True cervical erosion: symptoms, causes, treatment methods, reviews

True cervical erosion: symptoms, causes, treatment methods, reviews
True cervical erosion: symptoms, causes, treatment methods, reviews

True cervical erosion is diagnosed quite often. A similar pathology is an ulceration of the mucous membrane of the uterine pharynx. This disease is quite common and is mainly detected during a routine examination. Its signs do not appear immediately, and they are characteristic of many diseases.

It is very important to recognize the course of the disease in a timely manner and carry out treatment that will help get rid of such a pathology. This will help prevent complications.

Features of the disease

To understand what it is - a true erosion of the cervix, you need to characterize the disease in more detail. Small ulcers form on the mucous membrane of the organ. The appearance of such disorders largely depends on the degree of progression of the disease.

Signs of illness
Signs of illness

True erosion of the cervix - damage to the mucous membrane adjacent to the vagina. In the absence of timely comprehensive treatment, pathology can penetrate into deeper layers and tissues.

It may be accompaniedpolyp formation. It is also possible the occurrence of genital warts. The defect can lead to malignant tissue degeneration.

In addition, when tissues are damaged, an infection can easily enter the body, which threatens with very dangerous complications.

Main classification

Among all true erosions of the cervix, there are several groups of pathological processes, the causes of which may be different, from hormonal disorders to mechanical damage. Among the main types of erosion, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • endometriosis;
  • ectropion;
  • leukoplakia.

Endometriosis implies a displacement with the imposition of cells of different cytological structure on top of each other. Ectropion - displacement of the epithelial region lining the mucous membrane of the cervical canal into the vagina. It occurs as a result of mechanical action, and the main causes may be difficult childbirth, late abortions.

Leukoplakia - hardening of the epithelium in any area of the mucosa. Condylomas and polyps can form in the area of the cervical canal. Signs of erosion may vary depending on its subspecies and location.

Causes of occurrence

It has not yet been fully studied, for what exact reasons there is a true erosion of the cervix. Before treatment, a comprehensive examination is required to determine the predisposing factor, the occurrence of pathology.

Among the prerequisites are endocervicitis and vaginitis. Girls up toAt the age of 18, a congenital type of the disease is often noted. In adolescents, violations can occur against the background of early sexual relations. In pregnant women, mucosal lesions are formed for the same reason.

Among the main causes of erosion are the following:

  • mechanical damage;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pelvic inflammatory disease;
  • earlier or later onset of sexual activity;
  • prolonged absence of sexual intercourse;
  • hormonal failure;
  • immunity problems.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the physiological erosion that occurs before the age of 25. In this case, there is no need for treatment, since such injuries heal on their own.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of true erosion of the cervix do not occur immediately, which is why a woman for a long time may not even be aware of the course of the disease. However, it is important to recognize its course in a timely manner, as this will minimize the risk of complications. Are many interested? What is it - true erosion of the cervix. It is impossible to identify the disease from the photo. You should consult a gynecologist.

How does the pathology proceed and what are the symptoms? The disease has quite characteristic signs, in particular, such as:

  • bleeding between periods;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • heavy discharge not caused by thrush.

Erosion has absolutely no effect onwoman's well-being. However, inflammation is often associated with the disease, which is characterized by increased pain and an increase in the amount of discharge. They have the appearance of a white thick liquid without a strong odor.

Cervical erosion
Cervical erosion

The appearance of complaints is caused by the presence of concomitant diseases of the cervical canal or vagina. All these signs are completely non-specific for erosion, as they can often occur against the background of other diseases.

If at least one sign appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. This will eliminate the occurrence of complications, which are characterized by the appearance of discharge, accompanied by discomfort.


After the initial examination, which is carried out manually with the help of mirrors, in case of suspicion of erosion, the woman is offered to undergo a series of tests. With the course of true erosion of the cervix, histology helps to determine whether it is benign or malignant.

Carrying out treatment
Carrying out treatment

In addition, all known types of sexually transmitted diseases are tested simultaneously, since the symptoms of many such diseases have a similar form. During the examination, the doctor prescribes a number of tests, namely:

  • examination of a vaginal smear for pathogenic microflora;
  • cytological examination;
  • colposcopy;
  • sowing;
  • blood test;
  • biopsy;
  • PCR test for infection.

Colposcopy is considered a very informative technique. The aim of thisresearch is to clarify the presence of altered cells and the area of their localization. The colposcopic picture of true erosion of the cervix helps to identify suspicious areas of the mucosa. This allows you to correctly diagnose and determine the inflammatory or tumor formation.

