Removal of an ovarian cyst: indications for surgery, postoperative period, consequences

Removal of an ovarian cyst: indications for surgery, postoperative period, consequences
Removal of an ovarian cyst: indications for surgery, postoperative period, consequences

Ovarian cyst is a very common condition affecting women of reproductive age. Less often, such a pathology is detected in patients older than fifty years. The cyst is a benign formation, but sometimes it can degenerate into a malignant form. Therefore, when diagnosing a disease, an operation to remove a cyst on the ovary is recommended in most cases.

how long does it take to remove an ovarian cyst
how long does it take to remove an ovarian cyst

What is a cyst

A cyst is a benign formation in the structure of the ovary that looks like a vial filled with liquid contents. As fluid accumulates, the size of the ovary also increases. As a rule, it occurs with hormonal disruptions in the body, inflammatory and infectious processes.

Distinguish between functional and non-functional types of ovarian cysts.

Ovarian cyst
Ovarian cyst

Functional cysts

In thiscase, the appearance of formations is associated with a certain phase of the cycle and depends on the work of the ovary itself. This category includes:

  • Follicular cyst. This type occurs when ovulation has not taken place, when the dominant follicle has not ruptured. Its growth continues with the accumulation of secretory fluid. It can form both inside the ovary and on its membrane.
  • Cyst of the corpus luteum. It is formed when in the second phase of the cycle the temporary gland does not regress, but continues its development.

The main feature of functional cysts is their ability to dissolve on their own after a while. If this does not happen, then drug treatment with the use of hormonal drugs often helps.

Non-functional cysts

Lower abdominal pain
Lower abdominal pain

Non-functional formations are those whose development is not associated with the woman's menstrual cycle. These include:

  • Endometrioid cyst. This is a serious pathology that occurs when particles of the endometrium enter the ovary and attach them to it. Gradually, a small capsule is formed, which is filled with menstrual blood. If untreated, with each cycle, the capsule grows, more and more filled with new menstrual blood.
  • Dermoid. A very rare form. It is assumed that its formation occurs during fetal development, since it is filled not with liquid contents, but with tissue particles (hair, fat, and others).
  • Paraovarian cyst.

Non-functionalcysts are not treated with medication. They do not dissolve on their own. Therefore, when they are detected, an operation is performed to remove the ovarian cyst.


When a cyst occurs, a woman does not observe any special symptoms, especially if the formation is small. The only signs may be pain during menstruation and ovulation. Also disturbing are pulling pains and cycle disorders. Symptoms become more pronounced with a significant increase in education, which can cause serious consequences.

Symptoms and treatment of ovarian cysts are closely interrelated, since the detection of clear signs of the disease may indicate the development of a dangerous pathology that requires immediate therapeutic action. These symptoms include:

  • abdominal enlargement;
  • a sharp sharp pain in the lower abdomen;
  • sometimes there is an increase in body temperature;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • tension of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • painful urination.


Gynecologist's appointment
Gynecologist's appointment

Since in the early stages of the development of a cyst and with its small size, the symptoms are mild, a woman often finds out about the presence of education quite by accident at a gynecologist's appointment. To begin with, the doctor conducts a gynecological examination, which assesses the condition of the female organs, their possible increase. Next, tests for hormones, ultrasound diagnostics, Doppler examination are prescribed, which will allow you to check the blood flow in the cyst itself in order to excludemalignant nature. But the most informative and accurate is the examination using laparoscopy.

Indications for surgery

An operation to remove an ovarian cyst is prescribed in the following cases:

  • When her growth continues.
  • If the cyst does not regress within several cycles.
  • If the formation was diagnosed during menopause.
  • If you have PCOS.
  • When a malignant nature is suspected. In this case, the treatment is prescribed together with the oncologist after the diagnosis is confirmed.
  • If there are complications - rupture, torsion of the leg, suppuration.
  • For a large cystic mass.

Deletion methods

Operation laparoscopy
Operation laparoscopy

Which method of removing the cyst will be used by the doctor depends on the characteristics of the woman and the nature of the course of the disease. Currently, three types of surgery are used - laparoscopy, laparotomy and laser removal.

Laparoscopic ovarian cyst removal is the most popular method. This is due to the fact that the rehabilitation period is faster, the risk of complications and pain is reduced.

Laparotomy is an abdominal operation to remove an ovarian cyst. This type of surgery is used for a large cyst, the development of a purulent or malignant process.

There are also several types of surgery, depending on the degree of surgical intervention:

  • cystectomy. In this case, he althy tissueovary remains unchanged. This is the most gentle removal method;
  • oophorectomy. The ovary is removed along with the cyst;
  • resection - part of the ovary is removed along with the cystic formation;
  • hysterectomy - when the cyst is removed, the ovary, uterus and fallopian tube are affected. This method is used in the malignant process.

Preparation for surgery

Before preparing to remove the cyst, you must pass all the tests prescribed by the doctor:

  • blood test - general, hormonal, biochemical, clotting and Rh factor;
  • urinalysis;
  • ECG;
  • fluorography;
  • ultrasound.

