Many aesthetic and medical problems are associated with the retention of excess fluid in body tissues, which directly depends on the functioning of the lymphatic system. To cope with the problems of excess weight, cellulite, swelling, bags under the eyes, as well as prolong the youthfulness of the skin of the face and body, lymphatic drainage massage is excellent. Reviews about this type of massage are mostly positive. Therefore, let us consider in more detail what kind of procedure it is, who needs it, and who is contraindicated.
The lymphatic system and its role in the life of the body
The main role of the lymphatic system is to transport cells of the immune system to the necessary areas of the body. In addition, it is involved in cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances. The lymphatic system is closely connected with the circulatory system and complements it. Consists of lymphatic organs (tonsils, spleen, thymus), vessels, capillaries, nodes and ducts.

Any malfunction of the lymphatic system causes swelling of different parts of the body. SpeedThe movement of lymph depends on many factors: the tone of the vessels of the lymphatic system, blood pressure, the work of the hormonal systems of the body. At the same time, by directly influencing the work of the lymphatic system, it is possible to achieve an impact on other body systems: circulatory, cardiovascular, hormonal. This explains the high efficiency of lymphatic drainage massage.
What is lymphatic drainage massage
Let's look at the basic concepts. Lymphatic drainage is the process of removing stagnant excess fluid from the intercellular space of the body and normalizing the speed and quality of lymph flow. Lymphatic drainage massage is a physical effect on the body in the direction of the lymphatic vessels in order to stimulate metabolism and normalize the functioning of the lymphatic system. It is a good way to improve the contours of the body and face, as well as he alth and immunity.
Who needs lymphatic drainage massage
Lymphatic drainage massage is indicated for fluid retention in the body and edema, venous insufficiency. Also, the procedure is carried out for body shaping during weight loss, it removes excess water from the body and improves the shape of the body. The list of indications for lymphatic drainage massage is quite wide:
- overweight;
- cellulite;
- varicose veins;
- swelling of any part of the face and body;
- lymphostasis;
- impaired tone of the lymphatic vessels;
- lymph flow disorders;
- lowered immunity;
- stress;
- sagging facial skin.

Applyinglymphatic drainage massage, you can achieve a stable and long-term effect.
Lymphatic drainage massage contributes to the solution of many cosmetic and medical problems. The results of the massage course are:
- Decrease in body fat, since with the accumulation of fluid in the body, toxins also accumulate, which are normally excreted along with water. This reduces the body's ability to break down fats and cholesterol. Lymphatic drainage massage promotes the elimination of toxins and the breakdown of subcutaneous and visceral fat (which surrounds the internal organs).
- Get rid of cellulite. Lymphatic drainage massage promotes the launch of active blood flow, and the lymph removes the breakdown products of fat cells. The skin becomes smooth, bumps disappear.
- Loss of body weight, as massage helps to activate metabolism. It promotes weight loss.
- Decrease or disappearance of edema in different parts of the body.
- Disappearance of bags under the eyes.
- Lifting the contour of the face. The skin becomes smoother and more elastic, wrinkles disappear.
- Smooth fine lines.
- Body contouring.
- Increase immunity. Lymph is the transport for our immune cells, and improving lymph flow affects the body's overall ability to resist infection and disease.
- Improvement of general well-being, normalization of pressure.

Types of lymphatic drainage massage
Lymphatic drainage massage can be hardwareor manual. Both methods have positive reviews.
- Manual lymphatic drainage massage is performed by a specialist, taking into account the structure of the lymphatic system. The massage therapist acts on the lymphatic and blood vessels of the body. The main advantage of such a massage is the direct contact of the specialist with the patient, which helps to better "feel" problem areas and work them out.
- Apparatus massage is performed using a special technique, this is a vacuum-roller device or LPG. The main advantage of this type is following a clearly defined program, the absence of traumatic factors, a faster improvement in skin tone.
According to the degree of impact, lymphatic drainage massage happens:
- Surface. Affects the upper layers of the skin and small lymphatic vessels.
- Deep. The specialist acts on the deeper layers of the skin, as well as muscle tissue, stimulating larger vessels and ducts, including those that provide direct outflow of lymph from the internal organs.
- Acupressure lymphatic drainage massage is performed mainly by hardware. This is a mechanical or electrical effect on the projection of the main lymph nodes.
Also, lymphatic drainage massage can be classified according to the functions and parts of the body that the massage therapist has to work with. This is the face, neck, stomach, hips, legs, back.
Lymphatic drainage facial massage: reviews and techniques
Lymphatic drainage facial massage can also be manual or hardware. Manual is performed by a specialist, and hardware is carried out due to the influence of weak electricalimpulses to the superficial layers of the skin or vacuum to deeper layers.
Those who have at least once done electric lymphatic drainage facial massage, the reviews are impressive, as most patients see a pronounced reduction in wrinkles on the forehead and in the area of the nasolabial triangle.

