Is it possible to go to the pool with menstruation: the opinion of gynecologists. Rules for safe use of the pool during menstruation

Is it possible to go to the pool with menstruation: the opinion of gynecologists. Rules for safe use of the pool during menstruation
Is it possible to go to the pool with menstruation: the opinion of gynecologists. Rules for safe use of the pool during menstruation

In the article, we will consider whether it is possible to enter the pool with menstruation.

When a woman begins her period, her active life is in question. During this period, physical activity, weight lifting, intimacy with a man are undesirable. In addition, it is not recommended to visit swimming pools during menstruation.

Expert Opinion

So, is it possible to go to the pool during menstruation, according to gynecologists? Every month, a mucous plug forms in the female body, the task of which is to protect the genital organs from the penetration of various microbes. The cork shell leaves the body together with menstrual blood, that is, menstruation helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances.

rules for safe use of the pool during menstruation
rules for safe use of the pool during menstruation

Is it possible to go to the pool with menstruation, many people are interested.

During the period of menstruation, the genitals are in great danger. Could happeninfection of the female body with a large number of various infections and microbes, especially when bathing. This is due to the fact that many bacterial agents are concentrated in water. Thus, for these reasons, doctors unanimously recommend against visiting public pools during menstruation. It is recommended to postpone classes for a while, thus protecting yourself from many diseases.

Why should you refrain from swimming these days?

Going to pools during menstruation is not recommended for the following reasons:

  • Possible infection. In public places, the water is very dirty, despite the fact that it is purified with various chemicals. The risk of contracting an infectious disease is still very high. A woman's cervix is ajar and vulnerable during menstruation, so neither pads nor tampons can save you from possible infections.
  • Excessive physical activity. On the days of menstruation, it is extremely undesirable to engage in sports, including swimming. The body is weakened during this period, so the state of he alth may deteriorate greatly: there will be a headache, arterial hypertension.
  • Hygiene rules are not respected. Blood can get into the water where other people swim, it can stay on a towel, a swimsuit, a woman's legs, which is not very aesthetic.
public swimming pool
public swimming pool

In addition, pool water is saturated with a large amount of chlorine. This can cause irritation to the mucous membranes of the genitals during menstruation.

To girls who haveMenstruation has recently begun, you need to be especially careful. If the body of an adult woman has already prepared for menstruation, then for a teenager, the presence of excessive physical activity and changes in water temperature can be stressful. This will affect your well-being: you will feel dizzy, weakness in the body will appear, loss of consciousness is also possible.

Is it possible to enter the pool with menstruation, it is important to find out in advance.

What are the visiting rules?

The first and foremost rule is no harm to yourself or others. A woman should understand that unforeseen situations can occur while swimming in the pool. As a result of copious discharge, leakage may occur, causing considerable discomfort, and the impression of others will be greatly spoiled.

what not to do during menstruation
what not to do during menstruation

To prevent this from happening, it is important to adhere to certain rules for safely visiting the pool during menstruation:

  1. If a woman is not sure that the training in the pool will go well, she should refrain from visiting it for a period.
  2. You should not go to the swimming pool during the first days of your period, as this is the time of the most abundant flow.
  3. The use of comfortable hygiene products that do not cause significant discomfort is recommended.
  4. It is necessary to change the tampon immediately after leaving the water. This is due to the ability of tampons to absorb water strongly, which can lead to infection.
  5. When visiting the pool, do notpads should be used.
  6. It is recommended to have a black or dark-colored swimsuit in stock, as light-colored swimwear will show even the slightest discharge.
  7. Before and after bathing it is necessary to take a contrast shower.
  8. What can not be during menstruation? You should not eat s alty and fatty foods during this period, drink coffee. An unbalanced diet can cause long and heavy discharges.
  9. If menstruation is accompanied by severe pain, it is necessary to take painkillers. The best option would be to refuse to use the pool and have a good rest.

Gynecologists recommend following these tips, and remember that the body of each woman is individual.

is it possible to go to the pool during menstruation according to gynecologists
is it possible to go to the pool during menstruation according to gynecologists

Rules for selecting tampons for swimming in the pool

There are no principles for choosing tampons. A woman should independently choose a similar remedy, taking into account her body and sensations. Only by experience can you find out whether she should continue to use certain tampons or whether she should opt for another hygiene product. If a girl uses tampons often, then she is unlikely to have any complications in choosing.

If a girl is just starting to use such hygiene products, it is recommended to opt for small size tampons. If you plan to visit the pool, you need to buy products that have a good absorbent surface. If afor some reason, these are not suitable for a girl, then she should stock up on hygiene products while visiting a public pool and change them as often as possible, for example, every 10-15 minutes.

rules for safe use of the pool during menstruation
rules for safe use of the pool during menstruation


There are several types of tampons:

  1. Embossed.
  2. Smooth.
  3. Without applicator.
  4. With applicator.

Use better branded tampons. Their use should not cause discomfort to a woman.

Menstrual cup

If a woman does not use tampons, they do not inspire confidence in her, the use of a special device is allowed. Such a bowl does not cause allergic reactions, it is often used by women suffering from a variety of irritations and other pathologies. Its use is convenient both in the first days of menstruation and in the following.

The menstrual cup has a small size, the principle of its action is that it draws in the menstrual flow and holds them. In use, it is very convenient and almost completely protects women from blood flow. Bowls are appreciated by those girls whose lifestyle is active and involves frequent visits to the pool.

what not to do during menstruation
what not to do during menstruation

How to act if the desire to swim is great

Many women, even those who pay great attention to their he alth, are sometimes not able to refuse swimming in a beautiful lake or other body of water during menstruation. If athe girl finds herself in a similar situation, she should protect herself as much as possible. Therefore, it is recommended to follow a few tips:

  1. Use a tampon before swimming.
  2. After getting out of the water, you should immediately change the tampon and take a shower.
  3. Also, don't forget to douche.
  4. Underwear should also be changed, wearing dry and clean.


It is important to remember that with abundant discharge during menstruation, swimming in pools and other bodies of water is highly undesirable, even if all the recommendations of gynecologists are followed.

In addition, do not forget that some women may have various infectious pathologies and inflammations. They are strictly prohibited from swimming in any water bodies, as it can only harm, causing an exacerbation of the disease or a complication.

We have considered whether it is possible to enter the pool with menstruation.
