Eye pressure keeps the retina stable. It also participates in the process of microevolution of metabolic substances. If the pressure level drops or rises, this may indicate the development of serious diseases that affect the quality and visual acuity.
Intraocular pressure is normal
Intraocular pressure (IOP) is otherwise called ophthalmotonus. Thanks to him, the membranes of the eye are nourished. It also maintains the spherical shape of the shell due to the process of outflow and inflow of intraocular fluid. And it is by the amount of this fluid that the level of IOP is determined.
Measurement of eye pressure can determine its level both at home and in the hospital. However, it should be understood that during the day the indicator may vary. Usually it is higher in the morning and lower in the evening. Normal IOP, both in children and adults, regardless of gender, varies between 10-25 mmHg. Allowed depending on the time of dayslight deviation, but not more than 3mmHg.
Who should regularly perform the procedure

A person should have their eye pressure measured regularly if they have:
- Glaucoma.
- Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
- Cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.
- Decrease in visual acuity.
- Headaches accompanied by pain in the eyes.
- Squeeze the eyeball.
- Dryness of the cornea, its redness and clouding.
- Retraction of the eyeball.
- Pupillary deformity.
The eye pressure monitor may give incorrect information if the patient is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It also does not make sense to take measurements if the patient is aggressive and overexcited. Another contraindication for the procedure is the presence of an infectious, bacterial or viral disease of the fundus and mucous membrane.
Diagnosis by palpation method
In some cases, the doctor measures eye pressure by palpation. With its help, it is possible to determine the ophthalmotonus only approximately. During the procedure, the level of intraocular pressure is assessed using fingertips.
The steps of the procedure are as follows:
- The patient looks down.
- The doctor leans on the forehead with his fingers, and places his index fingers on the eyelid.
- The ophthalmologist presses lightly oneyeball.
If the doctor feels small impulses of the sclera and the fundus, this indicates that the IOP is slightly lowered or is within the normal range. If, when pressing on the sclera, it is necessary to apply certain efforts, then the pressure is above normal. In this case, pushing with the index finger is not felt.
Thanks to palpation, you can find out the level of the degree of density of the sclera. It can be moderate, normal, elevated and even stone. With ophthalmotonus, the doctor also detects softened sclera, which is soft, very soft, or excessively soft.
Usually, ophthalmologists use this diagnostic method when there are contraindications for using other methods. In addition, using this method, you can measure the pressure of the fundus at home, without using special devices.
Method of diagnosing the level of IOP according to Maklakov

In this case, you will need a Maklakov tonometer to measure eye pressure. However, such a device is not always appropriate to use. For example, if a patient has inflammatory diseases or has recently undergone eye surgery, tonometry is strictly prohibited.
The procedure according to Maklakov's method is carried out as follows. Local anesthesia is used to relieve pain. Then, within 5 minutes, the patient lies down on the couch for examination. The examination is carried out using a device consisting of special hollow metal weight cylinders that weigh10 g each. They are dipped in a special pigment paint. The tonometer is located right in the center of the cornea. The right eye is examined first, and then the left. In this case, the weights are pressed on the cornea, leaving paint on it. After that, the ophthalmologist makes an imprint on paper and measures the indicator with a ruler to find out how much of the coloring matter has disappeared after touching the eyeball. After all the manipulations, the eyes are instilled with drops that have a disinfecting effect. This completes the eye pressure measurement.
The results should be interpreted as follows. The softer the eyeball, the more paint remains on it. This indicates a low IOP. Such a tonometer allows you to get accurate data. Measurements are usually taken in the morning and evening to determine if a patient has glaucoma.
Measure IOP at home with ICare blood pressure monitor

Today it has become possible to measure eye pressure at home. This can be done using the ICare tonometer. It helps those people who cannot regularly come to the doctor to measure intraocular pressure. This is especially important for those diagnosed with glaucoma. Statistics have shown that approximately 50% of patients suffer from high IOP precisely when they are not at the doctor's office.
ICare tonometer is very convenient to use, you will not feel any pain during the procedure. It is also completely harmless. The device allows you to quickly getaccurate results.
Diagnosis is carried out using a special sensor that is in contact with the patient's cornea. It is disposable and easy to replace. Due to the fact that it is very small and weighs a little, measurements will not cause any discomfort. The advantages of the device are as follows:
- Allows you to instantly measure IOP with high accuracy.
- No need to worry about anesthesia before use.
- Absolutely harmless to humans and reliable.
- Does not cause reflex contractions.
- Supplied with disposable sensors, reducing the risk of infection.
- Saves the previous 10 measurements and displays them on the screen.
- Easy to operate and battery operated.
- Beeps once and twice. The first indicates a successful measurement.
- Features very light weight.
- Comes with an additional accessory for storing and transporting the device.
Best appliances for home use

