Medicine 2024, October

Nebulizer: inhalations with "Borjomi", the rules of the procedure, preparation, indications, recommendations and reviews of patients and doctors

Nebulizer: inhalations with "Borjomi", the rules of the procedure, preparation, indications, recommendations and reviews of patients and doctors

There are legends about the healing properties of Borjomi water. This is a real healing fluid that is used for various diseases, from diabetes to cancer. But it is worth mentioning that mineral water becomes dangerous in large quantities, as it can cause ulcers, which is associated with the alkaline nature of the drink. Inhalations with "Borjomi" in a nebulizer help get rid of dry cough and help soften sputum

Vaccination measles-rubella-mumps: revaccination, types of vaccines, reaction

Vaccination measles-rubella-mumps: revaccination, types of vaccines, reaction

Every mother should ask herself the question: "Am I doing everything possible for the safety of my child?" Many women now refuse to vaccinate their children, but what is more terrible: a reaction to the vaccine, which will pass in a couple of days, or a dangerous disease, the consequences of which can be unpredictable? We offer you to get acquainted with the most common vaccines and procedures for revaccination against measles, rubella, mumps

Worms in humans: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prescribed treatment, recovery period and preventive measures

Worms in humans: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prescribed treatment, recovery period and preventive measures

Worms in a person is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that may not manifest itself for a long time. Parasitic worms in science are called helminths. Human infection is called helminthiasis. This happens as a result of ingestion of eggs of worms into our body. Contrary to popular belief that worms are a purely childhood disease, adults are also subject to a strong attack from parasites

Lymphatic drainage massage: reviews, photos

Lymphatic drainage massage: reviews, photos

To cope with the problems of excess weight, cellulite, swelling, bags under the eyes, as well as prolong the youthfulness of the skin of the face and body, lymphatic drainage massage is excellent. Reviews about this type of massage are mostly positive. Therefore, we will consider in more detail what kind of procedure it is, who needs it, and who is contraindicated

Efficiency how to improve? Means and products that increase efficiency and activity

Efficiency how to improve? Means and products that increase efficiency and activity

The performance of the body tends to decline. You can increase it by applying fairly simple but effective methods

Structure and function of the salivary glands

Structure and function of the salivary glands

During the Middle Ages, there was an interesting way to find out whether a person is guilty or not. He was offered to try dry rice. If a person could not swallow it, then he was found guilty. Now it's hard to believe, but this method is based on the function of the salivary glands. This topic will be the subject of our article

Physical inactivity: consequences, prevention, causes and features of treatment

Physical inactivity: consequences, prevention, causes and features of treatment

What is physical inactivity and what are its consequences? Let's look at this issue in more detail. Physical inactivity is a violation of the functioning of the human body in the form of a decrease in muscle tone, which is a consequence of limited motor activity

Scorpion sting: symptoms, first aid, consequences and treatment

Scorpion sting: symptoms, first aid, consequences and treatment

The scorpion, an exotic arachnid similar to crayfish, belonging to the type of arthropod insects, has been fearful of all living things for many centuries. Its bite carries a huge danger to a person, up to partial paralysis and death

Hepatitis C - carrier, description and features of treatment

Hepatitis C - carrier, description and features of treatment

This article talks about hepatitis C, who is a carrier of hepatitis C, the causes of infection, whether it can be cured, what risks it carries, and how to protect yourself from this disease

Eye pressure measurement: methods, what devices are used

Eye pressure measurement: methods, what devices are used

Measurement of eye pressure can determine its level both at home and in the hospital. If the pressure level drops or rises, this may indicate the development of serious diseases that affect the quality and visual acuity. What methods and devices help to identify pathology?

Heart valves: description, structure, functions and defects

Heart valves: description, structure, functions and defects

Everyone knows that the heart is one of the most important organs of the human body. However, few people know the mechanisms of the heart and what components form it. Heart valves are the part of the heart that is most often affected by defects, which is why it is so important to know what their role is in the functioning of the cardiovascular system

Tricuspid valve: description, structure, functions and acquired defects

Tricuspid valve: description, structure, functions and acquired defects

Pathologies of the heart are always very dangerous. It is important to diagnose them correctly in time. One of the important departments is the tricuspid valve, which affects the work of the whole organism

Serous fluid: concept, functions

Serous fluid: concept, functions

The study of serous fluids is of great diagnostic value in modern medicine. Information about these studies enables the doctor to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment in a timely manner. So let's figure out what it is, what types of serous fluid are and in what diseases they can be detected

MRI, transcript. MRI of the brain, larynx, abdomen, spine

MRI, transcript. MRI of the brain, larynx, abdomen, spine

MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is a unique, safe diagnostic method. For the first time, the technique was tested on tubes, obtaining a clear picture

CT and MRI of the liver: diagnosis of diseases

CT and MRI of the liver: diagnosis of diseases

Modern methods of liver diagnostics. In what cases is it necessary to undergo an MRI? Preparation and implementation of the procedure. Which is safer for he alth CT or MRI? Who is contraindicated for MRI?