Features of treatment

Treatment of true cervical erosion is possible only after a diagnosis has been made, as well as a course of therapy for all concomitant diseases, especially infectious ones. Basically, an operation is prescribed, but in some cases it is possible to take medications and use folk remedies and methods.

Medicated treatment

Drug treatment of true cervical erosion is aimed at stopping the inflammatory process and fighting sexually transmitted infections. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics. As an aid, it is recommended to use anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs to increase immunity.

Additionally, the cervix is treated with preparations intended for chemical coagulation in the affected area. They do not leave scars, but there is a risk of recurrence.

Medical treatment
Medical treatment

Erosion can also be treated with candles. This method is considered the most gentle. However, it should be noted that such therapy is possible only if small areas are affected.

Candles "Hexicon" help eliminate inflammation. They need to be applied twice a day. Course of therapy20 days.

The advantage of Livarol candles is that they need to be administered once, and the therapeutic effect is observed after 5 days. However, it is worth remembering that you can not use them during pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Surgical treatment

To decide on a therapeutic scheme, you need to take into account many different factors, the main of which is the cause that provoked the disease. It is important to eliminate it at the very beginning of therapy. Among modern methods of treatment, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • chemical coagulation;
  • diathermocoagulation;
  • laser vaporization;
  • cryolysis;
  • radio wave technique.

Chemical coagulation is reduced to the treatment of an area with a defect with special chemicals. As such a tool, you can use Solkovagin. The use of such a tool is possible only with a slight erosion. Among the main advantages of using such a tool, one should highlight such as:

  • no pain during the procedure;
  • ease of use;
  • affordable drug cost.

Diathermocoagulation helps to effectively get rid of such a pathology, however, this technique is outdated and has drawbacks. Its essence lies in the fact that erosion is cauterized by current, and a burn forms in this area. In this regard, this method of treatment is used quite rarely. The main disadvantage is discomfort and soreness. There is also a riskbleeding.

One of the most common methods of treatment is laser vaporization. It implies that the affected area is treated with laser beams. A big plus is the absence of side effects and high performance.

During cryodestruction, the affected area is treated with liquid nitrogen using a special apparatus. A big plus is the absence of pain, as well as deformation of the cervix.

Folk remedies

Self-treatment of major erosion is completely unacceptable, as it requires mandatory intervention. All methods of folk therapy are used only as a prophylactic.

Folk remedies
Folk remedies

Calendula infusion is used to douche the vagina. This remedy helps well with congenital erosion. It serves as a prevention of many sexually transmitted diseases.

For the impregnation of tampons, you can use mummy, which promotes cauterization of erosion. Aloe has healing properties. Mix the juice of the plant, with honey and castor oil. Soak tampons with the finished mixture.

Before using traditional medicine, you must consult your doctor.

Erosion during pregnancy and after childbirth

The presence of erosion does not mean at all that a woman will not be able to get pregnant, but constant monitoring by a gynecologist is required. Treatment can be carried out before the conception of a child or after childbirth. Doctors warn that planned pregnancy andelimination of all problems before conception significantly increases the likelihood of its successful course and the birth of a he althy baby.

Erosion during pregnancy
Erosion during pregnancy

Cervical erosion often occurs after the birth process, as ruptures and other injuries occur. It can also occur during the first or very rapid labor or delivery of women over 40.

Possible Complications

With true erosion of the cervix, clinical recommendations must be followed very strictly, as this can lead to complications. If you do not carry out treatment and do not eliminate the pathology, then over time it can lead to cancer. In addition, the papillomavirus can get on the erosive surface and provoke various disorders.


With timely detection and treatment of erosion, the prognosis is quite favorable. This disease is dangerous because after a while it can develop into a malignant tumor. In addition, cystic cavities, polyps and scars can quickly form at the site of damage, which can later become an obstacle to pregnancy.


All preventive measures to prevent erosion are based on:

  • regular gynecological examination;
  • having a permanent sexual partner;
  • treatment of acute and chronic diseases;
  • immunoprophylaxis;
  • using contraceptives.

It is important to treat erosion in a timely mannerimmediately after it is discovered to prevent dangerous consequences.


Good feedback from patients deserved radio wave treatment of erosion. They say that such a technique is as safe and effective as possible. Diathermocoagulation is considered the most accessible method, but the disadvantage is the presence of many side effects.