A few days before the operation, a special diet is prescribed, excluding the use of foods that can lead to increased gas formation (carbonated drinks, legumes, cabbage, fatty and fried foods). Allowed cereals, pasta, lean meat.

Do not eat or drink on the day of surgery. If the cyst removal procedure is scheduled for the next morning, you should skip dinner.

It is recommended to take an enema and take drugs to reduce gas formation in the intestines.

Features of laparoscopy

Laparoscopy procedure
Laparoscopy procedure

The laparoscopy procedure is the easiest and most painless method of removing a cyst, which reduces the risk of rupture. The procedure is carried out using a laparoscope - a device equipped with a camera that displays an image on the screen in an enlarged form, which allows for very precise manipulations. Thea type of surgical intervention is used to treat women of reproductive age, since during the operation, the tissues of the ovary and nearby organs are maximally preserved.

Many are interested in the question: how long does it take to remove an ovarian cyst? The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and takes from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the degree of the disease and the condition of the patient.

Laparoscopy is performed in several stages:

  1. A gas is injected into the patient's abdominal cavity using a special device, which separates the organs for more precise manipulations.
  2. The abdomen and perineum are treated with antiseptic solutions, after which three punctures are made in the abdominal cavity for special tubes, where the camera and tools for work are then inserted.
  3. With the help of these tools, the formation is removed. If the surgeon has found a large cyst, then first it is punctured, then the contents are aspirated, after which the shell itself is removed.
  4. After the procedure is completed, carbon dioxide is removed from the body, and sutures and postoperative dressings are applied to the puncture sites.
  5. Sometimes a drain tube is required for a period of time.

Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are prescribed during the rehabilitation period. The stitches are removed after about three days. Full recovery of the body occurs after three weeks. Menstruation after laparoscopy of the ovarian cyst does not undergo changes, since the procedure is prescribed on the 7-8th day of the cycle, and by the beginning of the next womanalready fully restored. Just remember that the day of the operation will be the first day of the new menstrual cycle.

With the timely removal of an ovarian cyst, the reviews are in most cases positive.

Contraindications for laparoscopy

Despite the fact that laparoscopic removal of an ovarian cyst is quick and almost without complications, there are a number of contraindications for its implementation.

  • the presence of infectious or inflammatory processes in the body;
  • hemophilia;
  • kidney or liver failure;
  • too large cyst size;
  • presence of adhesions or hernias;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • malignant processes.

Complications and consequences of laparoscopy

The presence of complications after the procedure is observed in a minimum number of women, and they are mainly associated with nausea, short-term vomiting, infection during the operation. If bleeding is observed, then the cause is usually in problems with blood clotting. Therefore, you need to take all the necessary tests before starting the procedure.


Despite the fact that abdominal operations are quite dangerous and have a long rehabilitation period, they are still often used. This method in the removal of an ovarian cyst is used in the case of a very large formation, the presence of adhesions, purulent processes, torsion and malignant tumors. The removal takes place through a fairly large incision in the abdomen under general anesthesia. Recommendations in preparationto the procedure are the same as for laparoscopy.

Steps of the operation:

  1. The abdomen is treated with antiseptics.
  2. An incision is made in the abdomen.
  3. Next, the surgeon removes the formations and checks nearby organs and tissues for other pathological processes.
  4. After all surgical procedures, the incisions are sutured.

The rehabilitation period in this case is longer and more painful. With this method of removing an ovarian cyst, the consequences may be the following: adhesions, inflammation, infection, damage to some organs. Full recovery of the body occurs within 1-1.5 months.

In both the first and second methods of treatment, the removed tissues are sent for histological examination.

Contraindications for laparotomy:

  • chronic diseases;
  • hemophilia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • frequent high blood pressure.

Possible consequences include wound infection, bleeding, blood clots.

Laser cyst removal

Laser removal is a very effective painless method. He althy tissues are practically not affected. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Operation progress:

  1. After the anesthesia has taken effect, a very small puncture is made in the skin, for a special needle, which is then inserted into the cystic cavity.
  2. A laser beam is applied through this needle, which dissolvescyst and seals damaged tissue.
  3. Then, using the same needle, the dissolved tissues are removed using a vacuum.

Contraindications to this procedure include diabetes mellitus, oncological processes, diseases of the nervous system.


After the removal of the ovarian cyst, the postoperative period is aimed at restoring the reproductive function of the woman and the normal functioning of the organ. Much attention is also paid to the exclusion of recurrence of the disease. Stages of rehabilitation:

  1. Hormone intake: synthetic progestins, antigonadotropins.
  2. Special diet.
  3. Admission of ascorbic acid in the middle of the cycle.
  4. Phonophoresis.
  5. Magnitolaser therapy.
  6. Lack of exercise.


Visit to the gynecologist
Visit to the gynecologist

Due to the fact that the ovarian cyst, the symptoms and treatment of which we described above, can occur without any symptoms, scheduled visits to the gynecologist are very important. The development of the disease can be detected at the earliest stages, which will greatly facilitate the treatment process.