What are the physiological curves of the spine

What are the physiological curves of the spine

The evolution of the human body has continued for several millennia. According to Darwin's theory, the shape of the body and its functions changed with the advent of new needs. In the history of China and other ancient countries, facts are known when small children were disfigured in a certain way, getting hunchbacks for circuses and cabinets of curiosities

Odontoid process of a vertebra: location, photo, displacement, fracture

Odontoid process of a vertebra: location, photo, displacement, fracture

Most vertebrae have seven processes: spinous, four articular and two transverse. But in the cervical spine there is a vertebra with a special structure. He has one process more than all the others. This is the second cervical vertebra. Its eighth process is directed upwards

Common signs of injury, fracture and dislocation: diagnosis and first aid

Common signs of injury, fracture and dislocation: diagnosis and first aid

What are the signs of a bruise, dislocation and fracture? These injuries are sometimes quite difficult to distinguish from each other. Consider their main symptoms and first aid rules

Ankle injury: symptoms and treatment features

Ankle injury: symptoms and treatment features

According to ICD-10, bruises and similar diseases correspond to class 19, which is called "Poisoning, injuries and other consequences arising from external causes." Diseases and injuries related to the foot and ankle joint are collected in one general block, indicated by the numbers S90-S99

Endoscopic examinations: methods, features of the procedure and reviews

Endoscopic examinations: methods, features of the procedure and reviews

Medical science is constantly developing, thanks to which it is possible to detect various pathological conditions in a timely manner and provide the necessary assistance to patients. Endoscopic studies allow assessing the condition of the tissues of hollow organs from the inside

Fraternal and identical twins: differences

Fraternal and identical twins: differences

The appearance of twins is an unusual phenomenon that attracts the eyes of others. Why, then, in one case, as a result of multiple pregnancy, monozygotic twins appear, and in the other - dizygotic babies?

First aid for cuts. Providing first aid for cuts

First aid for cuts. Providing first aid for cuts

A cut is an injury from which no one is immune - neither an adult nor a child. Most often, such a wound is received in everyday life, when working with a kitchen knife was not very careful. It is important to know what first aid should be for cuts so that the wound heals faster. After all, if you do not follow all the processing rules, there is a risk of developing an infection that requires long-term treatment

MRI of the head and neck: indications, preparation, interpretation. What does an MRI show

MRI of the head and neck: indications, preparation, interpretation. What does an MRI show

MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is one of the most accurate diagnostic procedures available today. Most of all, the accuracy of the data obtained is important for MRI of the head and neck, since it is here that the most valuable vessels and arteries of the body, as well as the brain, pass. The study of the brain often brings with it numerous difficulties, as it is one of the most unexplored organs of the human body

Frequent urge to urinate in women: causes and varieties

Frequent urge to urinate in women: causes and varieties

Frequent urge to urinate in women is a very common problem that almost every woman faces at least once in her life. Today we propose to find out in which cases such a phenomenon may not cause concern, and in which it should serve as a signal of the need to consult a doctor

Acupressure, its use and contraindications

Acupressure, its use and contraindications

The article defines the essence of acupressure. The pathological conditions under which this therapeutic technique can be used, as well as the main contraindications to the impact on biologically active points of the human body are indicated

How to make an enema for constipation

How to make an enema for constipation

Human he alth is very important, it plays a big role. You should always follow him, eat right, play sports, swim. All this helps to keep the human body in good shape. But sometimes there are various he alth problems that bring discomfort, one of them is constipation. Defecation problems are very common these days. What to do? An enema can help with this. And how to do it right? This will be discussed in detail in the article

Children's enema: doctor's prescription, rules and timing, dosage, indications and contraindications

Children's enema: doctor's prescription, rules and timing, dosage, indications and contraindications

The article provides a classification of enemas, lists the indications and contraindications for their administration. The details of the use of enemas are considered: water temperature, volume of liquid, devices for administration, the position of the child for manipulation. The procedures for introducing an enema using Esmarch's mug and a pear are considered separately. The features of the use of different types of enemas - microclysters "Mikrolaks", medicinal and others

Donor certificate: registration rules, validity period, sample

Donor certificate: registration rules, validity period, sample

The highest value on earth is human life. Each person has the opportunity to save someone's life without making any special efforts - you just need to contact a specialized medical organization to donate blood

Why do flat-valgus feet develop in children and how to treat them?