Currently, there are many devices for measuring eye pressure at home. Here are the ones that have proven themselves in the market:
- TVGD-01. Allows you to quickly measure IOP through the eyelid. Does not require the use of antiseptics, as it does not come into contact with the cornea.
- TVGD-02. It is a more advanced model and was created specifically to diagnose glaucoma. Quite often used by doctors who provide emergency medical care, as well as in officespre-medical examination. Now approved for home use.
- TGDts -01 and IHD - 02. These devices for home measurement of eye pressure are analogues. They are no worse than stationary devices. The devices weigh 89g and provide accurate data in 3 seconds.
- IGD - 03. This home eye pressure monitor is an innovative and recent addition. It is equipped with an advanced display and has enhanced functionality. With it, you can easily check the level of IOP even in children. It is very small and therefore suitable for home use.
Proximity devices

Non-contact measurement of eye pressure is carried out using special devices that allow you to quickly identify the pathology. They do not require dyes or anesthesia. The technique is sparing, because it excludes damage to the cornea. For example, the TVGD-01 tonometer model does not provide for contact with the stratum corneum.
The advantages of this device are as follows:
- The cornea is not infected.
- The outer surface of the machine is highly resistant to chemical disinfection.
- The procedure is not traumatic.
- The measurement process is completely under the control of the electronics.
- Does not require anesthesia.
- Suitable for patients with sensitive eyes, and even for repeated use.
- Allows you to measure the level of IOP and sitting, andlying down.
- Suitable for use in patients with allergic reactions to anesthetic agents and contraindications for corneal tonometry.
Optical coherence tomography
This is an innovative non-contact technique that can examine different structures of the eye with high resolution. During the procedure, infrared light rays enter the eye, and then the prints are reflected. Further, interference occurs, which fixes and transforms the OCT.
However, this method sometimes produces false positive or negative results. Therefore, to get really accurate data, more research is needed. OCT can detect minor deviations of the optic nerve. It can be used to diagnose glaucoma and other diseases in the early stages. During the procedure, the patient must fix his gaze on the mark. Next, several scans are carried out and the specialist selects the best image in terms of quality. After that, maps, protocols and special tables are compiled, based on which we can talk about the presence of changes.
Goldman Apparatus

Another tonometer for measuring eye pressure is the Goldman device. It is based on applanation tonometry. The device is mounted on a slit lamp. It also has a special prism installed.
The patient is anesthetized and instilled with a fluorescein solution. After that to the corneaa prism is applied. The specialist carefully adjusts the degree of pressure of the prism on the cornea. It is flattened until the colored half-rings converge at one point. Further, the level of ophthalmotonus is determined using the instrument scale.
Impression device
The operation of such a device is based on the Schiotz method. The level of ophthalmotonus is measured by pressing on the cornea with a special rod, which has a certain weight. Here, anesthesia is a prerequisite.
During the procedure, a rod with a weight is applied to the eye. The strength of the ophthalmotonus contributes to its fluctuation, while the arrow on the scale deviates. To interpret the results, the obtained data are compared with the indicators of special tables.
IOP tonometer “Pascal”
With the help of such a device, contour dynamic tonometry is performed. Here flattening of the stratum corneum is not provided. The device is mounted on the optical axis of the slit lamp. The specialist sees where the border is between the tip of the device that determines the level of ophthalmotonus and the cornea. The handpiece is equipped with a special sensor that generates a signal. The device emits a sound signal, the higher it is, the higher the IOP. He listens for five seconds.
In closing

Tonometers for measuring the internal pressure of the eye testify to the rapid development of medical technology. After all, the first mechanical devices have been replaced by modern electronic devices that are very convenient andeasy to manage and also safe to use. With the help of such devices, serious eye diseases can be detected at an early stage.