The presence of brown vaginal discharge during pregnancy can be harmless and temporary, but if it recurs, it is important for a woman to visit a gynecologist without fail and get expert advice from this specialist. We will talk about the possible reasons for this phenomenon further.
Features of such a phenomenon
Vaginal discharge is a viscous fluid in its structure, consisting of a kind of cocktail of transudates, mucus, sweat, fats, menstrual fluids and a layer of vaginal cells.
Each woman is different, so she knows what their normal flow is and when abnormalities are present.

As a rule, the secretion that stands out is transparent or whitish, depending on the body of the pregnant woman. Its consistency can vary from very runny to too pasty and is usually odorless.
These symptoms are not common to all women. When browndischarge during pregnancy, you need to monitor the presence of additional signs:
- aching pain in the lower abdomen;
- deterioration in general well-being.
What does brown slime mean
The most dangerous indicator of impending trouble is the presence of light brown discharge during pregnancy, one of the signs of a miscarriage. Therefore, the problem cannot be ignored. Women should be careful when this happens, but it is usually not associated with any pathology.
On the other hand, it is known for sure that this is not an infection, because in these cases the color of the mucus tends to be more yellowish or greenish.
Light brown discharge during pregnancy tends to occur for a number of good reasons. Consider them further.
20% of women notice brown discharge during early pregnancy during the first 3 months, which can cause some confusion: on the one hand, a woman may think that this is menstruation and that she is not pregnant, but on the other on the other hand, she may think it's a miscarriage.

How to establish the true cause of discharge
However, neither of the two listed causes can be established for sure without consulting a gynecologist who will conduct the necessary studies:
- take tests;
- will prescribe an ultrasound;
- look at the woman on the armchair.
The cause of brown discharge during pregnancy may be the rejection of the zygote from the uterine wall, which is accompanied by a slightejection of blood.
Finally, there are diseases that are not related to the reproductive system. They can affect our physiological and hormonal functioning and cause problems such as digestive disorders or stress. If brown vaginal discharge persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, a doctor should be consulted.
Other causes of brown secretion
There are even more serious conditions that can give rise to this brown secret, and it is important to visit a gynecologist to be sure of this.
One of the causes of brown vaginal discharge can be ovarian cysts, which are inflammations that occur in these organs of the female reproductive system. Inflammations take the form of a bag and are full of fluid. In many cases, these cysts are harmless and disappear spontaneously, but they deserve our attention when these brown discharges are accompanied by abdominal pain.

Bleeding can also warn us of endometriosis, which is the growth of the inner layer of the uterine wall outside of it. However, as with other conditions, this brown secretion is often accompanied by other symptoms such as:
- dark color of secretory fluid;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- pain during intercourse.
When to worry about brown vaginal discharge?
The presence of brown discharge during pregnancy requires consultation with a doctor when this condition does not stop for a long timetime or causes pain.
Other symptoms that make us uncomfortable:
- any type of pain;
- weakness;
- fever.
If you expect everything to go away on its own, you can waste time and make the situation worse.

Causes of brown discharge outside of menstruation
There are many causes of brown mucus, one of which is a delay in the regular menstrual cycle. Below are some causes of brown discharge after or during pregnancy.
If a woman is pregnant, the presence of bleeding is not always dangerous for her and the developing fetus. In early pregnancy, brown discharge can signal that the fetus is implanting in the inner lining of the uterus, the endometrium, resulting in tears in the protective layer.
This results in blood spots that are pink or brown. Bleeding at conception occurs for about 2 or 3 days and ends after ovulation.
Another cause of brown discharge without pregnancy may be due to the presence of polyps. Polyps, also known as tumors, are abnormal bodies in the uterus and are benign. Bleeding in the uterus due to polyps should be checked by a doctor.

Treatment options
If the situation does not seem normal, then you will need to consult withgynecologist. It is he who will be able to diagnose the exact cause and prescribe the necessary medicines.
You may also need to be tested for polyps or other abnormal growths inside the uterus. The growth of these polyps can be reduced with certain medications, but in rare cases, surgery may be an option.
Polyps are benign formations in the form of a tumor of a villous or pear-shaped form. It has a wide and dense base, which provides attachment to the surface of the mucosa. The polyp may have a narrow long stalk or stem. The length of the stem directly depends on the size of the polyp.
These formations can be located in different places:
- on the cervix and body of this organ;
- on the uterine mucosa;
- on the cervical canal;
- on the placenta.
Polyps are also divided into:
- single;
- multiple, which cause the development of polyposis.
Also, depending on the structure, there can be soft and hard types of polyps. They do not harm the body, but modern medicine considers them harbingers of cancer. It is these benign neoplasms that can cause bleeding from the female genital organs, which differ in varying degrees of intensity.
If signs of an inflammatory process are found, it is necessary to get qualified advice. The doctor can prescribe both conservative methods in the form of a sparing minimally invasive intervention, and a radical surgical intervention in the form of resection. Butyou should not immediately suspect these formations after studying this information.
Although brown color secretion often does not lead to any complications, it is necessary to practice a he althy lifestyle to alleviate he alth problems.

The most common causes of dark vaginal discharge when not pregnant
During menstruation, many women experience physical discomfort such as:
- abdominal pain;
- mood swings;
- convulsions.
In many cases, brown vaginal discharge appears a few days after the end of menstruation. The phenomenon is due to the fact that at this stage the uterus did not use all the old blood that it had, it does so with a certain delay.
If it occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, it is usually associated with some hormonal imbalance, especially if hormonal contraceptives such as the pill, ring, etc. are used.
The situation described happens to 10% of women who use these methods to prevent pregnancy. But for those who do not, discharge may also appear without any cause for concern. Especially if it is not accompanied by other symptoms, and if it does not persist for a long time.

If you are taking birth control pills and there is a phenomenon of having darkdischarge, then the doctor may advise changing drugs or prescribe pills that are suitable for your body.
Things to keep in mind for a woman in an interesting position
If brown discharge is observed during pregnancy, the reason may be in the features of physiology. Sometimes such discharge indicates the presence of polyps - benign formations that do not pose a danger to women's he alth. But sometimes they can cause cancer. Therefore, such tumors must be eliminated. Then both medication and surgery may be required.
Unlike green or yellow mucus, dark discharge does not tend to indicate an infection. If a woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen, the discharge does not stop, urgently need to get medical help. After all, these symptoms can become signals of a possible miscarriage.
Some pregnant women experience brownish discharge, which can sometimes be very annoying. The mother-to-be is worried that everything is fine with her.
Before the menstrual period begins, some women have vaginal discharge that is similar to menstrual flow. The only difference is that this secretion is light brown or dark brown, unlike menstrual fluid, which is bright red.
Brown discharge during pregnancy without pain should not be a cause for panic. But a doctor's examination is mandatory, since one cannot risk one's own he alth andcondition of the future baby.
May your he alth be strong, and there will be no place for unpleasant symptoms in the bodies of the whole family. To do this, you only need to take care of yourself and undergo timely examinations from medical specialists.