Why do flat-valgus feet develop in children and how to treat them?

Plano-valgus deformity of the feet in children is one of the most common pathologies in orthopedics, which, unfortunately, rarely responds to conservative treatment. Such a setting of the foot violates all musculoskeletal mechanics, resulting in an overload of the spine and joints, followed by their degenerative-dystrophic disorder. For this reason, pronounced valgus feet in children need surgical treatment, even if there are no complaints

Shoulder taping: description of the procedure, overlay scheme and reviews

Shoulder taping: description of the procedure, overlay scheme and reviews

In the article we will talk about such a procedure as shoulder taping. It is familiar to many athletes, because they encounter it quite often. But the need for taping can also arise in ordinary people who just got injured

Lactose intolerance: symptoms, treatment, diet

Lactose intolerance: symptoms, treatment, diet

Lactose intolerance. This term is familiar to some mothers of newborn babies, as well as those whose body cannot normally perceive dairy food. What is this disease? What are its causes and symptoms? How to overcome the disease? And is there any way to prevent it from happening?

Treatment with pine cones after a stroke. Treatment with pine cones: contraindications, reviews, recipes

Treatment with pine cones after a stroke. Treatment with pine cones: contraindications, reviews, recipes

Folk treatments have always been popular. Tinctures and decoctions of pine cones are no exception, which help treat the effects of a stroke. About recipes for such drinks, the beneficial properties of cones, the opinion of doctors on this matter and will be discussed in this article

How is the foot? Human foot bones anatomy

How is the foot? Human foot bones anatomy

The foot is the lower part of the lower limb. One side of it, the one that comes into contact with the floor surface, is called the sole, and the opposite, upper side is called the back. The foot has a movable, flexible and elastic vaulted structure with a bulge upwards. The anatomy and this shape makes it capable of distributing weights, reducing shocks when walking, adapting to unevenness, achieving a smooth gait and elastic standing. This article describes in detail its structure

Scaphoid. Foot bones: anatomy

Scaphoid. Foot bones: anatomy

The navicular bone in the human body is located in the foot and in the hand. It is quite often prone to injury, for example, a fracture. Due to their location, as well as their unusual and small size, navicular bones are difficult to heal

Face transplant: history, the most successful operations. Face transplant in Russia

Face transplant: history, the most successful operations. Face transplant in Russia

In 1997, a thrilling action movie starring John Travolta and Nicolas Cage "Face Off" appeared on the movie screens. The protagonist of the film goes on an incredible adventure and performs a face transplant operation. At that time, such a plot was characterized as fantastic. Today, a face transplant is rarely associated with a famous thriller story and no longer seems like a fairy tale

Visuo-motor coordination: formation, development, possible disorders

Visuo-motor coordination: formation, development, possible disorders

Hand-eye coordination is a person's ability to use his hands and eyes at the same time when performing certain actions. It is also known as "coordination" in the eye-hand system, eye-hand or visomotor coordination. With its help, we are able to use the information obtained with the help of the eyes to coordinate the movement of the hands

Endoscopic surgery: features, advantages and disadvantages

Endoscopic surgery: features, advantages and disadvantages

Endoscopic surgery over the past decade has become widespread throughout the world. At the same time, it is worth remembering that, in addition to a large number of advantages, they also have some disadvantages

Immobilizing dressings: types and applications, overlay technique

Immobilizing dressings: types and applications, overlay technique

The purpose of immobilizing dressings is to create, under certain medical indications, a state of immobility for a damaged organ, which is the main condition for effective therapy. Indications for immobilization are various bone fractures along with joint damage, torn ligaments, large vessels and the nerve trunk

Children's orthopedists of Krasnodar: rating of doctors and reviews

Children's orthopedists of Krasnodar: rating of doctors and reviews

Who should I contact if my child is physically injured or has muscle pain? To obtain detailed information about the disease, as well as recommendations in drawing up a treatment plan, the help of a certain specialist is required. A list with a rating of the best pediatric orthopedists in Krasnodar and patient reviews in the article below

What are the functions of the organs of touch in humans?

What are the functions of the organs of touch in humans?

The organs of touch are special receptors that are localized in the skin, tendons, muscles, joints and mucous membranes. With the help of such perceptive devices, the human body reacts to the complex effects of environmental stimuli: pain, temperature and mechanical