, the tissue of the uterus should begin to resonate, creating the appropriate vibrations.

The session ends with an active contraction of the organ. There is no need to be upset if at the initial stages you cannot achieve the desired sensations. It is important to visualize the lumbar region, small pelvis. After that, you need to quickly initiate uterine contractions with repeated and rapid tension of the muscles of the vagina.

This massage can be done regularly at the same time. It is recommended to do no more than two hundred contractions each time.

Special exercises

In addition, the Norbekov system includes additional exercises that are recommended to be performed before the massage in order to achieve the desired result faster. To control the muscles that will contract during the massage, it is recommended to urinate and sit down several times.

During urination, interrupt the process by squeezing the muscles. After waiting a few seconds, continue to defecate. It is recommended to repeat it many times until you get tired.

One more exercise - walking in place in a straight line. In this case, the heel should touch the toes of the second leg. Another exercise should be performed in the supine position. The legs should be straight, raised and extended. Stretch your toes towards the ceiling. Then slowly raise your lower back. To facilitate the exercise, you can lean on your elbows. Make sure that the angle between the floor surface and the lower back is about 45 degrees.

With the help of such a complex of exercises and massage, you will significantlyimprove your he alth.
