Arugula is a plant whose leaves, flowers and stems can be eaten, and grass seeds are used to make oil. It does not enjoy much success, although it has amazing properties. Arugula oil was first used in ancient Rome. In those days, it was considered an aphrodisiac.
Chemical composition
The oil from the plant can be used not only as a dietary supplement, but also as one of the components of homemade face and hair masks, strengthening nail products, nourishing body cream.

The composition of the oil includes such useful trace elements as:
- vitamin A;
- B vitamins;
- vitamin C;
- vitamin K;
- vitamin E;
- magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, potassium permanganate, copper, magnesium.
In addition, the plant contains tannins that cleanse the skin well, as well as flavonoids that have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Arugula has a lot of fiber. Therefore, drinking a few tablespoons of the oil of this plant, you canheal the body and feel full after a while.
Useful properties of eating a herbaceous plant inside
The benefits and harms of arugula were described by ancient scientists. Over time, the list of useful properties only expanded. So, using arugula oil, you can:
- Improve the condition of the digestive tract and nervous system.
- Increase the body's resistance to viral and other diseases. Therefore, in some countries, this plant is beginning to be consumed in late summer and early autumn to prevent infection with seasonal colds and flu.
- Increase male potency and avoid prostate enlargement.
- Prevent cancer.
- Cure chronic ulcers and gastritis.
- Reduce and stabilize blood sugar levels and eliminate the possibility of diabetes.
- Increase women's milk supply while breastfeeding.
- Help the body to absorb iron faster, which in turn will relieve anemia and low hemoglobin levels.
- Prevent urinary tract disease.
- Regulate blood pressure.

Arugula is an excellent remedy with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, sedative properties.
Benefits of topical oil application
Arugula is similar in its properties to celandine, so it will help get rid of freckles, age spots, corns and warts. Also this toolused to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. Arugula leaf oil has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is used to disinfect wounds and other inflammations.
Regular use of this herb will make the skin of the face:
- smooth;
- velvet;
- cleared from acne and inflamed areas;
- bleached;
- elastic.
In addition, oil from rocket salad is used to get rid of dermatitis.
Disadvantages of using
The benefits and harms of arugula have already been appreciated by many girls, but you need to be very careful about contraindications. The use of this herb may worsen or exacerbate certain chronic diseases. So:
- Eating a large amount of arugula during pregnancy can negatively affect the tone of the uterus and lead to miscarriage.
- The plant has a predominantly pungent taste, so it is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers, gastritis and high acidity.

- Arugula oil in large volumes can lead to an allergic reaction, that is, due to the phytoncides contained in it, individual intolerance to the components may occur.
- It is better to refuse to use oil if a person has kidney and liver diseases.
Arugula should not be taken if the person has a chronic disease.
Facial application
There are several mask recipes that will help get rid of facial skin problems:
- To solve the problem of age spots and freckles, you need to mix half a liter of olive oil and 0.2 kg of chopped arugula. Infuse the mixture for about 2 weeks. Then the resulting product can be applied to the skin of the face.
- Another way to get rid of pigmentation is to apply arugula oil pointwise directly to the spot with the defect. To do this, a moistened cotton pad is applied and glued with a plaster overnight.
- To rejuvenate the face, use a mask: mix 100 ml of arugula oil and 0.1 kg of finely chopped olives. This mask is applied for half an hour, and then washed off with water at room temperature.
- To get rid of wrinkles in a blender combine 5 leaves of arugula, 5 ml of olive oil and one egg white. The mask is applied to the face, neck and décolleté for half an hour, and then washed off with warm water. This mask is used 3 times a week in the evening.
- To cleanse the skin of makeup, oil is applied to a cotton pad and wiped over the face. Then wait a minute and wash off with a wet or dry cotton pad. The oil can dissolve even the most stubborn makeup and cleanse the skin.

According to the instructions for use, arugula seed oil is able to make a toned face without defects.
Using arugula oil for hair
The healing properties of arugula have already been appreciated by many people from all over the world. The oil of the plant is used as a hair care product,to:
- saturate follicles and hair follicles with vitamins;
- strengthen curls and restore their structure;
- moisturize and protect strands from the negative effects of the environment;
- normalize sebum production;
- get rid of dandruff and seborrhea.
This remedy can be used by people with any type of hair.

Effective arugula oil hair masks:
- To strengthen the hair, heat 30 ml of plant oil and rub into the roots of curls for 10-15 minutes. Then leave for a quarter of an hour and at the end rinse with warm water.
- To prevent hair loss, you can mix 30 ml of almond oil and arugula oil. Then apply with massaging movements on the scalp. After an hour, you need to rinse the strands with water.
- To get rid of dandruff, you need to combine in equal amounts (30 ml) broccoli extract and arugula oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair for 60 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly with water.
- To add shine to hair and lay naughty curls, 30 ml of arugula and burdock oil are mixed in a container, then rubbed into strands and left for an hour. After the time has elapsed, rinse with warm running water.
After several procedures, many women note that their hair has become softer, acquired a natural shine, itching and dandruff are gone.
Using rocket salad oil for body care
Arugula oil (also called arugula) is used not only as a hair care product andfacial skin, but also for the beauty of the whole body. So, popular ways to use the plant include the following:
- Applying massage oil. To do this, a small amount of it is added to the main massage agent. The resulting composition has a beneficial effect on the skin of the whole body, relieving irritation and removing inflammation.
- Arugula oil will help restore the beauty of eyebrows and eyelashes. Before going to bed, a cotton swab is dipped in liquid and applied to the skin around the eyelashes and eyebrows.
- This oil is actively used to get rid of excess weight. It is drunk on an empty stomach, 1 small spoonful, or seasoned with salads.

In addition, the oil is added to shampoos, balms, conditioners and other cosmetics.
Healing properties of arugula
Arugula oil, the properties and application of which have already found their positive reviews, is constantly expanding the circle of its fans. So, with it you can cure:
- Anemia. This oil is rich in iron, so regular consumption will replenish the supply of the missing trace element. In small doses, it can be used by pregnant women, however, only as directed by a doctor.
- Thanks to the flavonoids and iodine contained in it, arugula oil cleanses the body of cholesterol. Restores vascular function in atherosclerosis.
- Arugula oil improves eyesight.
This is an amazing plant with universal properties that can cure many diseases and get rid of a variety of cosmetic defects.