Vacuum facial massage quickly removes swelling and bags under the eyes, the effect becomes noticeable after the first procedures. Also, the skin of the face is smoothed, its color is evened out. Up to 95% of patients notice an improvement in facial contours after the procedure.
However, some note that the result after the procedure does not last long. In order for the effect to be long-lasting, you need to adjust your lifestyle and diet, observe the drinking regime, and also do not abuse s alts, hot spices, coffee and tea.
Anti-cellulite lymphatic drainage massage
It is believed that lymphatic drainage massage, improving the functioning of the lymph flow, helps to eliminate cellulite and remove toxins from the body. Reviews of lymphatic drainage body massage to reduce the severity of cellulite are usually positive if the procedure is carried out in a complex with dietary and lifestyle adjustments.

The severity of the result depends on the characteristics of the organism, as well as on the professionalism of the specialist who works with you, and on your attitude towards the result.
Anti-cellulite lymphatic drainage body massage: reviews, photos
Most patients notice a significant decrease in the number oftubercles on problem areas, as well as improving the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. At the same time, an improvement in general well-being was noticed, lightness appeared in the whole body, efficiency and energy increased.
The effect is noticeable not only in the subjective feelings of patients and reviews of lymphatic drainage massage. Before and after photos taken by many experts also confirm the high effectiveness of the procedure.
From the negative reviews, pronounced pain during the massage was noticed. Some patients were unable to complete the course. Pain sensations and the degree of their severity also depend on the individual characteristics of the body and the correctness of the selected program during the hardware exposure.
The most painless type of lymphatic drainage anti-cellulite massage is pressotherapy - exposure to problem areas with compressed air.
Lymphatic drainage body massage for weight loss in the abdomen and thighs: reviews
Is it possible to get rid of excess weight thanks to this procedure? Losing weight after undergoing a course of lymphatic drainage massage occurs due to:
- quick removal of fluid from problem areas;
- speed up metabolism while stimulating lymph flow.

Pros of using lymphatic drainage massage for weight loss:
- After reducing the volume, the skin does not sag. On the contrary, it becomes more elastic and elastic.
- Actively removes fats that are difficult to digest, trans fats, which helps to reduce volumebelly.
- Slags and substances unnecessary to the body are actively removed.
- He alth and immunity are strengthened.
- The result is stored for a long time.
Reviews of hardware lymphatic drainage massage are positive, although fabulous results should not be expected. On average, you can lose up to 5 kilograms for the entire course. But at the same time, the lost volumes return slowly, and the figure also acquires relief and beauty due to the fact that the excess volume leaves precisely the problem areas.
Lymphatic drainage foot massage for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins
This procedure is indicated if your legs get tired, you have to stand or sit a lot at work or at school, the veins and lymphatic vessels can no longer cope with the outflow of fluid upwards. Edema is formed, and this is fraught with weakening of the venous valves, which in turn provokes varicose veins.
To reduce swelling, as part of a complex of treatment and prevention procedures, lymphatic drainage foot massage is indicated. Feedback on this type of procedure is mostly positive. The effect is observed already after the first application in the form of a feeling of lightness in the legs, a decrease in the severity of edema, if any.

To eliminate lymphostasis, which is often the cause of heaviness in the legs, sessions are carried out every other day, but not more than 12 in a row. Next is a break. To prevent varicose veins, lymphatic drainage of the legs is done at least once a week for a long time.
Most patients noted a decrease in pain with varicose veins, a decline and complete disappearanceswelling of the legs, thighs and legs, feet. The highest efficiency is given by daily manual foot massage, as well as pressotherapy. It should be noted that lymphatic drainage massage is indicated only in the early stages of varicose veins or for prevention at increased risks of developing the disease.
Despite the positive reviews, lymphatic drainage massage is not for everyone. There are contraindications to such a procedure:
- diabetes in any form;
- lymphadenitis and swollen lymph nodes;
- malignant tumors;
- inflammation in the acute stage;
- thrombosis and tendency to form blood clots;
- chronic skin diseases;
- exacerbation of herpes in problem areas;
- skin damage;
- diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
- diseases and disorders of the thyroid gland.
Pregnancy in any trimester is not a contraindication for all types of lymphatic drainage massage, but in any case, you need to use the procedure with caution, weighing the pros and cons and consulting with your doctor.